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CL30 last won the day on October 20 2018

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  1. FWIW, I can tell you that our taxi speed limit is 30kts ground speed. That's all I have to offer, lol.
  2. Thanks for the reply! Figured that would be the case...oh well! Looking forward to the next version. Hopefully, they'll have a lot of the flaws fixed as you said. 😁
  3. Hey all, Haven't been around in ages, but just starting to get back into T3D Pro again, and already starting to pull my hair out lol. Is it possible to get into the game files and edit various characteristics of aircraft? For example, things like takeoff acceleration and distance; landing rollout speeds, etc. It's super frustrating watching biz jets take forever to takeoff (they're rocket ships and accelerate very fast), and prevents a good flow. Also, what about editing the distance they travel once turning off the runway? Places like LAS and SFO, and I'm sure others, have a few spots where the aircraft will travel past the first taxiway rendering it unusable, and it really throws a wrench into everything. These basic parameters, as you know, make it very difficult to run the game in certain configurations, like SFO's standard "Land 28s, depart 1s." Just curious. Hope you've all been well! Edit: I should clarify that, by changing parameters, I guess I meant more of "Is it possible to assign a Challenger the characteristics of the 73W" in the game...something simple like that. Even though takeoff distance might be a bit more, at least they'll accelerate and get out of the way at a more reasonable rate.
  4. I bought it, played it a few times, and never re-visited it again. When FedEx has their busy times, it's definitely a mad house. Outside of those times, it's pretty dead. (I don't think I used a custom schedule though.)
  5. Okay, thank you guys! Much appreciated!
  6. @vic I don't use voice. Can you tell us which runways will be unusable? Thanks.
  7. Okay, bought OMDB. Thanks, everyone!
  8. OMDB is the one I'm watching right now, and it does look like a good one. I don't really need good visuals as I always have the ADIRS so large, but nice to hear nonetheless.
  9. Yeah, think I'll pass then, thanks @DeltaVII !
  10. Good find, thanks! I'm watching several YouTube videos of various airports right now. Decisions, decisions, haha.
  11. What's everyone's opinion on Barcelona? Watching a video on it now and looks like a nice layout. Is it buggy?
  12. That's a great suggestion, and now I realize that I didn't say I was open to airports outside the US. I should've said I was open to that, so thanks for the recommendation!
  13. Ok, thanks!
  14. Thanks, yeah, I like LAX and BOS a lot. Just looking for something different. Might try MCO, guess I'll think about it and see if more replies follow. 😉
  15. Hey folks! I'm not sure which to grab next. Just kinda getting back into this game recently. I just bought JFK this morning, and I'm disappointed- lots of bugs with taxi instructions. What would be your pick for my next airport? I have these airports now: KJFK KSAN KLAX KLAS KPHX KMEM KBOS KPHL KATL Been thinking about MCO. How's RDU though? I'd like something that stays pretty busy with a good a/c mix.
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