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ATC AlaskaGuy

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ATC AlaskaGuy last won the day on September 24 2022

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About ATC AlaskaGuy

  • Birthday 02/25/1970

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    Seattle, WA

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  1. had to update these files as I noticed there were some errors on my part but it is all fixed now
  2. this schedule works best with the latest real traffic and laster add on pack I have a bunch of cargo flights in the schedule. klax_terminal.txt klax_schedule.txt klax_gaandlocaltraffic.txt klax_airports.txt klax_airplanes.txt klax_airlines.txt
  3. this schedule works best if you have updated real traffic and have that latest add on pack for tower!3D Pro. ksfo_terminal.txt ksfo_schedule.txt ksfo_airports.txt ksfo_gaandlocaltraffic.txt ksfo_airplanes.txt ksfo_airlines.txt
  4. i updated somethings in these files you have to use my airlines list because feel there and nyerges design messed up with cargolux and someother airline have the same two letter code also cargologic was wrong and fixed that to. also I notice that air france was not put into the schedule and now it is so enjoy.
  5. I put the 747 in the egll schedule just for fun.
  6. this schedule works best with the newest updates to tower 3dPro as well as real traffic. ksfo_airlines.txt ksfo_airplanes.txt ksfo_airports.txt ksfo_gaandlocaltraffic.txt ksfo_schedule.txt ksfo_terminal.txt
  7. this schedule works best with real traffic being updated also there is a cargo airline that wasn't working because of the IATO and ICAO codes and this airline is cargologic which has the Boeing 74N as the aircraft i fixed the codes to be correct so it works in this scheddule. egll_airlines.txt egll_airplanes.txt egll_airports.txt egll_gaandlocaltraffic.txt egll_schedule.txt egll_terminal.txt
  8. For the best results with this schedule works best if you have the newest version of real traffic updated. These files that are attached to this thread need to replace files in the airport files. wsss_terminal.txt wsss_schedule.txt wsss_gaandlocaltraffic.txt wsss_airports.txt wsss_airplanes.txt wsss_airlines.txt
  9. This schedule will work best if you have the latest version of real traffic so please make sure you have that before trying out my schedules. ltfm_airlines.txt ltfm_airplanes.txt ltfm_airports.txt ltfm_gaandlocaltraffic.txt ltfm_schedule.txt ltfm_terminal.txt
  10. was just wondering if they do another real color update if they could do the new livery for what was once alitalia which is now ITA airlines here is the livery for all of the planes that have been rebranded as ita airways. just was hoping that maybe with the new update to real color tower 3d if this could be implemented.
  11. i noticed that WSSS-SIN Changi International has been released but real traffic hasn't been updated for some reason.
  12. this is a screenshot of my tower 3D Pro, A388- A380-800 Malaysia Airlines now works.
  13. Thanks I got it to work with the new installer.
  14. so is there going to be an update for rc ltfm or is this not going to happen
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