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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. BTW I noticed this in your INI file: ConsoleWindow=-32000,-32000,-31835,-31929 Now at present you don't have the console log enabled, but if you ever did you wouldn't be able to find the Window! How did that line arise? Best to delete it or put something sensible in. Pete
  2. I use "Device Monitoring Studio". You run that on the same PC, not on the serial linked one. Take a look at www.hhdsoftware.com. If you want a free one then Google will find plenty. Try www.serial-port-monitor.com (which I think also links to the free HHD version). There's also a payware one which has a 15 day trial period at www.aggsoft.com Pete
  3. Did you not try again with those two lines corrected? If so, what is the problem now? They're just for information in case you are using either of these additional drivers. Pete
  4. Well, there's certainly been no change in FSUIPC which would make any such difference. The vertical speed is continually updated in offset 02C8 as a 32-bit value containing the V/S in metres/sec times 256. This is copies to offset 030C on touchdown. Please try monitoring both of these. To do this: 1 On final approach go into the FSUIPC options and select the Logging tab. 2 Enter both 02C8 and 030C in the 4-entry table on the right hand side, selecting type S32 and leaving the "hex" option unchecked. 3 Check at least the "Normal Log" option below -- if you want to see the values in real-time as well you can select FS Window. 4 OK out and perform the landing. Take a look at the FSUIPC4.log (in the Modules folder in FS). Compare the two versions of FSUIPC. Paste the logs into a message here if you'd like me to examine them. Pete
  5. Sorry, this is something for L-M. It doesn't happen here and I've not seen it reported yet, but only L-M can deal with P3D problems. Pete
  6. Found the problem. You have a number of Button assignment lines which are like this: 7=; placeholder 8=; placeholder 9=; placeholder This is not correct, of course. They should be: !7=placeholder !8=placeholder !9=placeholder The initial ! denotes this as a numbered line which needs retaining in position. 7=; placeholder actually results in a null keypress assignment assignment for Joystick #0, Button # 0 -- your Y,0. I'll change this processing so that those button table entries are ignored. But really you should use ! as a prefix to the whole line when you are wanting a placeholder. It will be fixed in any case in 4.949f and later. Maybe later today, more likely on the weekend. Incidentally, you also preceded some lines to be omitted (presumably) by // or ;. This doesn't do any harm, but those lines aren't guaranteed to be retained. Pete
  7. Thanks. no need for you to do any more -- I've managed to reproduce it with your INI file. Working on it now. Pete
  8. I've moved this from the subforum dedicated to programming with the .Net DLL, as it obviously is not related. Please always general support questions ofr FSUIPC and WideFS to the Support Forum. By "WideFS" you evidently mean Wideclient? The main part of WideFS is WideServer, built into FSUIPC on the FS PC. The line in the log you highlight is not a crash but a disconnection from the Server. There's no sign here of any crash. If you want me to investigate the crash I need the crash data from Windows (see its Event Viewer), but it actually looks to be a crash in your Network drivers, because any crash in WideClient would be trapped and logged too. You might want to try uninstalling your Network Adapter (in Windows Device Manager), including the drivers, re-booting so it finds it again and re-establishes the drivers. Pete
  9. Okay Now I see I need more info: 1. Is it just Y.0 for which this occurs? 2. As well as default button assignments, you have several Profiles: Logitech3dNoMixture Logitech3dMixture JetLiner PMDG 737NGX TurboProp Twins Regional Jet Turboprop Singles A2A Cherokee180 Does the problem occur with non-profile aircraft, or specific profiles only, or all? You have no "IgnoreThese" parameters so it isn't the bug I fixed in 4.949a. Pete
  10. Well, it's something in FSIpanel then. If MakeRwys can run when you tell it to, it should be fine if a program tells it to. You need FSIpanel support. Sorry. Pete
  11. Fine. My P3D in in drive E: too, but in its own folder. Surely you haven't installed it in the root, E:\? Mine is in E:\Prepar3D. Having programs in the root of a drive can result in problems for some applications. But why would MakeRwys still be running? Does it run if you simply double click on it? Is there a copy shown as still running in Tak Manager's process list? I think your first step is to reboot the PC, to make sure you are starting with nothing running. Pete
  12. What is MakeRwys.exe doing in drive E: root? It needs to be run from the P3D folder. Otherwise please address this to FSIPanel support as it sounds like they are trying to run it twice. Pete
  13. Thanks for reminding me of this request. I will be getting to it soon, probably this weekend. It's been pretty hectic here since returning from holiday, ad to make matters worse I have come down with a stinking head cold which has progressed downwards to give me a terrible cough! Surprising how much these things slow you down when you are old like me! The first part, checking if FSX has focus, is reasonably easy -- though there can be complications, as when the focus is in a Menu. The extension to test other Windows is not so easy since the normal Focus functions in Windows only work for your current thread Window. There's also some confusion between "Foreground Window", and "Focus" which I need to clarify in my mind. Windows references mention both as if they are separate states, and both have their own functions. Pete
