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English Rebel

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Everything posted by English Rebel

  1. Ah, that simple huh. I guess I was trying to make it more complicated than it is. Will try it tomorrow. The Kohlsman encoder is working okay (albeit a little slow) using key presses and the Kohlsman Inc and Kohlsman Dec from the drop down list, but is there a way that FSUIPC accepts direct inputs for encoders. The Pokeys card is set up for a digital output but I don't see a way for FSUIPC to read it. Thanks Alan
  2. I still need some help in getting my encoders to work. I have the two encoder inputs wired to a Pokeys card and have key assignments of alt+shift+6 and alt+shift+7. My JET45 software gives me an offset of 73FD and the instructions say to add 1 or subtract 1 for a range of 0-255. From what I was told in an earlier post I have to use the Ubyte Increment and Ubyte Decrement offsets. So for alt+shift+6 in Key Presses in the Program keyboard controls here section I used the Ubyte Increment and for alt+shift+7 I used Ubyte Decrement. However I cannot get the encoder to work as I'm not sure what values to put in the Parameters boxes. Could someone please help. Thanks Alan
  3. Pete It wasn't because the INI file was changed it was because the communication with the Pokeys card was temporarily lost. I tried the suggestion on adding the same settings to RELEASE and it's very difficult to get the tenths and hundredths inches to where I want them. I can live with the slowness until I figure out a LUA script. Thanks Alan
  4. Pete I did read the FAQ but with my limited computer knowledge am still confused. Can you explain why the values I entered work? If there is a logic to them, then (as a mechanical engineer) I can grasp the concept. Thanks Alan
  5. Okay thanks Pete, I will try that. I also noticed that every time I load up FSX the encoder stops working. I have to go back into FSUIPC and reassign the settings. Also how involved is the LUA programing given my limited knowledge? Thanks Alan
  6. I am using an physical encoder to change the value of my BARO setting in JET45 Avionics Software. I have it connected to a Pokeys card and I have set the input as Direct Key Mapping and am using CTRL+SHIFT+1 and CTRL+SHIFT+2 and set 4X for sampling speed. Under Key Presses tab and Program keyboard controls here section of FSUIPC, I keyed in CTRL+SHIFT+1 selected Kohlsman Inc and for CTRL+SHIFT+2 selected Kohlsman Dec. The encoder works okay but it is slow to change values. If I turn the encoder faster the values change even slower or not at all. My question is this, is this a function of the encoder or is there any way I can get the values to change quicker with slower turns of the encoder by entering any values in the Parameters box? Thanks Alan
  7. I read the FAQ but am still not sure I understand how the parameter values work. For instance I have a MFD with 6 buttons that are connected to a Pokeys card. JET45 software documentation shows that the offset for these buttons is 73F8. It also shows that the bit for button 1 is 0 though button 6 for which the bit is 5. So in FSUPIC I click the button and it is recognized as a Joystick button. I select Offset Setbit from the drop down list enter x73F8 and x0 for the parameter. I do the same for the button release and select Offset Clrbit with the same offset and parameter. I repeated this for the remaining five buttons progressively using x02 through x05 for the parameters but they didn't work. By trial and error I found that the following parameters worked: Button 1: x01 Button 2: x02 Button 3: x04 Button 4: x08 Button 5: x10 Button 6: x20 Now I would like to know why this works as it will assist me with understanding what I have done instead of fumbling around in the dark until I find the right answer. By the way on another panel where the software documentations says the offset is 73D5 and the bit is 7 I found that x40 worked for the parameter. Logically it would seem that the correct progression should have been 01, 02, 04, 08, 16, 32, etc. but maybe I am confusing this with something else. Thanks Alan
  8. Just checked back with this thread so thanks for that answer Pete. Alan
  9. Can't anyone help with this. I would have thought that an ON/OFF switch to activate reverse thrusters (like the GoFlight TQ does) would be a simple thing to program. Thanks Alan
  10. Doesn't anyone have any idea if this is okay to do? I guess I'll just have to try it but I need to know if I have to restart FSX if I make any changes to to FSUIPC.INI while FSX is running? Thanks Alan
  11. Thanks for sorting that out for me Paul. Now I can program all my encoders (as long as I know the range). Alan
  12. Well the only information I can glean is that I need to increment and decrement (I think that was obvious) and the value is 0-255 and need to add or subtract 1 for each encoder movement. Now I can try all of the offsets for Inc and Dec as there are only three Sword, Sbyte, and Ubyte. From Pete's user guide for Increments and Decrements I need to add the increment value followed by the maximum value. For trial and error should I start with 255,255 (where there are 255 increments of 1)? Thanks Alan
  13. Thanks Paul I'll ask the software designer. Alan
  14. Paul I have been playing with the Key Presses tab in FSUIPC as I had set my two encoder inputs to a keystroke combination (e.g. ALT/SHIFT/1 and ALT/SHIFT/2 for the encoder that changes the approach minimum altitude on my PFD). There is no FSX function from the drop down list but there are quite a few offset options. The only issue is I don't know which one to pick for the encoder function so I can enter the offset that I got from my software manual. Any ideas? Alan BTW I changed the parameter for button #2 to x02 and it worked. I also changed all the offsets to setbit and clrbit.
