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jonas243 last won the day on March 11 2019

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About jonas243

  • Birthday March 24

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  1. That sounds promising, i myself am not big fan of that tower view above ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Wow, the weather already looks way better. There definetely need to be new ground textures/lights and new buildings. But as you said, you are in development. But the old airport already looks quite good with just some new weather in place ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Oh wow, i havent played for quite a while and decided to have a look in the forum these days! This looks and sounds veery good so far, iยดd love to see some more of the weather or some airport views as soon as you have something to share ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the insight ^^
  4. Hey, i just thought about this idea yesterday when i tried out YMML: It would be nice, if one could configure the runways a bit more when starting up a session (regarding arrivals). I was thinking about defining which runways will be GA-Arrivals only / Commercial only or mixed arrivals. I addition to that it would be nice to decide wheater a certain runway is open for all aircraft types or just heavies. For example playing YMML in the config: 27 for arrivals only, 34 for all departures and some heavy arrivals. Iยดd like to be able to adjust the runway settings so the runway 34 only has arriving heavies and that all other smaller planes go to runway 27. On the other hand a percentage slider would be nice so one can decide on the percentage of planes that arrive on a specific runway. If for example on an airport most of the planes arrive on one runway and the other runway is used not so often, one could put the slider for the first runway to 90% and the other to 10% ๐Ÿ™‚ One more thing: Adding the ability to use the runway setup as it is used right now in the real world would add a lot of realism if one wishes for that ^^ Thank you!
  5. Let me translate as good as i can [the problem is Michi used Google Translator to Translate a German text to english and the he translated that english text back to german so both versiona are hard to understand] List of issues: 1. Pushback trucks still turn around and do 360ยฐ Turns all the time 2.The pushback trucks still push the planes into other planes which results in a crash [not sure about that one] 3. You cant send all landing planes to Terminal 1C and 1D, some of them dont find a route [This is the known issue with the middle gates not receiving arrivals] 4. The airport does not show up /does not get updated when bought via steam [No idea what this means, some problem with steam / not airport related] 5. The Taxiway Center_2 has no functionality 6. DHL Cargo, EVA Cargo, Malaysia Airlines liveries are still missing Those problems havent been fixed yet, so iยดd like to know when this will happen. And i would like to know where i can find the following informations: 1. Which planes are supported by which gates (Which plane fits into which gate) And just for your information: Austrian Airlines has been changed to MyAustrian
  6. Holy crap ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„
  7. found it in this thread ๐Ÿ™‚ https://forum.simflight.com/topic/85525-new-airports-for-tower-3d-pro/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-522200
  8. You might wanna ask on here: https://discord.gg/Q9dvrWg The majority of people on there do play tower 3d pro, but i am 100% certain that there are some people who want to play Tracon as well ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Hello everyone, since i did some testing of this schedule for Gavin i need to add something myself ๐Ÿ™‚ I really enjoyed playing it and it is the best custom LEBL schedule i have played yet! It really has to offer everything you would wish for, some busy hours or more relaxed times so you can have a nice relaxing time in the tower ๐Ÿ™‚ Great schedule, much recommended! Have fun ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Blocked in germany as well...
  11. Another thing i observed and wanted to mention. In my opinion the planes taxiing on taxiways Mike and November that need to hold on Runway 2 hold way to close to the runway. This results in the wings of bigger planes strucking the noses of the holding planes. The hold points on this runway should be repositioned to make it look better and more realistic. The issue with unrealistic or wrong holding points occurs on other airports as well, but i just saw it on LEBL again so i wanted to mention it! Attached is a picture to see the stopping points of the planes:
  12. If you only have real traffic, you will need real color as well to get the liveries for the aircraft.
  13. If i am correct there is a difference between tracon 2012 and the steam edition of tracon 2012. They have fixed some minor bugs and issues on the steam version. Therefore the steam version is the one I would recommend. The steam version is not totally identical with the normal version if I remember it right. Please correct me when I am wrong! And i just recently got the advice not to buy tracon 2012 because it is not a good game and not realistic.
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