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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. FSUIPC7 is not compatible with FSX. It is for MSFS (2020) only. For FSX (and FSX-SE), you need FSUIPC4.
  2. But that is what you have to decide! What state does the FS have to be in for your software to work? Probably when out of main menu with a plane loaded - if not, whatever you send will be ignored or reset when the user starts whatever flight he has chosen from the main menu. MSFS is different from other FSs. You need to think how the user interacts with your software AND MSFS together. I do not know your software and cannot help you with this. John
  3. I understand...but you still need to wait for MSFS to be in the correct state to understand your requests.... I don't know how you app works, but be aware of the different changes to those offsets that you will see depending upon when FSUIPC7 is started. So you will see different values in those offsets depending upon when FSUIPC7 is started/connected, but the final state of the offsets should be the same and correct. John
  4. use the Log->Offsets option to log the offsets that you want to monitor. If you keep the console window open, you can see the messages logged in real-time. But you can't - its a different sim and works in a different way. You need to be out of the main menu before you send anything. But when in the main menu, there is no aircraft, airport, lat, lon, etc. You set this up in the main menu. Why? If you check the log extract I sent, you will see the pause is only temporary, and it is unset later when you are finally 'ready-to-fly'. This just seems to be part of the MSFS sequence it goes through when loading a flight. I suggest you monitor those offsets and work out for yourself when your software needs to start acting - I can't do that for you! John
  5. You can start it from a [Auto.xxx] section (where xxx is the profile name for the aircraft). See the Advanced User Guide, section Automatic running of Macros and Lua plugins Hmm, strange, Not sure why that is, but glad its now working. John
  6. Ah, ok. But the documentation for com.open states: So thats just for VRInsight devices but not others?
  7. What is sending the string then when you uncomment that line? Does it work if you use two scripts, one for each event function? You will need to open the com port in each script. Maybe try that. In the mean-time, I'll see if I can check why it isn't working with both event calls in the same lua file... John
  8. ipc.display will not work correctly on MSFS, as the underlying SimConnect_Text function is not working correctly. This may be blocking, preventing your event.com function being called. Try changing that to an ipc.log instead (or look at the wnd library). John
  9. I suggest that you should initially just log the values in those offsets. Here's what I see when I log those offsets when starting MSFS (and MSFS auto-starts FSUIPC7): As you can see, the flags change several times during start-up. This start-up sequence finishes when 0264 (pause indicator) contains 0 and 3365 (in-menu indicator) contains 1, and you will be in the main menu. Then, you set-up a flight and press the Fly button, you see these changes: So the sim is set to a pause state (0264 (U16) = 0x1), the in-menu flag is cleared (3365 (U8) = 0) and then the sim is un-paused (0264 (U16) = 0x0). You probably want to start sending your commands after the in-menu flag is cleared, and maybe also after the final un-pause. John
  10. Sorry, I've no idea. FSUIPC recognises HID joystick type devices directly. If its another type of HID device, then it may be possible to use via lua but not directly. Jumping from zero to full is usually a sign that the device/axis is registered as digital (on/off) rather than analogue. The following post may help - its for saitek devices but the same procedure should work for other devices (using the appropriate vendor and product ids): MSUIPC? Its FSUIPC! You can mix and match assignments in MSFS/FSUIPC7 as you wish, but just make sure that you don't assign in multiple places. Usually, we recommend creating an empty profile in MSFS if assigning in FSUIPC, at least to start with. As for the Virpil software, I don't know. We usually recommend not installing any drivers or software, and to use the windows default drivers. However, some devices may need the provided drivers if the device is not recognised by windows without. Maybe try without and as as needed. Anything running on your PC is going to consume resources, but FSUIPC should adversely affect your FPS that much, if at all. John
