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ATC AlaskaGuy

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Everything posted by ATC AlaskaGuy

  1. this is a Lockheed L1011 L101, L10, BAW, BA, British Airways https://imgproc.airliners.net/photos/airliners/5/6/5/0481565.jpg?v=v40 https://imgproc.airliners.net/photos/airliners/0/1/3/0348310.jpg?v=v40
  2. well would be cool though if the snow weather effect was added to tower 3D pro.
  3. when will the voting on the livery for the retro airlines start to happen?
  4. yeah that would be cool to actually after all they already have Gatwick so it would make sense to have London Heathrow to.
  5. yeah that's true I really hope that it is either KSEA or KORD
  6. I have been looking at the news feeds on feelthere.com and not seen anything about the next airport and was wondering if that anyone had heard what they are working on or what the next one might be.
  7. omdb is that way to the thing I don't like about DFW is that you can't see the international flights at the gate very well unless they are at the gates that are on the sides of the terminal, the only way to see what is in front is when another plane is crossing a runway that is near that terminal.
  8. DC-10, D1C, AAL, AA, American Airlines https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/McDonnell_Douglas_DC-10-10%2C_American_Airlines_JP5931060.jpg https://imgproc.airliners.net/photos/airliners/7/3/4/1390437.jpg?v=v40 MD11, M11, AAL, AA, American Airlines https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/2/27741_1180588426.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/6/80935_1529771405.jpg
  9. Really wow i will take that advice and do that thanks for the tip
  10. Boeing 767-300ER B763, 763, Lufthansa Airlines, LH, LH, https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/613/22976364213_ec2c9c7d7d_b.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/1/52880_1162467008.jpg
  11. oh and something else these are the carrier that had the L-1011 Air Canada, ACA, AC https://cdn.airplane-pictures.net/images/uploaded-images/2017/1/27/845971.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/3/68816_1377083815.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Lockheed_L-1011-385-1-15_TriStar_100%2C_Air_Canada_AN0127480.jpg/1024px-Lockheed_L-1011-385-1-15_TriStar_100%2C_Air_Canada_AN0127480.jpg Cathay Pacific, CPA, CX https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/1/69559_1110938299.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Lockheed_L-1011-385-1_TriStar_1%2C_Cathay_Pacific_Airways_AN0264964.jpg Air India, AIC, AI https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Lockheed_L-1011-385-3_TriStar_500%2C_Air-India_(Caribjet)_AN0855479.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Air_India_Lockheed_L-1011-500_TriStar_at_Lisbon_Airport.jpg Aer Lingus, EIN, EI https://forums4airports.com/media/1457/full?d=1534432297 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/83/a6/7083a609ff5d8499f084bad124d2a1f3.jpg All Nippon Airways, ANA, LH https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/2/21550_1269820523.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/1/40514_1270797634.jpg Saudi Arabian Airlines, SVA, SV https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/5/72458_1517322367.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/2/60694_1291631854.jpg British Airways, BAW, BA https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/6/86753_1402520670.jpg https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1714/25583462193_2e947f8003_b.jpg Pan Am, PAA, PA https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/2/16540_1258647185.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Lockheed_L-1011-385-3_TriStar_500%2C_Pan_American_World_Airways_-_Pan_Am_AN1139713.jpg Trans World Airlines, TWA, TW https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Lockheed_L-1011-385-1-15_TriStar_100%2C_Trans_World_Airlines_-_TWA_AN1625058.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Lockheed_L-1011-385-1_TriStar%2C_N7036T%2C_TWA_-_Trans_World_Airlines.jpg Air Transat, TSC, TS https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/4/41227_1359995225.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Lockheed_L-1011-500_Tristar%2C_Air_Transat_JP5929006.jpg Royal Jordanian, RJA, RJ https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/5/68472_1553769874.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/6/93651_1477726010.jpg Air Portugal, TAP, TP https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/Lockheed_L-1011-500_Tristar%2C_TAP_Air_Portugal_JP6275.jpg/800px-Lockheed_L-1011-500_Tristar%2C_TAP_Air_Portugal_JP6275.jpg https://cdn.planespotters.net/photo/166000/original/cs-ted-tap-air-portugal-lockheed-l-1011-385-3-tristar-500_PlanespottersNet_166910_c8976e6458.jpg Hawaiian Airlines, HAL, HA Eastern Airlines, EAL, EA Delta Airlines, DAL, DL United Airlines, UAL, UA
  12. something that I just found out about the L-1011 is that there is actually three variants of the aircraft that were built there is the L-1011, then there is the L1011-200, and last but not least the L1011-500
  13. Lockheed L1011 Tristar L101 L10 HAL, HA, Hawaiian Airlines https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/2/97444_1140678171.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/24/5e/de/245ede5fa25c598af4ed3ef0b0fe06ca--hawaiian-airlines-full-throttle.jpg
  14. Lockheed L1011 Tristar L101 L10 AFR, AF, Air France https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f8/5b/a1/f85ba1254e3e4438b203b25b5b0b92c2.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f8/5b/a1/f85ba1254e3e4438b203b25b5b0b92c2.jpg
  15. would really be cool to if that it could snow in the game and also if there was snow removal to remove snow from runways and deicing for planes and if we could see snow falling like you can when it rains or is foggy.
  16. https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/1/29266_1263348960.jpg https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/1/74354_1134221325.jpg https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2821/9326412517_acd0341cee_b.jpg https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8701/29369552651_20bb5c0185_b.jpg DC10, D1C, DAL, DL, Delta Air Lines DC10, D1C, UAL, UA, United Airlines
  17. I really hope that someone knows how to make it look like it is snowing at KJFK in tower 3!D Pro like in the video that atcJoe shot to publish on his youtube channel
  18. what would be even more cool though to is that if in Tower!3D Pro that you could have the deicing trucks deice planes and have snow removal equipment to that would remove snow from the runways maybe that can be put in The XX version of tower.
  19. I know it looks cool seeing that it has to be a tweek that he did to some file or something like that but that is just a guess.
  20. I watched the video that atcJoe had on his youtube channel where it was snowing at JFK and was just wondering if anyone knows how he was able to make Tower!3D Pro do this.
  21. Lockheed L1011 Tristar L101 L10 EAL EA Eastern Airlines Boeing 757-200 752, EAL, EA, Eastern Airlines https://flightaware.com/photos/view/1119338-92a2831c614afdd94a5f364167183c5fd0eada02/aircrafttype/L101/sort/votes/page/2 https://flightaware.com/photos/view/286780-1fe0b7cbf1f784522af8b2718b4a0ab52332b505/aircrafttype/L101/sort/votes/page/1 https://www.airliners.net/photo/Eastern-Air-Lines/Boeing-757-225 https://www.airliners.net/photo/Eastern-Air-Lines/Boeing-757-225
  22. here is a screenshot from KDFW with this Cargo Airline and aircraft type.
  23. I have gotten the Air Transport to work for me I have just used the aircraft type that was in the newest Tower 3D Pro master RC list in the excel file that was put out and it seems to work for me
  24. will eastern airlines be in the retro rc pack
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