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ATC AlaskaGuy

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Everything posted by ATC AlaskaGuy

  1. Ok so I know that Lot polish airlines has one of their E170's livery as the star alliance livery but does anyone know if in tower 3D pro if this is the only airline in the game that has the star alliance livery.
  2. and yes i cleared the cache and history to in Microsoft edge
  3. every time I try to download ekch_airport service pack it comes up ekch_airportsp1a
  4. Actually the downloader says EKCH_Airport SP1a
  5. ok which one of these is the current livery that Air Canada uses i am confused about this. Both photos are Boeing 787-9
  6. no that is the correct one
  7. in this one i have circled the terminal that there is still a issue with
  8. at one of the terminals i have planes that will go to it and the plane will just spin and spin and spin there instead of just going to the slot to park at
  9. here are some screenshots I took is this the way it is suppose to look now
  10. nop that isn't the problem when i download the new installer the files are not new files for that airport for some reason
  11. hold on the download might not be working right as yesterday i was having a issue with microsoft edge so let me try something first.
  12. there is not any new data in the EKCH airport SP1 file
  13. yes there are still the errors that was said they fixed
  14. no on the new one it says sp1 but it is exactly the same data as it was when the airport was released there isn't any data that is different
  15. yes and all the data files are the same as the original files that were with it when it was released i have a program that lets me see what is also in the manifest files and everything is the same as it was when this airport was originally released also the files are the same size as the original ones are.
  16. the cool thing that I see is the the landing gear looks like it will retract when taking off from the runways in the next version.
  17. and all the data files are exactly the same to i have done a side by side comparison for all the data files and they are exactly the same
  18. the download installer files in EKCHsp1 are the same as the original download installer files there isn't anything different
  19. the file to download is exactly the same as the original and does absolutely nothing to fix these issues
  20. there is one question though that I have about these retro airlines and livery when we make a schedule with them how do put the airline at the terminal that they would have originally been at the airport we are using that airline like for instance what terminal was eastern in when they were at KJFK?
  21. is there any new news on the retro color pack yet
  22. oh i forgot about those to
  23. well the only liveries i know that are new are the ANA NH A388, UAL UA 772 and 739 with the new blue livery, Aloha Cargo AAH KH on the 76Y and the 73F now other then this i don't know what else there is.
  24. CFS, EM, EMPIRE AIR, Empire Air, United States this is what is also in the phnl_airlines.txt file for empire airlines but haven't tried to use this as not sure if it will work as the ones listed are these that do CWP, #O, OHANA, Empire Airlines, United States CWF, O#, OHANA CARGO, Empire Airlines, United States and not sure why this is as these don't use the FedEx feeder livery on the FedEx feeder website though it list empire airlines as the CFS EM so not really sure I understand why that this wasn't used but maybe it isn't for me to understand so oh well.
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