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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Again, what do you mean by autoloading? If you mean FSUIPC7 is not loading/receiving the lvars/hvars from the WASM then I have told you what you need to do. If you mean FSUIPC7 is not auto-starting, I have provided you with a link on how to resolve this. I have explained where the MSFS menu is so that you can disconnect/reconnect. If none of this helps, then please explain what your issues is.
  2. What do you mean by "FSUIPC not loading"? If you mean that FSUIPC7 is not auto-starting, please see Or do you mean that FSUIPC7 is not loading/receiving the lvars/hvars from the WASM? If that is the case, follow the instructions in this thread and show me your log (with appropriate logging enabled) and ini files if you want me to take a look. Strange question...The MSFS drop-down menu is in the FSUIPC7 main window menu bar. Please see the FSUIPC7 User guide. John
  3. John Dowson


    The latest WASM release is 0.5.9, (0.5.9a was the beta release of 0.5.9) available in the latest fsuipc7 installer (v7.3.8) or as a separate download - see www.fsuipc.com. I do not know the requirements for FSFO, John
  4. You can try the attached version - this is the same as the released version but with the lvar creation issue hopefully fixed...please report any issues. John FSUIPC7.exe
  5. The only thing that could be interfering, as far as I can see, is if MCE or Tobi are using the same custom event numbers as used by FSUIPC. You can try changing the ones used by FSUIPC to see if that makes a difference - see the description if the StartEventNo ini parameter on page 49 of the Advanced User guide.
  6. Btw, if you still have issues, maybe comment on that other thread I referenced as then the folks that have this configured and working may be able to help you... John
  7. See this thread comment (and onwards) on how to set up the reversers for the PMDG 737 with the Bravo: Let me know how that goes... John
  8. No, sorry - there are no reverser axis, just the reverser buttons and throttle detent button. I have still not configured my throttle on my system with the Bravo - in fact, I need to request a 2nd license for the PMDG 737 before I can do this. I will request a 2nd license and take a look this week sometime, but maybe someone else with the PMDG 737 and Bravo who has already set this up can help... John
  9. Did/can you try flipping the switch in the cockpit UI (after removing the guard) - I am not sure if sending the event will work without removing the guard first..
  10. I have found the issue that can cause FSUIPC to crash when creating lvars and/or reloading the WASM in succession. This will be fixed in the next release, but for the time being please add an ipc.sleep call after creating an lvar. As to your issue with the PMDG data not being received, I don't know what can be causing this., it is very strange. Maybe try uninstalling the PMDG 737 completely, then re-install and check broadcasting enabled and try again. John
  11. Do you mean the Honeycomb yoke (Alpha) or the throttle (Bravo)? The yoke has no reversers, and with the bravo you also have the reverser axes as well as the detent buttons. And for the PMDG 737, check the available presets for reverser and reverse thrust kill. Anyway, please clarify what you are using, and I can take a look in more detail later (or tomorrow). John
  12. Please see
  13. FSUIPC is just nit auto-starting. Alt+F will work once FSUIPC is running. Please see Also, if you had taken a look at your installation log you would have seen the issue: John
  14. I have moved your post to Paul's .Net client sub-forum, but if an lvar doesn't exist it may be due to the lvar scan performed by the WASM was done before the lvar was created/available. If this is the case, you can adjust the WASM ini parameter LvarScanDelay, or call the reload function to get the WASM to rescan for lvars.
  15. The WASM reload isn't necessary - and can cause FSUIPC to crash - I will look into this). The WASM forces a new lvar scan when a new lvar is created, and there looks to be a timing or thread issue somewhere - and can also crash without the reload. Changing the lua to the following: ipc.createLvar("ipcpmdg_MAIN_NoseWheelSteeringSwNORM", 5400) ipc.sleep(1000) ipc.createLvar("ipcpmdg_MAIN_annunSPEEDBRAKE_ARMED", 2300) ipc.sleep(1000) ipc.log("Startng loop...") local v while true do v = ipc.readUB(0x65ea) print("nose wheel steering Switch "..v) ipc.writeLvar("ipcpmdg_MAIN_NoseWheelSteeringSwNORM", v) v = ipc.readUB(0x65fd) print("annunc speedbrake armed "..v) ipc.writeLvar("ipcpmdg_MAIN_annunSPEEDBRAKE_ARMED", v) ipc.sleep(1000) end seems to be stable, produces the attached log. Note that new config data (lvar and hvar names) is received when a new lvar is created. The rest of the log just shows the nose wheel steering Switch being toggled a few time, logged by FSUIPC monitoring as well as the lua script logging. I will investigate the FSUIPC crash. On your side, you should set Debug level logging in the WAPI, forget about the lua script for the time being, monitor offset 65EA and see if that changes when you toggle the nose wheel steering switch (after removing the guard). I would like to confirm or otherwise if you are receiving the PMDG client data regularly - we need to sort that out first. John FSUIPC7.log
  16. There does look to be a timing issue when calling reloadWASM directly after creating the lvars - I will look into this. Changing the script to produces the output in the attached log when toggling the nose wheel steering switch...i.e. as expected... John FSUIPC7.log
  17. This is correct - it only logs the first reception of data, and not subsequent ones. To log every reception (and a lot more), you can use the Log->Custom option and enter x4000 - this will log everything received via SimConnect. Can you please try logging offset 0x65EA using FSUIPC's offset monitoring facilities, then remove the nose wheel switch guard and toggle the nose wheel steering switch a few times and see if the offset changes. Not sure what is happening with your lua...there are only these statements in your log: Did you not set logging for Lua plugins? If not, please do that, and log to the standard log file (i.e. do not Log Lua Separately). But lets first see if you are getting the PMDG offset data correctly first before we sort out why the lua isn't working correctly. Better (but not strictly necessary) also to use ipc.log rather than print in your lua scripts. John
  18. Please update to the latest version. v7.3.8. Presets are now in a separate menu, available on a new checkbox, and not preceded by 'Prefix:' anymore, so you can see the complete preset name (except for a few maybe). John
  19. This is not necessary - just disconnect and re-connect from the MSFS menu (in FSUIPC7). But, in the latest releases, the WAPI is enabled by default, so you only need to enable if explicitly disabled. John
  20. Yes, that was the problem I had - did you not review the comments on this thread? You need to read the thread before asking on an issue that has already been discussed on the same thread.... John
  21. It could be that those offsets are not populated. I am going to put together a list of working/not working offsets so that these can be reported to PMDG once the SDK has been released. You could check the following offsets which are the most recent ones i have checked as working; Otherwise, you can add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini which will log the reception of PMDG client data: TestOptions=x400 John
  22. Please see the description of how FSUIPC's tiller/rudder blending works in the box on page 30 of the FSUIPC7 User guide. Also see the ini parameters MaxSteerSpeed in the Advanced User guide (P9). Maybe try with MaxSteerSpeed=Q20,30,0,60 With that,, you would have 0% rudder up to 20 knots, linear increasing to 10% from 20-30 knots, then linear increasing to to 100% from 30-60knots. Adjust as needed. John,
  23. You don't need the lua script if using the presets.
  24. Then the location in your UserCfg.opt file is incorrect: I do not know why this is incorrect...very strange... Do you have a Steam or MS store installation? If using Steam (which the installer detects due to the presence of the UserCfg.opt file under $APPDATA$\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator), you could try correcting this by changing the InstalledPackagesPath location (it is at the end of the file) to the correct one, and then re-install FSUIPC7. If you are using an MS Store installation, you need to uninstall FSUIPC7, delete or rename the file C:\Users\josem\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt and then install FSUIPC7 again. John
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