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Francois Dumas

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Posts posted by Francois Dumas

  1. Boy are we digressing... but fun... :)

    I think Don hit the nail on the head with one of his remarks. We talk about FS companies, but the last few posts hold through for any company, and we see the examples ALL around us.

    As soon as a company grows too BIG, or diverts too much from its initial target, things start going wrong in many cases.

    After over half a century (I like that expression..... at least explains my gray hairs a bit ..LOL) I still firmly believe that one can only be really good at something one really LOVES doing. All other activities can 'look' good, but when your heart is not in it, they are never excellent !! :wink:

    I see proof ofthat each and every day in the companies I deal with professionally, and in the companies I (have) worked for. As soon as the love of the work/product is overshadowed by earthly golas like getting rich, making career, hoping over your rival or comeptitor and one is NOT any longer focused on making this PERFECT product for a CUSTOMER, then quality and service will drop inevitably.

    It will not necessarily kill the company, but it DOES change things, often beyond repair. The atmosphere of a company, inside AND out, changes. Then its image, its fame, in the end so much that customers leave just because of it. In our fast moving world there are many new customers that have no knowledge of the history and that often 'saves' many ;arge companies today. That and the fact they are so big, one HAS to buy there because there is nothing else.

    The above is what has me (for example) turned off from a job I have been doing in many guises for the past 19 years now and made me decide a few years ago that it is finished. It is no longer fun, there is no contact with happy customers, one has no control anymore over the quality of the work - heck, it is not even wanted anymore - so time to change..... back to being an artisan if possible..... :wink:

    Trouble is.... money :cry: One has to live, and once used to a certain way of living, that is very difficult to change voluntarily.

    Anyway..... coming back to the point in case... YES, a company needs to focus on what it does best, needs to focus on RETAINING its customers and communicating with them..... and that can only really work in smaller markets such as FS by being AS ENTHUSIASTIC as the customers over what it is all about. Just delivering a 'good' in exchange for some $$'s is not good enough in my book, and that is what happens if too many people get in volved (and have to eat) and the companies grow too big.

  2. ANYTHING that flies is way over my budget... except my flight lessons and museum visits... but... I fly with a friend of mine in the UK occasionally and he shares a plane with four others. That needs to 'work' of course, as with any partnership.. it is more like a small 4-man club. Co-owners.

    Now another guy at that flying club has started something interesting by buying planes and setting up a venture to 'share them out' again. Not really proper English, but I don't know how elese to explain it.

    Actually, he has a website about the whole venture.... I'll attach the link if I can find it in a minute.

    Was just thinking that perhaps you could set up something similar over there and lower the cost a whole lot more.... or get more aircraft for the same price ?

    Kind regards,


    P.S. found it: http://www.cirrus147.com/

  3. Don,

    I guess there are two ways to deal with an unhappy customer:

    1) Try and find out what is the problem and then try and make the customer happy again if at all possible

    2) Ignore the customer and assume he will go away after a while.

    The method 1) is what you, I and so many other customers and suppliers would find 'normal'. It also provides both parties with a 50% chance of getting to gether again and continue a relationship.

    Method 2) is by no means uncommon in certain areas, industries and yes, even countries. My estimate there is that the chance of getting together again is a lot LESS than 50%.

    I guess it depends on what one expects to be the outcome of a strategy. :roll:

    One thing you must keep in mind, and this is perhaps not always obvious, is that companies such as LAGO and Aerosoft are mainly 'local focused' companies. Unlike simMarket (we get 80% of our revenue from the US and UK) they get 80% of revenue from a local(language) market !!

    Mathijs Kok was 'trying' to make LAGO more international, and to all English speakers who visited the site and the forums it may SEEM that they were, but reality is that they are NOT. Just check the rest of the LAGO/Leader forums.... the English forum is just one of many and there are a few Italian forums almost as big or nearly as big as LAGO.

    Mathijs is now going to try the same at Aerosoft, whuch is mainly a Germany based company selling boxed add-ons in supermarkets and bookshops (and doing that very well).We'll see if he fares better there than at Lago.

    The English-speaking customer base is just not as important to them I guess.


  4. Actually, you WILL see the other player's real aircraft as long as you both are using exactly the same add-on plane !!

    But joining in a default plane is essential for making sure the sim or server doesn't crash.... we have fond before that 'joining' in an add-on can cause problems for other players. Changing AFTER you join is not a (technical) problem, but you run the risk others don't see you as you are.


  5. Here are some recommendations for using the multiplayer server for EFFC flights, intended to keep the load on the server down to a minimum:

    1. ALL FSAddon MP servers and their information can be found on their Services Pages

    Emma Field IP address:

    Port: 23477

    Check for members:

    backup server: (??)

    2. FPS must be locked at 20, this allows the server to keep up.

    3. All users to join the server in their default Cessna, minimizes the chances of seeing floating 737's and the like.

    Tips submitted by Pittnuma... thanks for that.


  6. Two bottoms? Of course... double bottoms !! Us smugglers use it all the time, Don !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    And I said it before and will say it again..... EFFC is based on the Emma Field airfield (the real or the adjacent, doesn't matter) and nowhere else will you find Fritz doing registrations, mowing the field and stashing bottles of local brew........ so no discussions needed. Raven has found a good solution for would-be owners of Emma, until such a time a solution comes around (in whatever way, from whatever party).

  7. Looks like I have to be in the UK end of Feb. Any of these museums open at that time? I'll be in Oxford but would come 2 days early so as to meet some friends and perhaps, who knows, meet some of you :D

    Anywhere between Hull and Oxford could do :wink:

  8. Had a small run-in with an unknown individual at LAGO's forum who seemed to have statistically proven that the Emma Field Flying Club forum is 'sputtering' .....

    I pointed out that we have (together with BFU) the world's busiest flying club forum, but I think I had better not even replied..... sometimes I am just too enthusiastic. Now I have 'offended' a Floridian, or so it seems.

    I swear I did not mention the last president's election or anything even remotely related to that ... sorry Joe !! :D

    Some folks just don't entirely 'get it' I think..... http://forum.videogame.it/noncgi/ultima5;t=004046

  9. Hi Bill, looks absolutely wonderful !!! Great work ! And I already spotted a few things you could add to Orcas as well :wink:

    The philosophy behind the New World Sceneries is to provide customers with a 'base' of beautifully blended-in scenery (and some pretty awesome airfields and additional features !) but to leave room for imagination and fantasy as well.

    We're in final beta now and hard at work to try and make up for some lost time (especially on the documentation part..... :oops: ).

    Look forward to Sucia island and connect !! :D

  10. Thanks Ric, I was one of the co-founders of the MS-based BFU and know Naji very well. He made some beautiful sceneries for the BFU. BFU North has been my starting flight for 2 years in a row, I learned to know Alaska because of it and have now quite a number of friends in that neck of the woods too......

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