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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. The PMDG offsets are just populated directly from the data received from the PMDG SDK. If there are any questions or issues with this data, you need to ask about this (i.e. SDK variable AIR_CabinVSNeedle) on the PMDG support forums. Sorry I can't be of more help, John
  2. But even with that the formulae still don't make sense - if rudder < 50 then: Left Brake Control = 2*((100-Rudder)-50)*(Rudder<50)*Brake/100 === 2*((100-Rudder)-50)*1*Brake/100 Right Brake Control = (2*(Rudder-50)*(Rudder>50))*Brake/100 === (2*(Rudder-50)*0)*Brake/100 === 0 and if rudder > 50: Left Brake Control = 2*((100-Rudder)-50)*(Rudder<50)*Brake/100 === 2*((100-Rudder)-50)*0*Brake/100 === 0 Right Brake Control = (2*(Rudder-50)*(Rudder>50))*Brake/100 === (2*(Rudder-50)*1)*Brake/100 i.e. one of the brakes is always zero! Anyway, you can try different formulae by adjusting the calculations in the script (should be straightforward)- I would be interested to know what you finally use. Note also a slight correction to the script - the lastBrakeValue should be initialised to off, i.e. change line 8 to local lastBrakeValue = -16383 -- initial value, no brakes Regards, John
  3. Those formulas don't make sense - how can you multiply by (Rudder<50) or (Rudder>50) - they are conditional tests... But I understand toughly what you are trying to achieve - alter the %ages sent to the toe brakes depending on the rudder position.... I have attached a script that you can use as a starting point to tune. To use this, you need to first copy the lua file to your FSUIPC7 installation folder and then have it auto-started by adding it either to your [Auto] section or your profile-specific [Auto.xxx] section (where xxx is the name of the spitfire profile). You then need to assign both your rudder and brake lever axis in FSUIPC7 using Send to FSUIPC Offset with Offset Dword Set. The script uses offset 0xA000 for the rudder axis and 0xA004 for the brake lever axis - use these or update the script to the ones that you use. I suggest that you try this with the console window open so that you can see what is happening and tune the formulae for your needs. Some notes: - once you are happy with the script, you can turn off the logging by setting enableLog to false - the brake axes used (AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET and AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET) are not actually linear: from the documentation: There are linear axis controls (AXIS_LEFT/RIGHT_BRAKE_LINEAR_SET) but these have not yet been exposed to the SDK (I have raised this with Asobo). - the script assumes both the axis value ranges are from -16383 to +16383 - if your axes are not in this range, including reversing, then you will need to calibrate to this range in the script - I have commented where you need to do this - the brake lever is used just for the maximum brake value - it is not 100% clear to me how the actual brake axis values should be calibrated...the script is always using the full brake lever axis value for one of the axis, and then decreasing the other axis based upon the value of the rudder axis. I implemented this way as you have 100% of both axis values when rudder is at 50%, so I didn't want to decrease this maximum value when using differential braking. - I am not sure if this will actually work (or make much of a difference)in the Flying Iron Spitfire due to the MSFS SDK and this note in the documentation: Anyway, this should at least give you a starting point. Let me know how it goes or if you have any questions. Please also return the script if you update/change this (so others can use). John spitfireBrake.lua
  4. No. Are you tunning SIOC with admin privileges? If so, you must also run FSUIPC7 with admin privileges (as well as MSFS). FSUIPC7 and all clients must be ran at the same privilege level. Also check that you have not installed FSUIPC7 under a windows protected folder, such as under Documents or Program Files - if so, try re-installing in a non-windows protected folder. If neither of those solve your issue, you should ask about this on opencockpits.com. John
  5. Ok - maybe you or @ark1320could share the script (either here or in User Contributions), or post a link to where available. Maybe useful for others who come across this. Thanks, John
  6. Ok, I understand what you are trying to achieve a lot better now. Maybe if you could expand on this, and how you expect to achieve this either with two axis (handbrake axis and rudder axis) or an axis (rudder) and a button/switch/trigger (handbrake), then I could provide you with a basic lua script to emulate this behavior which you could then tune. Maybe some simple use-cases would be helpful: e,g, to turn left I would move...and then/also push, , to turn right I would..., etc
  7. BTW, I just noticed this in the MSFS SDK documentation: You can still interpret the data as an 8-byte string in FSUIPC (as I showed). John
  8. Did you get anywhere with this? By 'single brake lever', do you mean the parking brake? There is no other lever I can see on the control column... According to the spitfire documentation, the aircraft already has differential braking via the toe brakes, although it also says that currently only rudder-linked steering is implemented due to SDK limitations: With this limitation (i.e. steering only via rudder), I don't think it will be possible to achieve proper differential braking... John
