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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Your ini file has two [MacroFiles] sections! How did this happen? This section is automatically generated and should not be manually edited... And the macro files have different index numbers in each section, so it is difficult to determine which macro file will actually be used. You need to remove one of those [MacroFile] sections, and then review your assignments to the macro files and make sure that they have the correct index (for the macro files they are using). Remove the one with the least number of entries. Once that has been done, please re-test.
  2. Logs? Any issues, please show me your log files, both WASM + Client, with Debug logging enabled. And ALWAYS please, or at least for any issue that you want me to look at....
  3. I still need to see your FSUIPC6.ini file...I cannot help you if you do not show me this. I need to see your FSUIPC6.ini file with each log file - please remember this. Are you assigning a button to a key press, and then that key press to a mouse action? Seems a very strange thing to do - why don't you just assign your button to the mouse macro? Your 'after edit' log shows the single mouse click: 493547 [Buttons] 2=P2,1,K90,10 493547 SendKeyToFS(0002005A=[ctl+Z], KEYDOWN) ctr=0 493547 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=17 (Control) (Scan code 29), Ctr=2 493563 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=90 (Scan code 44), Ctr=1 493594 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65708 (0x000100ac), Param= 78928 (0x00013450) NAV1_RADIO_SET 493594 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2 493594 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS 493594 KEYDOWN: VK=90, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2 493594 Macro: mouse action OK: Rect X4000001d, Action 3 (LeftSingle) and your 'before edit' log shows the release was added: 1148609 [Buttons] 2=P2,1,K90,10 ... 1149734 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2 1149734 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS ... 1150109 KEYDOWN: VK=90, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2 1150109 Macro: mouse action OK: Rect X4000001d, Action 3 (LeftSingle) 1150109 Macro: mouse action OK: Rect X4000001d, Action 13 (LeftRelease) But that is not the original macro you showed me! That was: So, I am confused as to what you are telling me and what you are showing me. I would like you to go back to your original macro and show me a log file with that working, and also the macro file AND your FSUIPC6.ini file. Then, make the changes I suggested, repeat the test, and then show me those same three files. All I suggested to you was to add a mouse release code to a macro. In no way should this affect anything but the macro you have altered. You seem to be changing too many things. Please follow my instructions if you would like me to help you. Also, please see the Advanced User guide to try to understand what I suggested: see P37 (Multiple actions in one macro control) and the mouse flags on P38. Sometimes, with mouse macros, you have to play around with the mouse flags (and use multiple actons) to get them working correctly.
  4. You are confusing me now. Was this before or after you said the macro wasn't working? Can you please just follow my instructions and report back. I cannot help you if you are not showing me the information I need: Also, please check if anything else has changed. If you go back to your original macro and configuration, does that still work?
  5. What do you mean exactly? What "screen remains black" - your entire screen, or your P3D window? If you are in full screen mode, have you tried in windowed mode (Alt-Enter)? Have you tried hovering the mouse over the P3D task bar icon - this will show you if there are other windows - maybe there is a pop-up asking for something which is blocking the loading? Either way, please provide more information. You can always uninstall FSUIPC6 and get P3D working first, then install FSUIPC6 once you have P3D running correctly.
  6. Ok, so something is working... I have an idea of what the issue might be. I'll look into this, but tomorrow now. I didn't know that but makes sense now I think about it! I can do that. I can provide both methods as they are trivial to implement. For the struct-array methods, would you prefer to pass in pre-allocated (with a size), or should the function allocate and the caller free the memory?
  7. I don't understand that! All that I changed in your macro file was this line: 5=AP Disc=RX4000018d,3 to 5=AP Disc 5.1=RX4000018d,3 5.2=RX4000018d,13 i.e. I added a left button mouse release to your AP Disc mouse macro. This cannot/should not affect your other macros.... Please check that nothing else has changed, then activate logging for events (non axis controls) and buttons & switches, and generate a log file when you try to activate your your mouse macros. Then show me that log file together with your ini file.
