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English Rebel

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Everything posted by English Rebel

  1. Andy You are correct up to a point. I didn't move those two virtual joysticks to the new PC. Here's what I did and I'm sorry about any confusion. I have two PCs called AVIONICS and FSX. I have the virtual joysticks -- two Pokeys cards that run my three DUs (Primary Flight Display, EICAS and MFD) and my RMUs (Radio Management Units). These are connected to AVIONICS where I was running FSX while I programmed the buttons and encoders. I now run FSX and WideFS on the new FSX PC and when FSX loads, FSUIPC created a new INI file. AVIONICS is now the client running WideClient but still with the two virtual joysticks connected to it. Initially I thought that by setting the INI so that AutoAssignLetters is YES, FSUIPC would identify the two virtual joysticks on the AVIONICS PC and I could just copy and paste all the buttons assignments from my AVIONICS FSUIPC INI file into the FSX FSUIPC INI file. That worked up to a point as FSUIPC on the FSX PC now identifies the two virtual joysticks as 1001 and 1002 (because they're running on the client PC across the network) and as I said when I pressed a switch on the EICAS it showed up as Joy# 1001 Btn# 2 but with no programming. Can I just copy the entire INI file from AVIONICS to FSX and be done? Thanks Alan
  2. Pete Thanks for doing that. Here are the relevant INI entries. Old PC is the one I programmed FSUIPC on and New PC is the FSX PC that I need the button programs to work on. Not sure why there are duplicate entries as there are only two Virtual Joysticks connected on the old PC -- two Pokeys cards to which all my buttons and encoders are connected. Also not sure about the Missing Joystick. I believe that the entry for 0=BU0836 Interface is my Leo Bodnar card on the new PC. I did have another Pokeys card on the new PC for my TQ but I unplugged that as well as the Leo Bodnar card to try and see if I could identify the joysticks over WideFS. I guess the entry for the Leo Bodnar card was left behind as it still has a running interface program. Alan Old PC [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes 0=Virtual Joystick 0.GUID={9576E920-6F6E-11E2-8002-444553540000} 1=Virtual Joystick 1.GUID={9576E920-6F6E-11E2-8006-444553540000} A=Virtual Joystick A.GUID={9576E920-6F6E-11E2-8002-444553540000} B=Virtual Joystick B.GUID={9576E920-6F6E-11E2-8006-444553540000} J= << MISSING JOYSTICK >> New PC [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes 0=BU0836 Interface 0.GUID={486EF670-8BD6-11E2-8001-444553540000} 1=Virtual Joystick 1.GUID={7BA4DE70-8BDA-11E2-8002-444553540000} A=BU0836 Interface A.GUID={486EF670-8BD6-11E2-8001-444553540000} B=Virtual Joystick B.GUID={7BA4DE70-8BDA-11E2-8002-444553540000}
  3. I did all of my FSUIPC programing with FSX running on the same PC that my "joysticks" were connected to. Now I have a dedicated PC for FSX and am running WideClient on the old PC and I need to get all of my button programming over to the FSX PC FSUIPC.INI file. I copied all of the settings under Buttons in the FSUIPC.INI file and pasted them under Buttons in the new PC FSUIPC.INI file. However the new FSUIPC doesn't recognize my programming. When I push on a button it shows up in FSUIPC as Joy#1001 Butn# 2 but without any programming. Now I know that FSUIPC recognized joysticks over the network and puts the 1000 in front of the name. How can I get the "new" FSUIPC to load all the programming that I have done? BTW I did change the AutoAssignLetters to YES on both machines. Can anyone help me get the programming I spent a long time doing, into the "new" FSUIPC? Thanks Alan
  4. Very nice Pete. Glad I'm not the only one who has a hard time keeping on the centerline but he did a good job. Good looking cockpit and great outside visuals from a projector. Alan
  5. Okay I'll download version 4.88. Will advise if that fixes it. Thanks Alan
  6. Pete I continue to have issues with encoders not working. It's not power management as that is turned off. I just had to shut down my sim and when I reopened it the encoders didn't work until opened and then closed FSUIPC. I'm running version 4.86. Thanks Alan
  7. Pete Yes I did but I guess I missed this earlier on in the guide. <Entry number> = <Action><Joy#>,<Btn#> DUH! :oops: Thanks for pointing that out. Alan
  8. Pete I got the two switches programmed okay but my Compound Button Conditions INI entry doesn't seem to work. This is what I have in my INI file. P64 J0 is supposed to inhibit P64 J4 from operating until it is pushed. Is my syntax wrong or is the condition in the wrong place? 43=P64,4,C66706,1 44=P64,0,C1126,0 45=CP(+j64,b0)j64,b4 Thanks Alan
  9. Pete You may have pointed me to an area that will work for me. For one of my switches I used offset 3360, Word Setbit value 0 for ON and Clearbit value 0 for OFF and that switch is recognized in Buttons + Switches as Joy# 64 Btn# 0 However I can't seem to program any other switches using offset 3360. I'm not sure how to increment the button numbers -- I tried using 1 for clearbit and Setbit but that didn't work. Thanks Alan Well I tried various values and using 2 for clearbit and Setbit gave me Btn# 2 and using 4 for clearbit and Setbit gave me Btn# 4 and using 8 for clearbit and Setbit gave me Btn# 8 etc.