  11. Just in one region? Does FSUIPC exit? Can you attach your FSUIPC log file.
  12. I would really prefer you to explain your issue with FSUIPC. Sorry, but I gave up on your video after several minutes as there was nothing in it related to FSUIPC (and I can't even see the screen properly due to the angle!). You seem to be assigning/calibrating in P3D, not FSUIPC. If you are assigning your device in FSUIPC, we recommend disabling controllers completely in P3D and assigning and calibrating in FSUIPC only. Alternatively, you can remove your assignments, but P3D may automatically re-assign the device if it detects it as a new controller. Your attached FSUIPC5.ini file shows that you have no assignments in FSUIPC at all, so FSUIPC isn't currently doing much. However, if you are assigning in P3D but trying to calibrate in FSUIPC, your calibration entries for rudder and aileron look bad: Rudder=16383,16383,16383,16383 Aileron=16383,16383,16383,16383 Re-calibrate those, or replace them with: Rudder=-16383,-512,512,16383 Aileron=-16383,-512,512,16383 Please take time to read the manuals provided - especially the User Guide, which should show you how to calibrate your controller. If you have any issues, please post again describing your issue with FSUIPC (this is not support for P3D!), and attach your FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC5.log files, and maybe also your FSUIPC.Joyscan.csv file. John
  13. @dariendiaz76 You are still not providing me with any information in order to help you. Can you PLEASE try what I have suggested, and report back what happens. Did you try this: ? And what does this mean? Does this mean that you can run the application? If so, then send me your order number, and I will send you a key file to use so that you can at least use FSUIPC7 while we investigate the issues you are having with the installer. BUT, I cannot help if you do not respond to my suggestions and give me the information I need to solve your issue.
  14. Read the Installation and Registration guide: Installing and Registering FSUIPC7.pdf What do you mean by this? Didn't you see the installer UI? It never says this. If it detects that FSUIPC7 is installed, it will tell you and you have to uninstall before re-installing. Sorry, but if it was installed there must be 'some files' on your system.... If the installer runs and terminates correctly, an InstallFSUIPC7.log file is created in the folder that contains the Install_FSUIPC7.exe that you just ran, and is also copied to your FSUIPC7 installation folder.
  15. That is the correct window for an unregistered version of FSUIPC7. If you have purchased a key, you need to enter it at the end of the installation process, and don't forget to click the Register button, which will validate your key and generate a FSUIPC7.key file. John
  16. Yes that's correct. There are issues with the flight files saved when using simconnect, so FSUIPC's auto-save files cannot currently be used until Asobo fix this issue. You can use the MSFS menus to save/load flights. John
  17. Maybe check on the FSLabs forums. For throttle set-up, see this post: https://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/26781-thrustmaster-airbus-throttle/ John
  18. Sorry, what is this?
  19. There is no problem the registration validation in FSUIPC4, its only an issue in the FSUIPC4 installer. Therefore we have temporarily removed validation of the key from the installer, the installer will still generate a key file and this is validated by FSUIPC4 when ran.
  20. The 'Main menu' is the initial (main) menu and the one that you go back to when you end a flight, containing access to the various features with the WELCOME page, the World map, Flight Training, etc. When connected to MSFS, you are either in the 'main menus' or are in a flight (which can be paused of course).
  21. What happens when you try to run the FSUIPC7.exe manually? You probably get the following error (or something similar): The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. This is explained in the README.txt file. You need to uninstall your VC++ 2015, 2017 and 2019 redistributable packages (any that are installed, using with windows app management panel), and then re-install the combined redistributables (both x86 and x64 versions) from https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads John
  22. Please read the Installation and Registration guide, as well as the README.txt, that comes in the zip file you downloaded. Other than that, I do not understand what your issue is. Please read the provided documentation. If you think there is an issue, please atttachh appropriate information/files (e.g. installation log, or FSUIPC7.log, or both). John
  23. There are various offsets that you can use/monitor to determine the state of MSFS (connected or not, pause state, in main menu) and the aircraft state. Please check the documentation. If you need an aircraft loaded and ready before your program sends its lat, lon, etc (and to whatever that applies!), then you probably want to monitor the ready-to-fly indicator in offset 0x3364. Also see 0x03365. John
  24. Yes, just remove the lines from the ini (take a backup first, just in case!). You won't see them in the interface if the device is not connected/doesnt exist. Thanks. We appreciate happy customers! Its mainly Pete though (previously, now me) - I'm a relative newbie having only been involved for the past 2-3 years. I've still till a lot to learn! Regards, John
  25. Yes, they are in now and I'll leave them.
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