  8. Those are standard events that you need to request via Simconnect, ot you could use the FSUIPC SDK and use the offset area instead. Nothing to do with hvars. I have no idea what they are....! To log simconnect events, you could install FSUIPC and use its logging facilities, which are available in the unregistered version.
  9. As I said, I haven't tested yet. I'll take a look over the next days... Thats fine, you can also just use 0 for the start event number and the default will be used, and if you can also give a 0/nullPtr for the logging function, and its own logging file will be created. Not sure why that is - I will take a look. John
  10. I did this this morning, but haven't gotten around to test it yet...you could try with the following (you will still need the static lib): FSUIPC_WAPI.dllFSUIPC_WAPI.h As I said, its untested - I am planning to write a simple C client to test, but may take me a few days.... John
  11. What do you mean - to get some sort of callback when a H var is activated? If so, then no, I don't think that is possible. Can hvars have values? I thought/assumed they were something you activated/set. You can do this using the WASM + API, but I have only included an hvar file or the A320Neo. For other aircraft, you will have to discover and provide your own hvar file to use hvars.
  12. The scripts are available here: There is a beta release available with native support for up to 128 buttons. Please see John
  13. This is certainly not possible with FSUIPC7. It is something you could possibly do using the developer console, and maybe by tweaking a config file somewhere, but I wouldn't know how to do this. You may be better of asking on the Asobo forums.
  14. The updated version has just been released - let me know how many lvars you now see and if ASCRJ_FO_ARMREST_UP is one of them. Either way, I think its better, for the time being at least, if I load all available lvars. I'll take a look at this over Easter.
  15. Ah - I forgot to add an extra receiving event for the additional CDA - I'll correct that shortly and upload a new version. Sorry about that.
  16. Try with the attached - I've added a left mouse release to that macro thus: CS B757.MCRO
  17. Are you using the new WASM with the new client (both have been updated)? If so, can you set both the WASM + the client to debug logging (using the ini files), load the CRJ and then list the lvars and then show me your log files (WASM + Client). Ok, but there is no output returned from that function. There's no way to see the lvars & values unless its picked-up by the WASM. Your log files should give me a clue.
  18. I'm not sure I understand you.... You can set lvars using one of the setLvar functions. To get the value of an lvar, use the getLvar functions. The execute calculator functions only executes the provided code, it does not return any values.
  19. You most likely need to add a mouse button release code. Can you show me your macro file please.
  20. You can assign to the Throttle Inc and Throttle Dec controls on the right hand-side of the axis assignment panel, assigning to the Throttle Inc from 100 to 16383 and Up, and to the Throttle Dec from -100 to -16384 and Down (leaving -100 to +100 as your 'null'/dead zone - you can increase this if you wish).
  21. Yes, I still need to look into providing hvar access via the SDK. And, as I guess you are using Paul Henty's .net client library that will also need updating. However, before I look at the SDK I will add the lvar/hvar access functionality to FSUIPC7, so it will be a while before I can get around to looking at the SDK. I also intend to provide a dll of the WASM API (WAPI) which can be used to talk to the WASM module directly (rather than via FSUIPC), so you could look into using that as a solution for the time being (when available!).
  22. It is probably being display outside of your screen coordinates. Delete the Window ini parameter from your FSUIPC7.ini file, in the [General] section. Otherwise, if you hover over the FSUIPC7 icon in the task bar, you should see a pop-up of the main window which you can select, right-click and then move. Clicking the system tray icon should just show you the icon context menu. You need to double-click to open, or single-click and then select 'Show...'.
  23. Did your installation complete successfully? Is your EXE.xml in the correct format? Are you using a steam or MS store version? What version are you using - is it the latest (v7.0.8, v7.0.8a or v7.1.0b)? There are so many posts on this now. Please review what I have already said on this topic before posting again (search the forum). And if you do post again, please include your InstallFSUIPC7.log file and your EXE.xml.
  24. I have updated and release both FSUIPC6 and FSUIPC7 with this correction - please see the Announcements page. John
  25. I have just released version 0.4.3. This supports of to 1022 lvars. There is also a minor change to the CDAType enum that may require code changes to anyone implemeting their own client.
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