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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. I bought the german pack and I tried to take the wav files out from the zip. I put the password but... nothing happens...


    Why to take the waves out? There is no reason. You simply execute the program and it connects to fs. The only think you have to do is to assign the messages from the software interface.

  2. Hi

    How can I buy the base pack of Ultimate Airline Crew? At simmarket I just see the language packs but not the base pack.




    There is no base pack anymore because the installer was more that 1gb. So, only per language packs now.

  3. well im not exactly sure whats causing the crash. it could be anywhere in the graphics system. all i know is that when i got close enough on the earth for the PC to being loading the ocean, maybe the special effects or something, it crashed.

    i have not replaced any textures. just now i managed to turn literally every setting down both in Xtreme and in FSX's settings, and was able to reach the ocean. is there any suggestion though as to what of Xtreme or FSX could be causing this problem?

    this is a suped-up quad-core PC. it handled a big city with highly detailed clouds at no challenge yesterday. it does not want to load the ocean under anything but bare bare minimums though. it doesnt make any sense.


    You really have to send the requested files. I need to see them

  4. I recently installed FSPS Xtreme FSX PC on my simulator, but I am having trouble with loading near oceans.

    Literally everytime I load at an airport near an ocean, the simulator goes through the loading screen (30-100%), and then crashes.

    Even when I slew, (slowly at that, to give the time adequate time to load the ocean textures), from a location 100's of miles inland, when I get around 100 miles or so, the simulator crashes.

    I have been able to find no resolution to this. I have reduced the core usage to 2, (was 3, have 4), I have tried undoing the "calculate water effects" feature and manually lowering all of the water texture settings in FSX prior to loading, and I have tried lowering all of the general texture settings that might apply, and even some others.

    I can't even load near an ocean when FSPS Xtreme is not running. Literally, the simulator has no capacity for loading near an ocean anymore. It previously DID before installing Xtreme. I tested that out many times to observe the default ocean textures.

    Even though I cannot get near an ocean, the simulator has no problem with normal water textures. I can fly around lakes all day.

    Any help, at all? I've been troubleshooting for hours at no success. Thanks in advance!


    Xtreme fsx pc does not change any textures. And you problem sounds like textures fault. Did you replace any textures latelly?

    You can sent the fsx.cfg file and settings.ini file to support.fsps@737ng.gr email just to look at it.

  5. I am using the latest FSUIPC version 4.8. I am having trouble with the AES and FS Passengers menus. All the click boxes for the commands

    do nothing. They simply do not work. Everything else in FS Manager works fine. Great program except for this. Does someone hava a solution to this???


    This is happening because of the latest builds of aes. We will update it.

  6. I have just rebuild a new computer OS Windows 7 .I am trying to reinstall the above unfortunately i keep getting an error message IE The serial number has been installed on a nother Computer etc .Will not continue installing .Can some one help please.......................................Robin PS Version 2 not 4


    For revalidation of serials numbers

    1.) send a copy of your order from the store you bought the product

    2.) include your serial number

    to FSPS Support Team


  7. Dear Friends,

    I bought FSX Extreme two day ago expecting it would be very easy to install and run. I have to say I'm very much disappointed!

    After several trial, the story repeats:

    1 - I have no access to different profiles. I can only use the standard profile;

    2 - running FSX after Extreme Booster,as per instructions,what I gwet is:

    2.1 - considerable reduction on image size/configuration;

    2.2 - AFC board do not work;

    GPS image shows only the GPS board but no contents;

    2.3 - Saitek switch pannel do not work;

    3 - the performance is worse than before: - jumping image, jumping sound,smaller images, etc.

    I want to believe that something went wrong but after uninstalling and reinstalling thrre times FS Extreme and FSX and believing on the advertising issue that "no special preparation or knowledge is needde, just install and run", I am deeply worried and disapointed.

    Can someone help?


    Rui Andrade

    2.3 - the performance becomes worse than before


    Please drop an email to support.fsps@737ng.gr

  8. And I've looked into it more and now know exactly what's happening:

    If the TextureMaxLoad Variable is inserted alphabetically in the [DISPLAY] section, FSX Booster does not delete it. However, when FSX is opened, it transfers the variable to the Top of the [DISPLAY] section. Then, once FSX Booster is shut down, it deletes it. What's causing it to migrate to the top?


    Thats correct. The program delee all entries because it happened to the past that many users had 2...3 times the same entry in wrong places. So, We have to delete them in order and place them to the correct place. This is not your case, but this is how we made it work in order 100% of the users to have correct entries.

  9. Even though I have "Keep FSX Settings" checked in FSX Booster, any changes to the fsx.cfg file through fsx or manually are always overwritten when I close FSX Booster. I've been able to work around this by manually adjusting settings before opening FSX Booster, but for whatever reason, it won't let me do this with TextureMaxLoad (not to be confused with TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD). It either resets it back to 3 (instead of 12) or deletes it entirely. Any ideas?




    Texture max load is being automatically calculated by the program based to many factors. So, it will always overwritten.

  10. OK. My problem is when I'm in 3D Cockpit and I'm looking out the left window and I want to use the hat switch to pan back to the right to look exactly straight ahead. When I pan to the right it goes past the center point. Then I pan to the left and it goes past the center view to just off center to the left. I keep having to go back and forth til it gets lined up perfectly.

    I was thinking there might be a way to snap the view back to a pre programmed spot such as exactly straight ahead. Thanks.

    I will check it

  11. Hi Achilles,

    This weekend I checked to see if I had an update and I did. I believe I'm running on version now. After downloading the new version, I rebooted and it still doesn't do anything when I click on Customize Viewpoint. The tool has 4 arrows and an X in the middle with a Save and Apply button to the right.

    Thanks, Lee


    Those buttons changes the eyepoiny of the specific aircraft that is loaded at fsx. Every change is very small, so, you have to press many times in order to see big results.

  12. Sorry, that heading should have read, 3D Real Cockpit Environment.

    Are there any detailed instructions on how to use the Viewpoint Tool. I can only find very limited instruction on how to use this feature in the Manual.

    The problem I'm trying to solve is when using 3D virtual cockpit view and using the hat switch to pan around the cockpit, I have problems getting the straight ahead view aligned. I have to keep switching to the right then left continiously until the vew stops exactly straight ahead. It's really no big deal unless I'm making the final approach and nearing the threshold.

    I don't even know if the Viewpoint tool will address this problem. Any ideas ?

    I'm running FSX on XP with the default 737-800. Thanks, Lee


    What is the version number you have?

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