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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hello all,

    Today I installed FSX booster and I experienced

    an huge FPS drop. Normally on Schiphol airport

    I get more then 35 fps but now I don't get more then 20!! overall performance is very bad.

    Can somebody please help me?

    btw, the request support button in FSX booster

    doesn't work!?!?!

    Kind regards,



    Please send your fsx.cfg file and settings.ini filre from inside fsx booster folder to support.fsps@737ng.gr

  2. No, it is not a joke.

    There is no other software running.

    I have tested this many times and the result is always the same.

    • Start FS without Xtreme, everything is normal.
    • Start FS from Xtreme, the simulator speeds up.
    • Shut down Xtreme, start FS without Xtreme, everything is normal.

    Oh, and I am not running fsuipc or simconnect.

    Can you please help?


    Never happened and I can not imagine how can this happen.

    maybe a broken installation can cause this?

    Try to reinstall the product.

  3. I installed Xtreme today, looking forward to performance improvement. There was, indeed, an improvement. Maybe a little too much.

    I have a Lenovo IdeaPad Y560p, Intel 97-2630QM (2.00 Ghz), 8 GB RAM, 750 GB hard drive (5400 RPM), AMD Radeon HD 6570M with 1 GB dedicated memory. I have FS X Acceleration - No other addons.

    Xtreme seems to make FSX run at about double the simulation rate. I was baffled. I uninstalled Xtreme and FS X, deleted the folders, and reinstalled FS X only.

    I tested a takeoff and landing, everything normal. Then I reinstalled Xtreme, followed all the recommended settings, letting the GPU control anti-alising and anisotropic filtering.

    This time, the takeoff and landing were super fast. Couldn't really control the aircraft very well.

    That's not supposed to happen is it? Please help.

    Thanks, Garrett


    thats a jock i think.

    xtreme fsx pc does not control any options at fsx for keystrokes or fsuipc offsets or simconnect that can change the simrate.

    your problem must be someware else. What other software you are running?

  4. Hi AchillesP,

    First of all, thanks for the quick reply.

    I have noticed that my cpu(s) do stay at 3 GHz while FSX is running.

    After a few more experiments, I have noticed an interesting thing, the Frames.

    The "Frames" was set as 30. And this seems to be the problem.

    it limited the FPS to be around 5 -15. (during the 1st FSX tutorial mission on takeoff).

    When the "Frames" is set to "unlimited" FPS from 20 up to 45 and occasionally giving a FPS of 80+. (on the 1st FSX tutorial mission)

    However, the FPS do fluctuate and does not offer an smooth simming experience.

    I have tried with many different "Frames" settings "30, 40, 50, 60"

    Still, the only setting that gives me a FPS that is above 15 is the "unlimited" setting.

    Is there any tweaks or tools out there that i can use to make the FPS a bit more stabilize ?



    I did not know that you had this option locked. Make sure it is to unlimited, you can choose the vertical syncronization, but also make sure your disk is very well defragmated. A non defragmated disk can cause big changes at FPS.

  5. In FSPS Xtreme FSX PC, there is a Tweaks option called Keep FSX Changes.

    I see that it gets selected without me clicking it. I searched the manual and do not see this option explained. Can you please tell me what it means and how I can (or should) control it?

    Thanks much!



    Every change you make inside fsx settings(From fsx) will be kept to fsx.cfg file after xtreme fsx pc will close.

  6. Hi,

    Make sure that windows are fully updated.

    Make sure that your cpu stays at 3.2 and not dropping to 2.2. (See you bios manual for this parameter)

    Make sure to disable cpu hyperthread because it does not work with FSX (See you bios manual for this parameter)

    >>I have to admit that FSPS did gave me a very slight improvement on FPS, still the FPS is poor and maintain around 10-25 FPS. (default aircraft)<<

    If you had 10 fps and now you have 14, this is 40% increase.

    Do all the above steps and report back please

  7. Hi, having some problems with my Ultimate airline crew programme at the moment. Basically none of the speech is playing or if it does it is very random and not when it should be, for example when I start a flight the aircraft already has its engines running and all doors closed so I usually swtich the off so I can start from scratch but the crew programme played the arrival PA. One of the only things i do get is the chime which only happens some of the time and then nothing happens.

    I have set everything correctly ( i think) and the voice pack said it was installed correctly. Also downloaded FSUPIC and when I first came onto the flight it came up and said "FSUPIC activated"

    Please can you help??




    Drop a mail to support.fsps@737ng.gr please.

  8. Hi , having installed fsps frame rates show only a slight improvement and i now get shadows and blurring on text in fsx mainly noticeable on atc message box and top line of menu any ideas


    This is antialiazing problem. You have it enabled or disabled?

  9. Hi All

    I am not sure if i am getting the best out of the extreme Booster FSX or even if i am using the booster correctly.

    On the Booster, You can add Add-ons, So if your using the Booster, So you have to add all your add-ons in the extreme Booster FSX.

    I have the following Add ons.

    1. My traffic X 5.4

    2. quality wings 757

    3. Extreme Heathrow.

    I was using UT2 as a Add-on until i up-graded to MTX but found that the program did not work if i added the Add-on to the booster.

    also i have now trouble reading the Text on the Readouts, So maybe i need to alter the pixels or something like that (help required)

    Can you also tell me if the tweaks are automatic on the booster?

    Finally , Is there any Video help which maybe hidden on the web.

    Best Regards



    At addons tab, you can place only external addons. Addons that are running ourside of fsx.

    The tweaks are automatic, but before you start fsx you have to press the prepare to fly now button

  10. Hi there,

    I purchased FSX Booster a couple of days ago.

    Having a bit of toruble with FSX booster in the way it doesnt make much difference and still makes my PC very laggy mainly with certain planes.

    Can you please advise me for the best config settings?

    Here are my current PC Specs please check the attachment.

    Thanks v much.


    Replied via email and solved.

  11. I have installed MEA on a new computer, however it does not work. It displays a message that the license is already installed on another PC. That would be my old PC, but the MEA software is no longer installed on that PC. How can I transfer the license to my new PC?

    Since the 10th of January I have sent several e-mails to Support (support.fsps@737ng.gr), but have not received any reply.

    Pls. respond!

    Regards, Jeroen.


    I recieved your email and replied. Did you got it?

  12. Hello,

    I added a reply to an active post more than 10 days ago but nobody answered.

    I am wondering if someone is taking care of this forum...

    Again: I wish to have some news about compatibility of 3D Real Cockpit with TrackIR. Five months are passed already after it was reported that "Currently trackir is not supported yet. But we have a schedule update for this together with hattrack"

    Many thanks.



    The forum is active.

    We have ordered an itrack unit in order to test the results. When we are ready, the update will be published.

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