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FeelThere Ariel

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Everything posted by FeelThere Ariel

  1. Where did you purchase this addon from? (Please also expect a V2.0.0 version coming out soon.)
  2. HI @Shizzle1, our scenery only works with the default mesh/terrain. Can you find which folder contains the mesh for Dubai and remove it to see if this works?
  3. Real Traffic should be installed first, as this is required if you want to also install Real Color. *** 😉
  4. Have you redownloaded the KRDU airport recently? if not, I would suggest to download again and reinstall to ensure you have the latest version.
  5. FeelThere Ariel


    Thank you... checking it up with our devs.
  6. Hi @PHC did you purchase FeelThere`s version?
  7. Hi @JavierTapia, the new USA update caused some damage with the elevation updates. Most of the buildings needed to be re-exported. There were a couple of other fixes needed after these updates. TIST has been updated and the new version is 1.6.0. It has already been exported to MS, and you can look for it in Marketplace. If you bough from third party vendors, their files will be updated soon, but it will take a little longer. Please expect an update soon.
  8. It needs to be removed from within the game menu, not from the file directory. Not all custom airports in that folder start with the name asobo. The install instructions provided with EDDS say exactly what to do, unless you bought it on the marketplace.
  9. HI @Alex1948 we`re checking with the devs. We`ll get back to you asap.
  10. Just uninstall/delete from your airports file in the MSFS folder.
  11. Is the issue reproducible (every time you taxi at Lima)? Can you record a video of it?
  12. Hi Christoph, we are currently very busy taking care of other developments and as of the moment cannot get back to this, altho the lighting should function at night when using the default P3D commands. Please advise.
  13. Que aeropuerto estàs utilizando? Has instalado ya el Real Color correspondiente para ese aeropuerto especìficamente? Porfavor instala el Real Color en esta carpeta: c:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes\Texturepacks\ Tambien, porfavor muestranos un screenshot de tu carpeta siguiente: c:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes\
  14. @jeulinbi1 veo algunos problemas de acuerdo a tus comentarios arriba: - Mencionas que el Real Traffic que tienes es para la version de Tower!2011. Esa es otra version y no es compatible. Necesitas Real Traffic for Tower!3DPro. - También mencionas que ves dos carpetas, una de Tower!3D y otra para Tower!3DPro. Es probable que haya confusion y estès instalando los programas en carpetas cruzadas. Yo sugiero que elimines una, es decir, completamente desinstales Tower!3D y solo quede la version Pro, de esta manera te evitaras confusiones futuras. Debes desinstalar y eliminar el programa por completo. - Para responder a tu pregunta... Real Color es el programa que añade diseños y colores de compañía a las aeronaves. Real Color està compuesto de varios productos, y si, cada aeropuerto tiene su version de Real Color. Por ejemplo, si deseas poder ver todas las aeronaves en Barcelona (LEBL) , debes comprar el Real Color LEBL (Barcelona). Esto es contrario a Real Traffic, el programa que provee los modelos de los tipos de aeronave reales para cada aeropuerto. El Real Traffic es solo UN producto y solo se necesita uno para todos los aeropuertos. Sin embargo, debes asegurarte de tener siempre la version más actualizada (actualmente SP6v31) para contar con todos los modelos de las aeronaves de todos los aeropuertos. Cada vez que un aeropuerto nuevo es lanzado, el Real Traffic debe actualizarse (simplemente volviéndolo a descargar desde tu link original de compra) para descargar la version mas actualizada que cuenta con los modelos más nuevos.
  15. Hola @jeulinbi1, que version de Real Color has comprado? (Para qué aeropuerto) Tienes la última version actualizada de Real Traffic? (SP6v31) ADEMAS, es recomendable que instales primero Real Traffic y luego Real Color. Las siguientes son las carpetas correctas en donde debes instalar cada uno de estos programas. REAL TRAFFIC PARA TOWER3D PRO: C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\ REAL COLOR PARA TOWER3D PRO: c:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes\Texturepacks\ AEROPUERTOS PARA TOWER3DPRO: ProgramFiles(x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3DPro\Extensions\Airfields
  16. @thestagg Aerosoft is verifying their current version. We have already provided it to them. It is up to them now. You should be able to update it in a couple of days.
  17. @thestagg where did you purchase TIST? From which vendor?
  18. @thestagg what is your version of TIST? There were reports of this in Nov-Dec and we found the issue that was causing the pink textures at other airports. It has since been fixed with the latest version, 1.5.0. If this is 1.5.0., please report back and we will investigate further.
  19. Can you confirm, playing with Asobo LAX also installed, works? All is okay? Will relay to our dev.
  20. Can you please tell us your computer Specs and Windows OS version?
  21. Hi Ralph, Is this on Xbox?
  22. Please send us a message to our feelthere.zendesk.com email support and we`ll get these links updated.
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