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FeelThere Ariel

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Everything posted by FeelThere Ariel

  1. Investigation is slow (many things on our plate for now) but we are investigating 🙂 I just forwarded this thread to our dev to review too.
  2. Please just forward your requests to feelthere.zendesk.com 🙂
  3. Terrible mistake. Reported 🙂 Thank you
  4. Thank you guys. We are checking a few of these issues at the moment.
  5. Please send them to our email support at feelthere.zendesk.com
  6. @Dakub for some strange reason I cannot access your screenshots. Can you post them here?
  7. Please contact our support at feelthere.zendesk.com for further support.
  8. @Marinaaa1923 what is your Windows OS and update version?
  9. Thank you @EliGrim. We are actively asking (through mail support as well) and our devs are looking into it.
  10. Is this on the E175/195 or E170/190? or both?
  11. Hi @Biggles2010There are no failures simulated on the EMB at this point 🙂
  12. Is this for the E170/190 or E175/195? Are your Ejets updated to SP2?
  13. Taking note, thank you.
  14. Is this the case for all ejet versions? Only P3D4.5?
  15. Thank you for sharing this solution!
  16. Hi @BSpars, please be aware that we are not advertising these ejets as officially compatible with P3D5, but that for those wanting to venture into V5, then there is a possibility to help with compatibility with a simple hotfix (that obviously does not address all issues with that sim.) In the product description it states this: ****P3D5 Compatibility Hotfix****: Our EMBv3 is not officially compatible with P3D5 however you can enjoy the EMBv3 under P3D5 by modifying it a bit: Please go to the plane’s panel folder and locate the file named “A2A_windshield.dll”. Either rename it or remove it (after you made a backup) and the plane should work.
  17. James, what mic were you using? Had not heard of anything like this. Sounds more like a computer settings issue, or this specific Mic´s issue.
  18. If it´s not on your spam folder, then we will resend it. 🙂 Please wait for an email from us.
  19. Please verify Cortana is working, speech recognition enabled. Computer language needs to be set to US English. Verify there are no antivirus/firewalls running in the background that may be interfering with T3DP.
  20. @crbascott, good point. We are actually looking into these options. For people experiencing this issue here... do you have an estimate (date) of when this issue started happening?
  21. Thank you! Forgot there was another “Davy” in here. 😉
  22. Have you followed all the steps specified in this thread? If this does not work please submit your report in the specified format.
  23. Davy, what is the name of the most recent update installed?
  24. Kevin is correct. There was a slight fix made upon release and therefore the .exe file was preceded with an a to record this change.
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