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Everything posted by sisoffi

  1. thank you Roman, in the ini need to use them or only the mddog_X? [LuaFiles] 1=MADDOG_X 2=MD_FGCP_PWR [Auto] 1=Lua MADDOG_X 2=Lua MD_FGCP_PWR
  2. about the Digit for alphanumeric output V S P M the 7segment has no possiblity to put out the letter. Need to add an laphanumeric digit
  3. I dont find the HDG anymore...
  4. Roman, ok. I tried and in mobiflight you can set the value Type : Int - Float - String. Work with String but show only the number part without == until 900 after the display is perfect show correctly 1000 - 2000 and so on... there is another option Substring from 0 to 7 not check. Same problem with VS. I Attach some pictures. I noted also that if you cold and dark the display remain ON is possible to use a precondition like if APU and GPU are ON display shown (Usually there is a time about 5-10 seconds after bus are ON). many thanks.
  5. thank you Roman, work very fine and im very happy! two questios: in the maddog FGCP there is an output alphanumeric that change in V S M behind vertical speed is mapped on the IPC Lvars? also altitude report = under 10.000 feet ...is not also mapped? many thanks! super
  6. ok the file MADDOG_X.lua work very well...superfast! so excited!!!! Pete, the only thing is not working if i mantain the name MADDOG_X.lua i need to change name MADDOG.lua leaved suffix _X do you know this issue? thanks, SImone
  7. Hi Roman and Pete, thank you very much to effort me. Now is more clear what you said to me and appreciate a lot the immense work for me. the problem now that there is something wrong with the script. the displays don't work are all zero (I changed the offsets on Mobiflight I checked the file name in fsuipc.ini and everything is perfect) but it doesn't work 😞 even the strings of a few posts ago didn't work. Does it seem to work only with the wording of the old file? it seems strange to me. The Log show only READ if i active WRITE dont show nothing. thank you Simone FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log
  8. Hi Pete, I leaved the Linda and no there is only Fsuipc in the modules. The driver was skalarki board and not assign never in the fuispc offsets. The Board is not in use from me and use Arduino with Mobiflight.
  9. all other Lvars (apart guidance) are only output Leds
  10. Pete, I don't use Linda. I installed it to understand if through its logging I can better understand the lua variables. I can unnistall it. The hardware I still use relies on Skalarki (hardware manufacturer for 320) but no longer supports the md80 anymore since the old version. I reused the same file even on the new version as many Lvars are still in use and I added the new Lvars for guidance/glareshield. Could you help me better solve the script? I tried to insert the one above but it doesn't work.
  11. i attach the new log file. The lua script post to spoke2112 doesn't work FSUIPC5.log MADDOG.lua
  12. Hi spoke2112, I've tried to use your script but not work. Can you please modify the script directly in the previous? many thanks
  13. Thank you Pete and thankyou Spokes2112. this is in attach the complete Lua script. I see the example and will try it. I have also a reply from maddog team that : "I think it's all backed up by the refresh of the "exposed" variables, he kept it deliberately low for a performance talk" ill try to investigate. MADDOG.lua
  14. Dear Pete, I think I understood the logic of Lvars. If the maddog reads for exxample the variable md_ipc_ap_alt = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_alt") and writes it in a free offset (of my choice?) ipc.writeUD(0x68F0,md_ipc_ap_alt) why this offset is 0x68F0 is in use? ( i found this old script from my old maddog) Then, instead 0x68F0 can you say me which free offset can use? there is a list of free offset can find somewhere? thanks Simone
  15. log file in attach. my script for lua is : --GLARESHIELD ---------------------------------------------------- --WING master_warn = ipc.readLvar("L:masterwarn_adv1") ipc.writeUD(0x6748,master_warn) master_caut = ipc.readLvar("L:mastercaut_adv1") ipc.writeUD(0x674C,master_caut) --GUIDANCE IPC md_ipc_ap_alt = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_alt") ipc.writeUD(0x68F0,md_ipc_ap_alt) md_ipc_ap_spd = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_spd") ipc.writeUD(0x68E8,md_ipc_ap_spd) md_ipc_ap_hdg = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_hdg") ipc.writeUD(0x68EC,md_ipc_ap_hdg) md_ipc_ap_vs = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_vs") ipc.writeUD(0x68F4,md_ipc_ap_vs) ipc.sleep(50) end are not correct the offsets? thanks. Simone FSUIPC5.4.log
  16. Thank you Pete. Im using via mobiflight and arduino to intercept the offset read from lvar and send to a 7segment display. If i run Lvar logging i imposible because many data scroll without chance of read something. "BTW why not read the speed and heading from the normal P3D offsets? I'm sure they must be correct. Using L:Vars for such basic values seems very odd." What do you intend to with this? is not the method i just use with the ipcLvars and offset?