  15. I have been running FSX on one PC. I'm now going to move it to a new PC that is networked to the original PC. The original PC has my Pokeys card connected that I set up with FSUIPC and it was recognized as Joystick 1. I have a lot of buttons and encoders already programmed on that card and really don't want to go through the whole procedure again. I understand that FSUIPC with WideFS will recognize devices on a networked machine but adds 1000 to their ID. Can I simply go into the FSUIPC.INI file and change the number of that device from 1 to 1001? Thanks Alan
  16. Okay thanks for all your help. Alan
  17. On a related subject -- any suggestions on how to set up encoders (I have the offsets)? I cannot see any options in FSUIPC for encoders even though I have set up the "joystick" with digital inputs related to the encoders. They are obviously not buttons or switches. Thanks Alan
  18. Paul Sorry yes you are correct -- there is only one bit for each button. I did notice as you mentioned that when I press button 2 it activates the function of button 3 momentarily before activating the function of button 2 but pushing button 3 works fine so I need to change button 2 to "2" (or 000010) so that it doesn’t affect button 3. I also need to go back and use the setbit and clrbit functions. Thanks for your help Alan
  19. Thanks Paul. I think in your earlier reply about the bits buttons 2 and 3 seem to be reversed. I guess it depends on how the software they are connected to interprets. if they were in logical order it would be: Hex -> Decimal -> Binary Button 1 x01 -> 1 -> 00000001 Button 3 x03 -> 4 -> 00000100 Button 2 x04 -> 6 -> 00000110 Button 4 x08 -> 8 -> 00001000 Button 5 x10 -> 16 -> 00010000 Button 6 x20 -> 32 -> 00100000 That would make more sense. I'll go back and change the offset to set and clear and see if that works. Alan
  20. Paul Wouldn’t the Offset Clearbit cancel the action that the Setbit does? For some reason the way I have it works but would like to do it the "right" way -- I just need to try and understand what I'm doing. Alan
  21. Paul I messed around with it this morning and by trial and error I got all buttons to be recognized (they say a pig finds and acorn once in a while :mrgreen: ). Anyway here is what I had to put in the Parameter box and I have no idea what it means so maybe you could shed some light on them. I used Offset Toggle bit in the Actions When Pressed as well as Actions When Released (I had to add the later one as I had to press the buttons twice to get the response). Button 1 x01 Button 2 x06 Button 3 x04 Button 4 x08 Button 5 x10 Button 6 x20 Thanks Alan
  22. Thanks Paul. I did read that tutorial but it lost me. One more question. Where does the "1" (for ON) go or does the bit together with the Togglebit offset imply that? Alan
  23. Paul Thanks for that information. To clarify, if the bits for the buttons #1 through #6 are (per the documents for the offset) 0 through 5 what should I put in the Parameters box for each of those bits as I'm not sure what you mean by "For example if you want to toggle bit 0 you enter 1 because 2^0 is 1"? Sorry but I'm a dummy when it comes to this. I really hope to get this resolved before Pete comes back as my experience with asking him these kind of questions has not been good as he just says "read the guide" which doesn’t help me. Thanks Alan
  24. Okay still stuck with this. I have an offset from the software that I am using (JET45) that relates to six simple single contact spring loaded buttons (push for ON and release for OFF) on an MFD. The offset is 73F8 the number is 1 and buttons 1 through 6 have bits 0 through 5 and 1 is for ON and 0 is for OFF. So the questions are: What offset should I use from the drop down list? I have tried Offset Byte Setbit and Offset Byte Togglebit but they don't seem to work (but I may have incorrect information entered in the Offsets or Parameters box that is causing it not to work). Should the offset and the bit go in the Offset box -- if so what is the format -- for button #6 should it be x73F85 or x73F8.5? What is the format for the parameters box? Should I just put 1 for ON or does the bit value go here as well? Should the second set of fields be used for actions when the switch is turned OFF. I didn't think so as it's not a toggle switch only a momentary push button and the box for repeating the action while the switch is held doesn't seem to apply in this case. Thanks for any help you can give me. Alan
  25. Andy That worked just fine. Thanks Alan
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