  14. There was a bug related to the use of the "IgnoreThese" parameter, but that was fixed in 4.949a. I've just re-tested for that problem here. I need to be able to reproduce the problem in order to fix it, so rather than post pictures of the problem (as if I wouldn't believe you), could you please paste in your complete INI file so I can try here? Thanks, Pete
  15. I didn't say it was wrong, only that the line: host = host or "" is wrong. You only want host = "" Similarly port = port or 49002 should be port = 49002 I did point this out before. You seem to have missed it? Well of course ALL settings made in FSUIPC change the INI file because that is where they are stored! But you aren't using GPSout! If you are going to use that you wouldn't be using the Lua plug-in! And GPSout won't send stuff to an iPad unless it is connected by serial port cable and configured with a GPS moving map application set to accept external NMEA data instead of using the internal GPS. That communication is handled entirely in that Lua plug-in, NOT in GPSout! GPSout either sends data to WideClient running on another PC, or to a serial port. It cannot talk to an iPad over the Network, only via a serial port link! Pete
  16. Okay. Good move anyway. v3 will have continued development, bugs fixed etc, whilst v2 is now permanently stuck at 2.5. As far as GPSout is concerned, the normal problem (assuming the port selected is correct and the speed suitable for the device) is that the Sentences selected for sending aren't the ones the device expects. Selecting every one is not a good aswer as it will take too much time, especially at the most usual speed of 4800. Pete
  17. Ah, this crossed with my last message. The first part of that points to the main core of P3D: "Kernel32" is a main part of Windows. The second part of the post surely isn't related? That appears to be a crash in some attempt to run "System Restore"! The only thing relating it to P3D is I don't know how that arose, but it all seems to point to a bad P3D install. If I were you the first thing I'd do is uninstall P3D altogether, then download the full installer for 2.5 (assuming you don't want to pay to move onto version 3) and install that. On the GPSout question, I think you should leave than till you know you have a stable installation of P3D. Pete
  18. Hmm. The fact that it is crashing when you use any of the menus (you did say "Scenarios, Locations, Aircraft" as well as the FSUIPC options), indicates it must surely be an installation error or, just possibly, a video driver progrem (changing modes of display). It certainly doesn't sound specific to FSUIPC. Try putting the Sim into Windowed mode insterad of full screen mode before changing anything. BTW why are you using 2.4? I suspect for support from L-M you should at least update to 2.5 if not actually pay for version 3. Without knowing what other add-ons you are using, or whether it still crashes without FSUIPC, it's hard to help. Certainly, though, logs and error details are a must. FSUIPC's run time log is called FSUIPC4.LOG and is found in the Modules subforlder in P3D. (As in fact documented). For Windows event data you need to use the Windows Event Viewer -- just enter "event viewer" in the Start search field (bottom left in Windows normally). No one can help without information, no matter where you post. Pete
  19. Er, you want to but FSUIPC4 again? When you buy FSUIPC you have free updates for life. You only buy it once! Not sure what your confusion is over versions. There are more than one version of FS. Does that confuse? As it clearly says on the sales pages, FSUIPC3 is for FS9 (FS2004) and earlier (right back to fS98), and FSUIPC4 is for FSX, FSX-SE and P3D. Where does it ever say "just delete it"? You never need to delete anything! Just download the current FSUIPC4 installer and run it. There is even a document supplied which tells you things, including where to find FSUIPC files including all of the additional goodies like User Documentation and assorted add-ons. Versions older than the current Installer version (4.949 at present) are not supported, so before coming here for support you always first need to check you are up to date. BTW You are lucky I saw your post as you posted into a subforum ("FAQ" -- repository for answers to frequent questions). Please always post support requests here, the support forum. Pete
  20. Lockheed-Martin has a support forum. Have you tried reporting these problems there? Why, specifically, are you reporting it here. Do you think it's somehow related to FSUIPC? If so, why? Without any information -- Logs, Windows crash data, and so on, I cannot really help. And if you can't get P3D running, what's the question about the GPSout facility here for? Maybe when you sort out the P3D problem so things can work, GPSout will work fine for you? Pete