  17. Hi Pete, im tring to interface the guidance of my md80 leonardo with IPC Lvars. The variable read is : md_ipc_ap_hdg = ipc.readLvar("L:md_ipc_ap_hdg") the write ipc.writeUD(0x68EC,md_ipc_ap_hdg) trough a lua file in the folder modules. P3D 4.5 fsuipc 5.15 the problem is that in my external interface 7segment display and also in mobiflight the fsuipc value lag for microseconds and interchange by a fraction time with 0000 for the altitude and 000 for speed and heading. I noted also that output leds work slowly instead the pulse normally show in the Virtual cockpit. Can you help me about it? thanks Simone
  18. Hi Pete, thank you for your new Mouse Macro in Fsuipc5. Is possible to make in order the macros found like this, with separate comma an divides per section? [Macros] \\ELEC 1=LEFT_CSD_MIN= 2=LEFT_CSD_PLUS= 3=RIGHT_CSD_MIN= 4=RIGHT_CSD_PLUS= 5=CSD_TEMP= 6=L_GEN_ON=RX101e4,3 7=R_GEN_ON=RX101f5,3 8=R_GEN_RESET=RX101f5,1 9=EPWR_ROTARY_PLUS=RX101f6,1 10=EPWR_ROTARY_MIN=RX101f6,15 \\APU 11=GALLEY_ON=RX101e3,3 12=APU_R_BUS_ON=RX101e6,3 13=APU_R_BUS_OFF=RX101e6,1 14=APU_L_BUS_ON=RX101e5,3 15=APU_R_BUS_OFF=RX101e5,1 16=EXTPWR_L_BUS_ON= 17=EXTPWR_R_BUS_ON= 18=AC_BUS_TIE=RX101e2,3 19=DC_BUS_TIE=RX101e1,3 20=GALLEY_ON=RX101e3,3 21=APU_FAG_ENG1_DIS=RX101fa,3 22=APU_FAG_ENG2_DIS=RX101fb,3 23=APU_FIRE=RX101f9,3 24=AIR_OFF=RX101fc,1 25=AIR_ON=RX101fc,3 26=AIR_COND=RX101fc,3 27=APU_BATT_ON=RX101d1,3 28=APU_BATT_OFF=RX101d1,1 29=APU_MASTER_MIN=RX101fd,1 30=APU_MASTER_PLUS=RX101fd,3 31=APU_MASTER_START 31.1=RX101fd,3 31.2=RX101fd,3 32=EMER_PWR_ON=RX101f8,3 33=EMER_PWR_OFF=RX101f8,3 34=APU_DOORS_RAM=RX1020d,3 35=APU_DOORS_NONRAM=RX101ff,3 36=FLTDK_DOOR_UNLKD=RX6ae60*X81cc,11 37=FLTDK_DOOR_DENY=RX6aeb0*X81cc,11 38=APU_DOORS=RX6afe0*Xa1cc 39=APU_ECON= 40=APU_NORM= \\ENG 41=START_PUMP_ON=RX101df,3 42=START_PUMP_OFF=RX101df,3 43=ENG_IGNIT_PLUS=RX101e0,1 44=ENG_IGNIT_MIN=RX101e0,15 45=FUEL_HEAT_L=RX101de,3 46=FUEL_HEAT_R=RX101dd,3 47=ENG_STRT_L_PLUS=RX101db,3 48=ENG_STRT_L_MIN 48.1=RX101db,13 48.2=RX101db,19 49=ENG_STRT_R_PLUS=RX101dc,3 50=ENG_STRT_R_MIN 50.1=RX101dc,13 50.2=RX101dc,19 51=AFT_FUELP_R_ON=RX101d4,3 52=AFT_FUELP_R_OFF=RX101d4,3 53=AFT_FUELP_M_ON=RX101d5,3 54=AFT_FUELP_M_OFF=RX101d5,3 55=AFT_FUELP_L_ON=RX101d8,3 56=FWD_FUELP_L_ON=RX6bd90*X8bcc 57=FWD_FUELP_L_OFF=RX6bd90*X8bcc 58=FWD_FUELP_M_ON=RX6bd60*X8bcc 59=FWD_FUELP_M_OFF=RX6bd60*X8bcc 60=FWD_FUELP_R_ON=RX6bd30*X8bcc 61=FWD_FUELP_R_OFF=RX6bd30*X8bcc
  19. my god pete very sorry! i see now in the new version! many thanks for your effort, i wil try to make some tests. Simone
  20. yes, but if the mouse macro is not anymore implement from new fsuipc5 we cannot use this beautiful function 😞
  21. yes, new maddog2018 change and no macro mouse from old version is still available or work. The control event are all ready but some of them are difficult to set.
  22. no Pete, im using the new maddog2018 with fsuipc5 in p3d v4 64bit.
  23. yes Pete, with fsuipc4 old maddog2010 all mouse macro worked perfectly. the maddog support is not for these things, they not support 😞
  24. with old version was easy to map all via macro functions.
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