  9. Yes, this is correct - the title is ignored in P3D (as the manual states, although it references P3Dv4 when it should just reference P3D - I will update). The same simconnect connection is used by FSUIPC for all operations (apart for monitoring of AI traffic where a separate connection is usually used) and FSUIPC knows nothing about your displays - that is all controlled by the FS. I am not sure why you see this flickering - is it the same regardless of the monitor where you position the window? If you post/attach your lua script here, I can try it and see if I see the same begavior. No problem. Maybe consider creating a post in the User Contributions sub-forum and attach your script there, with an appropriate description, for others to use. John
  10. No, this will not work as defined here in P3D - there is no such thing as a preset or a way to execute calculator code in P3D. However, if the same (or similar) lvars exist when using GSX in P3D, you could write a lua script to set the lvars (including a short delay) instead of using a preset/calculator code. First, try listing the lvars to see if the following are available: L:FSDT_GSX_PILOTS_NOT_DEBOARDING, L:FSDT_GSX_CREW_NOT_DEBOARDING, L:FSDT_GSX_PILOTS_NOT_BOARDING & L:FSDT_GSX_CREW_NOT_BOARDING If they exist, you can write a short lua script that performs the same actions as the calculator code (i.e. set the value of each of those lvars to 1, with a 100ms delay in between each call) and assign to that. John
  11. What does this mean? It would be helpful if you could attach the pause.lua that you are using... The FS's pause function dies not affect WideFS7 directly. However, pausing the FS will restrict the data updates going to FSUIPC and so many offsets are not updated when the sim is paused, and so WideFS will also not see the offset changes. If you run the lua script on the server (PC running FSX and FSUIPC4) do you see the same behavior? I would expect so,,, Is the offset actually changing? If you log the offset value in FSUIPC4, can you see the change there?
  12. That is just an informational message indicating that FSUIPC has detected that the PMDG 737 is loaded and the thread that handles the PMDG data offset population is started. It will have nothing to do with your sim freeze issue. FSUIPC will/should have nothing to do with this issue at all - you can try without FSUIPC7 running and you should get the same problem. John
  13. Yes, you have to create this file yourself. Most are grouped together, and comments are also included. You just have to search for them - if you filter first on the hubhop site, you will see the prefix used for that aircraft, then you can search for that in the events.txt file in a text editor. Yes - it always exports the entire list. It is not possible to just export your filtered selection - you could raise a feature request for this with MobiFlight.
  14. Event files are those files with the extension .evt - some are provided in the EventFiles folder under your FSUIPC7 installation folder. You will need the MF WASM module installed if using MF event files, other event files (such as the one for the FBW A32X are handled by the aircraft itself. So, when using event files, you need to have whatever handles those events installed in your Community folder. However, there is not much need to use actual event files these days - this functionality is better accessed via presets. The events.txt file is not an event file! It is the MF preset file, and contains the preset names together with the calculator code that is executed when you call the preset. These are the presets that you see in the FSUIPC7 assignment drop-down when you check 'Select for presets'. The FSUIPC WASM must be installed to use these presets (not the MobiFlight WASM). You can have both. The events.txt file are the presets provided by MobiFlight and is the same file you can download from the MF HubHop site. I only update this file (included in the FSUIPC7 installer) on new releases, but you can always download this file from the MF HubHop site and use it to replace the one in your FSUIPC7 installation folder if you want to use some newer presets that are not available in the one provided by the installer. It is recommended not to edit this file, as it will get overwritten/replaced the next time you update/re-install FSUIPC7. This is why the myevents.txt file is provided, so that you can define your own presets. Some folks even just copy the presets for the aircraft they use from the events.txt file to the myevents.txt file, and then remove or rename the events.txt file, to restrict the drop-down menu options to contain only the presets they may use, reducing the drop-down menu size considerably and making presets easier to find. Please refer to the section on presets in the Advanced User manual, in the WASM section. John
  15. You need to determine what NMEA sentences are supported by Foreflight - the website mentions GDL90 Extension protocol which I know nothing about... I would try with RMC and GGA - also remember you need to set SimModeIndicator=Yes in the [GPSout] section of the FSUIPC4.INI file if using an IOS device. John
