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ATC AlaskaGuy

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Everything posted by ATC AlaskaGuy

  1. I was sitting being curious about the fact that there has not been a new airport released in months the only thing I can see is that the new version of Tower must be why that this is not occurring *
  2. i don't know why I said south america i meant north america
  3. why hasen't EGLL been added to the schedule builder tool?
  4. another one that would me cool is MMMX as that is a South American airport which I believe is the hub for Aeromexico.
  5. I saw a article about the Boeing 767-Max which would be better then the 797 as that more airlines are showing an interest in the 767 max it is a old design for a plane but would have the new engines that General Electric makes for the 737-max jets and the 787's so it would be more economical and have more seating then the 797 is suppose to have. Boeing in the planning stage and talking stage for that variant of the now. was just wondering if anyone else had seen anything on this or what their thought was on this.
      • 4
      • Confused
  6. I know it might be awhile but when can we expect the 777-8 777-9 to be added to the airplane list.
  7. the thing about panc is that there are some international flights and Alaska has a hub there but also a lot of cargo flights.
  8. PANC, KGEG would both be cool airports to have in Tower 3D Pro
  9. these are a couple of the airports I have added to all my airports in Tower 3D Pro BER BERLIN_BRANDENBURG_AIRPORT_GERMANY 52.22 N 13.30 E EDDB PKX BEIJING_DAXING_INTERNATIONAL_CHINA 39.30 N 116.24 E ZBAD
  10. i seem to be having this issue but different then the pictures you have it seems to be just on the tail of certain airlines and it is like the livery on the tail doesn't cover the whole tail the way it use to and I even tried uninstalling and installing everything and it is still doing this. So I am wondering if it might have something to do with the newest update with real traffic.
  11. Well EGLL-LHR came out this morning for Tower 3D Pro
  12. Another one would be cool to is PANC
  13. Yeah KORD and CYYZ would also be cool to.
  14. KMIA, KDEN, EHAM, ZBAA, VHHH, and TJSJ these would all be cool airports to have in the collection I have for tower 3D Pro
  15. well that is true but I have ran into a issue with the game not working right when two different airlines have the same flight number where the planes won't push back if the flight numbers are the same so because of that i had to go into all of my schedule files and do them with my own way to number the flights with a particular airline. that is the reason it is the way that it is. I should have said something about this before and just didn't think about doing that so that is my fault for not clarifying that i know for sure the schedule files i make work great actually.
  16. that is because of the way i make my own flight numbers so no flight number is the same as another airline also i put the lowest numbers with the airlines that have a hub at the airport so flight numbers are not the same as is in flight aware or flight radar24 its so no flight number is used in the same hour with two different airlines
  17. i guess that the next update to real traffic will be when they release EGLL
  18. Ok then maybe it is something else then I noticed that united 788 still has the old livery and it is listed in real color 31 in UA in the manifest file.
  19. I noticed that the newest version for the master list says that united has the new livery on the 787-8, and I just checked by playing the airport and the United 787-8 still has the old yellow gold looking livery in the game Tower 3D Pro. and was just wondering if u have ran into this problem with the release of KIAD
  20. i just noticed that the real traffic files are the same as the KEWR when it was released. is anyone else having this problem.
  21. I think that is a really cool idea
  22. That sounds good to me will be cool to create the liveries on your own as to what the livery is suppose to be.
  23. had some issues that I discovered in the schedule file so this file has been updated now.
  24. KEWR custom Schedule Files hope that this works for everyone there were some errors but I fixed them so these are the updated files. The only files that are not there yet are the GAANDLOCALTRAFFIC files. these files are coming I have to fix this file that came with the airport and when I have I will add them to this. kewr_airplanes.txt kewr_gaandlocaltraffic.txt kewr_airports.txt kewr_schedule.txt kewr_airlines.txt kewr_terminal.txt
  25. the reason for me that when I had a error with my schedule that I made originally the game would only load to 63% and then get stalled there I figured out that to fix this I either had to go through every line in the schedule to see what is wrong or you can do what I did and I reinstalled the airlines one by one into the schedule I have mad.
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