  10. Pete I found an option in InterfaceIT that lets me assign keystrokes that FSUIPC recognizes under KeyPresses. I was reading up on Compound Button Conditions in the Advanced User Guide but the samples show joystick and button numbers, can I use KeyPresses instead? For instance to only allow switch X (for which I have assigned key presses ctrl+2) to operate when switch Y (for which I have assigned key presses ctrl+1) has been pressed, should I use this under the INI entry for switch X? This sample is from your guide and I assume that the n denotes the number for each condition that I enter. n=CP(+ctrl1)ctrl2 n=CU(+ctrl1)ctrl2 Thanks Alan
  11. Ah, never though of that. Thanks Alan
  12. Pete I got the BARO encoder programmed using the Buttons + Switches function. However if I leave the PC running say overnight and then go back and try to change the barometer setting with the encoder, it doesn't work. If I open FSUIPC and close it again, the encoder now works fine. Any thoughts? Thanks Alan
  13. Pete InterfaceIT is a software package from Flight Deck Solutions. It's used to program the functions of the switches and LEDs attached to their interface cards. It has various options including Update FSUIPC for Down (On) and Up (Off) for the switch functions. That is where I entered the Offset 0B58 which I got from the FSUIPC Offset listing for APU start using Set Variable with a value of 0 (the guide says any value of zero turns the APU on and a value of more than zero turns the APU off). This works fine as the APU starts and stops with the switch programmed this way. InterfaceIT doesn't allow for Lua scripts which is why I asked of the switch and LED functions could include conditions. I will read up on adding these to the INI file to get the switches to work as needed. The real issue is the LED programming as I didn't see a way to add a delay to the RUN light offset. If this could be done through adding something to the entry in the INI file and then adding a condition to the START light offset such that it is turned off when the RUN light offset is sent, then the lights would work as required. Hope that makes some sense. Thanks Alan
  14. Okay I'll check that out. I did see one example that may be of help and that was an intercept. Apparently it's used to intercept an action -- which in my case would be to intercept the offset for switch A until switch B offset had been sent. Now to figure out how to use it. Alan
  15. Reinhard I've read through those document and to be honest I have no idea where to begin -- it's all Greek to me. Alan
  16. Pete As the switches are programmed in InterfaceIT via WideClient can a Lua script still be used? The only entry options I see in Interface IT are for Offsets. Thanks Alan
  17. I have read up on Lua for dummies and I'm afraid this 70 year old dummy cannot even begin to understand how to write a Lua script and at my age I don't want to go back to school. Is there anyone on this forum that can write me a basic script to manipulate a couple of offsets? Or point me to someone who can. I would be very appreciative. Thanks Alan
  18. Okay let me delve into the world of Lua. :cry:
  19. I am trying to program my APU panel. I have two switches -- a MASTER latching type switch and a START/STOP momentary switch. The MASTER switch has a single LED -- ON and the START/STOP switch has two LEDs -- START and RUN. I am using the following offsets for the START/STOP switch Down: 0B58 Set Variable = 0 (to turn the APU on with a push of the switch) Up: 0B58 Set Variable = 0 Down: 0B58 Set Variable = 5 (to turn the APU off with a second push of the switch) This works just fine however, this switch should not be operable unless the MASTER is in the down (ON) position. So how can I inhibit the operation of the START/STOP switch until the MASTER is in the down (ON) position and stop the APU with the MASTER switch in the UP (OFF) position? LEDs According the the LEAR45 manual, pushing the momentary START/STOP switch initiates the start cycle of the APU and illuminates the START light in the switch. When the output of the APU reaches 75% the START light goes out and the RUN light is illuminated. I can get the START light to illuminate with offset 0B58 Set Variable = 0 and the RUN light with offset 0B53 setbit. What I need to do is turn OFF the START light after say 10 seconds and then delay the RUN light by 12 seconds. Thanks Alan
  20. Pete I was searching in the INI file DUH. Found it in the Advanced User Guide and added it to my INI file. Thanks Alan
  21. Pete One more thing, can you please give me the correct syntax in the INI file for the poll interval as I can't locate it using the search function. Thanks Alan
  22. Pete Bingo. :idea: For some reason (probably operator error) the first time I turned the encoder there was no response in the buttons and switches section. :???: This time it worked a treat. Thanks for your help as I am nearly bald. :mrgreen: Alan
  23. Pete I'm sorry but now I'm confused. We were talking about encoders and I said that I used keystrokes in the Pokeys console and then in FSUIPC inserted those keystrokes to program my BARO encoder using Kohlsman Inc and Dec from your drop down list. I was using the same method to program my other encoders using Offset Ubyte Decrements and Increments. You then said that using keystrokes was not a good idea and asked this: I assume you were asking if the Pokeys card could emulate device buttons so I could program the encoder. FSUIPC (and correct me if I'm wrong) does not recognize buttons from an encoder. Thanks Alan
  24. Pete Yes the Pokey card can emulate joystick buttons and I can assign a button to each encoder input (which I just tried) -- here is a screen shot and I assigned buttons 19 and 29 via the Direct Mapping function. However I'm not sure how to program this in FSUIPC as there is obviously no response to the encoder in the Buttons & Switches section. BTW I tried setting the parameters for offset 73FD to a "1" but this does not work. When I click on Confirm it enters "I/O" in the parameter box. Thanks for your continuing help on this. Alan
  25. Pete What I meant was, I assigned key presses in the Pokeys console of ctl+shift+1 and ctl+shift+2 for the encoder. In FSUIPC Key Presses I input ctl+shift+1 and selected Kohlsman Inc from the drop down list and selected Kohlsman Dec for ctl+shift+2. Thanks Alan
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