  21. Ignoring the Log file for now, as it doesn't show any more than you showed already, is this REALLY the "FSXOzplug.lua" file you are using, the one in the FS Modules folder? If so I can immediately see two errors. But it puzzles me why you ask me about another person's program when he gives his name and email there for you, i.e. Jason Beringer jason.beringer@monash.edu Has he deceased or in other ways become non-responsive? Anyway: -- Define IP and port -- Enter the IP address of the IPad or Iphone that OzRunways is running on. -- Port 49002 is UDP port that XPlane communicates on and OzRunways expects host = host or "" -- USER EDIT THIS FOR YOUR IPDA/IPHONE RUNNING OZRUNWAYS port = port or 49002 That is mostly an instruction for YOU to edit those two lines. They are not correct Lua statements. You need to put your host's name or IP address into the first line, as host ="name" or host="ip address" Where you replace ip address with the correct one. "" is merely an example of an IP address. Is it the correct one? The author uses the word "host" as being the PC or iPad or whatever which is running whatever it is you are wanting this to talk to (OzRunways?) The port line should probably just be port=49002 I think he says "port or 49002" in case that port is already used by another program -- you'd need to change it at both ends if so.. The second problem is [Auto] 1=Lua FSXOzplug just before the final "end" line. That is not Lua. You already added those lines into the FSUIPC4.INI file. Why did you add them into the Lua file too? Delete them. Pete
  22. I'm asfraid I'm really not able to help with SPAD (which I know nothing about) or Saitek devices. FSUIPC does read standard jystick devices (ie USB connected devices recoginsed by Windows as joystick types), but it includes no display drivcers whatsoever -- they are all so different depending on implementation. I did get pretty deeply involved with GoFlight devices and produces some software, and later Lua plug-ins, which try to handle those well, but generally their own drivers do a good job with standard FS aircraft implementations. You only have to mess about when using them with non-standard add-ons like PMDG Boeings and Aerosoft Airbuses, or with alternative avionics systems like PM, Prosim or Sim-Avionics. There are facilities in the Lua plug-in libraries for writing plug-ins to handle almost any type of HID devices, but you have to be able to investigate the actual encoding of the data yourself to determine how to drive displays correctly. Aren't the window positions remembered if you save a flight then reload it? I'm afraid I've never tried (or wanted) to use multiple Windows with any version of FS -- it ruins performance and therefore smoothness too much. I'd rather use a Network for separate windows. My own cockpit uses a 10 foot wide projected image for just the external scenery. All the avionics are on separate PCs, courtesy of Prosim737 Pete
  23. Er, sorry, I know nothing about the SIOC part. I was only trying to interpret the text you showed, which seems to indicate that you just edit the G1000.ini. Do you mean that your buttons are not normal joystick buttons, recognised by FSUIPC as such? So my suggested assignments by offset manipulation was not relevant? I don't know how you tell SIOC to increment a byte offset each time you press a button I'm afraid. No, conversion of Hexadecimal numbers to Decimal or vice versa is a conversion, a computation. There's no infinite list of numbers showing them all in both radices! You'll find many hex conversion utilities about, check the Internet. Anyway, you will only need one or the other. Well, only if your buttons are visible in FSUIPC. You seem from the above to imply they aren't, and have to be programmed in SIOC. Whether SIOC can send controls or not I have no idea. For a beginner you seem to have rather jumped in the deep end. Why all this complication with G1000's, and especially with SIOC? Wasn't there a ready-made solution to whatever it is you wanted? I suspect you really need to be in a cockpit builders forum where you'll find lots of folks doing this sort of thing. I know SIOC is used a lot by such folk. Try for instance http://www.mycockpit.org/forums. Pete
  24. Information provided by FSUIPC is obtained directly from SimConnect. There will be nothing FSUIPC is doing which will change any value related to flight, and certainly nothing in the FS data set has changed in FSUIPC or in FS for years. So you have something else going on. Rather than trying to avoid it, don't you think it would be better to solve it? Tell me first what exactly you mean by "landing rates". do you mean vertical speed on touchdown? All any program can do to provide that is to try to detect the moment the aircraft does touch the ground -- indicated by an "on ground" flag in SimConnect -- and at that moment make a copy of the current vertical speed. Of course, if the sim is overloaded in any way, such that the one event gets separated from the other, the value could be way out. It could even register a climb instead if there's an immediate bounce. FSUIPC does try to get atound both such problems by some complex coding, recording the last few vertical speeds and taking the most previous descent one, but it isn't foolproof. Let me know what you mean and I'll advise on how to use FSUIPC's logging to determine what is happening. Oh, and for all support requests please use this, the Support Forum. The subforums are for other uses, and FAQ especially is a reference place, for common answers. BTW what "previous version" do you refer to? I always need the actual NUMBER. The current version is 4.949e (see the Download Links subforum). Pete
  25. Oh dear. :-( The ONLY problem you appear to have, according to your posts here, is with a Lua plug-in you are trying to use called "FSXOzplug.lua". That is not part of my product at all, and if you didn't write it then you must have obtained it somewhere. If you need help with that then you will probably need to go back to its source. The plug-in is a text program which can be read and edited like any text program. You'll find it in the FS Modules folder, next to FSUIPC and its logs. It appears to contain a blatant syntax error. If you paste it into a message here I might be able to identify it and tell you how to fix it, but as it is not my program I cannot guarantee that. Pete
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