  16. How do you know this? Well, as you have no general button assignments (i.e. for all aircraft), nothing will show in the button assignment window unless you have the Fenix loaded AND you check the Profile specific? checkbox. Button assignments (as well as key assignments) are inherited (unless overwritten) and you always have the possibility of adding a button or key assignments to the general section or the profile specific section. You need to manually check/uncheck that checkbox to switch between the two. Axes assignments work differently - if the aircraft is in a profile, the profile specific will be checked and inoperative (i.e. you cannot uncheck it), If you still think you have a problem, show me the files as advised. John
  18. Yes of course you can...and that is what I thought you have already done. You said that you have done this but your settings no longer work. The GUIDs in the log you attached match those in your ini, so really everything should be working ok. I do not understand what your problem actually is... The log file shows one issue: This is from this assignment: 6=PB,135,CPFNX320_LIGHT_DOME_OFF,0 -{Preset Control}- That failed as you tried to send this (i.e. pressed button 135 on your X-56 Rhino Throttle) before everything (e.g. WASM/WAPI) was ready. You need to wait for a few seconds after the aircraft is loaded and ready-to-fly before trying to control. I am getting confused, as well as wasting time, on this thread/issue. Do you actually have any problems, and if so can you please explain clearly what they are. Also, attach a log file with appropriate logging activated for your issue. So, if you have a button assignment that is not working, activate logging for Buttons & Keys and Events, generate a log file showing the problem (i.e. button pressed, no event sent) and show me that, together with your FSUIPC7.ini file. If the issue is with an axis assignment, activate logging for Axis Controls (as well as Events) and generate a log file showing that issue. Always attach both your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files from the same session.
  19. What happens with the Maddog X? Have you tried logging what the lua is doing to see what the issue is with this aircraft? I don't have the Maddog X so cannot really help you, but logging the offsets suggested in the initial post, as well as using lua debug logging, should show you what is happening - especially if you compare the log output to that produced with an aircraft where the script is working as expected. John
  20. The sentences output are controlled by the check boxes in the GPSout panel: The geographic position (latitude, longitude) will be emitted if the GLL box is checked. See the following for the sentences emitted with each check-box: https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/GPS-sentences-or-NMEA-sentences.html Or am I misunderstanding your question? John
  21. I am not sure there us a suitable example for this... You can take a look at the lua examples provided (there will be a zip file of examples in your FSUIPC Documents folder). If you could explain further how the differential braking works using this brake lever and rudder, I could help you with this. However, I am quite busy at the moment (need to get an update out for SU11....), so this would be at the weekend or maybe next week. But if you can provide more details (or a reference), I can provide you with a lua script that you could then tune to your needs. I do have the Flying Iron Spitfire (although I haven't had much time to fly this yet....) so I can do some testing here... John
  22. You cannot see the log file as you have windows explorer set to hide the extension of known file types. Change your Windows Explorer options to see the extensions correctly - see the Addendum Identifying Files in Windows Explorer in the Installing and Registering FSUIPC document if you require further details. Note also that you only have assignments in FSUIPC for one aircraft - the Fenix A320, so you will have no assignments with any other aircraft. Also, the name/title of the aircraft loaded must contain the string FenixA320 for your assignments to be loaded. Your controllers are recognised ok, so looks like the GUIDs haven't changed, and so I suspect your issue is that you just don't have any asignments defined for the aircraft that you are using. Again, the FSUIPC7.log file would tell us this... John
  23. Could you please read the section on using presets in the Advanced User manual, under the WASM section. This should tell you everything you need to know about using presets. Yes they do! You need to scroll down further, and note that they start with PMDG B737-7 and not PMDG B737. Also, make sure that you are using the latest version of FSUIPC, 7.3.14. All MF presets are stored in a file called events.txt, and this is only updated when I release a new version of FSUIPC7. For new presets (added after an FSUIPC release), you can either download the latest events.txt file from the MF Hub-Hob site (you will need to register and sign-in to do this), or add them yourself. John
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