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English Rebel

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Everything posted by English Rebel

  1. Okay I just found out that using Offset Byte Setbit requires that the bit (0 in this case) needs to be in binary format. I will retry using binaries instead of decimal. Thanks Alan
  2. Andy I'm not having a problem with the throttles so calibration doesn't come into it. The reversers on my TQ are simple switches. Switch ON puts the Reverse Thruster on and switch OFF turns them off. No they are not Saitek throttles but custom made to replicate a Lear45. Alan
  3. Andy I appreciate your help. i don't think the throttles have anything to do with it (although I'm having issues with them) as the reversers are just switches. If there was a REV box to check all would be well but there isn't. I would have thought that reversing the operations such that Button Pressed is Throttle 1 cut would do it but it doesn't. Do you think there should be values in the Parameters box (1 for On and 0 for OFF)? Thanks Alan
  4. Andy That's exactly as I have it set (Parameters box shows zero) and yet the action in FSX is the opposite of the switch action. To get FSUIPC to recognize the switch I have to pull full thruster and then shut them off (it doesn't get recognized until it is shut off). Thanks Alan
  5. Okay I have Control When Button Pressed as Throttle 1 Cut and when button released Throttle 1 Decr Small. what happens is that when I pulled the RT lever FSX puts the RT on momentarily -- they don't stay on. I have the Control to Repeat ...... box checked. I even tried reversing the actions and the RT stays on but it's backwards from the RT lever action.
  6. Thanks guys. That is sort of counterintuitive isn't it? Throttle decrease is not what you would want for a reverser. Alan
  7. So the offset box should have this in it -- x73F8 (I'm assuming that because the box contains x0000 then it's telling you to add your 4 digit offset where the 4 zeroes are). Alan
  8. Okay, I've made quite a few posts here but I'm trying to get my TQ set up. Mine have left and right throttles which are analog inputs and FSUIPC recognizes them okay (although I'm having issues calibrating them but that's for another thread). My reverse thrusters are just switches and can be recognized as such by FSUIPC but for the life of me I cannot find a Reverse Thrust option in the drop down box where you assign a button press. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Alan
  9. Never mind I found out that the latest version of WideFS supports devices on client PCs and I managed to reprogram my Pokey card (that is on a client PC) for Joystick buttons and FSUIPC can see them. Now I just have to figure out how to enter the offsets.
  10. Okay, I'll apologize in advance for this questions as offsets are Greek to me. I am trying to use offsets that are assigned to JET45 avionics software that apply to the buttons and encoders on the MFD for the Lear45. For instance the first button is assigned Offset 73F8 Size is 1 Bit is 0 and 1 is Pressed and 0 is Released. I can press the button and FSUIPC Buttons and Switches recognizes it and from the drop down list I believe I have to select "Offset Byte Setbits but am anot sure what to enter in the OFFSET and the PARAMETER boxes. Can someone help please? Is the drop down selection correct for this type of offset? Thanks Alan
  11. Thanks Andy I'll try that. Alan
  12. Sorry if this has been posted before but a search didn't show anything. I have my parking brake programed through a Pokeys card as a digital input and it was assigned button #5. In the Buttons and Switches section I can apply and release the parking brake and it recognizes it when it's released (it has a simple on/off switch). The problem is if I assign Parking Brake from the drop down list for either Button Pressed or Button released then it only toggles the parking brake whenever I set or release the brake (e.g. when I set the brake it sets in FSX but when I release the brake it doesn't move in FSX until I set the brake again). Obviously a three position switch would work but it's not made that way. Can anyone help me resolve this please? Thanks Alan
  13. I have a basic question. I have all my DUs wired to a Pokeys 56U card and I have set up the encoders as such and the rest of the inputs as Digital Inputs in the Pokeys software interface. How do I go about setting all the offsets associated with each encoder and button? Thanks Alan
  14. Done -- over and out!! Alan
  15. Mr. Dowson I'll say one more thing and then this thread is over as far as I'm concerned. Instead of talking about esoteric things such as hooks into Gauge Code and SDKs and C and C++ languages which fly over most users heads, a simple statement at the start of the tutorial on Mouse Macros that said: These mouse macros will not work for the majority of default FSX aircraft but can be used on many add-on aircraft. Then people like me wouldn't come to this forum posting questions that are, according to you, perfectly obvious if I chose to read your manual. I apologize for wasting your time and so will take my questions elsewhere, were perhaps they will be answered with a little more forbearing and tolerance for lack of knowledge of hooks into gauge code, SDKs, and C++. Sincerely Alan
  16. Pete Please don't reply in such a condescending manner -- I did read what was written in the manual and made, what I (and any other non-technical people) a reasonable assumption. I'm trying to understand, what to me, can sometimes be confusing. You wrote the program and the manual (I and many others are grateful for that) so to you it's as obvious as the nose on your face -- not so to some of us. When I read the first paragraph I assumed (wrongly of course) that gauges had nothing to do with switches -- a quite logical assumption if you knew nothing about the way FSX functions in the background. Thank you for explaining that. I said that the two paragraphs were mutually exclusive because of what I just wrote -- one refers to gauges and the other on how to create a macro to control switches. You stated If that was the case why make the statement Why say mouse macros won't work on much of the default aircraft and then go on to say that you can easily make mouse macros to control FSX switches? You even showed and example on how to do that in the KingAir. Now that is confusing. Please understand that some people who ask questions in this forum are doing so not because they're stupid but because they want more information or clarification so they can better use your program. Regards Alan
  17. Pete Sorry I should have made clear -- I am using FSUIPC 4 and initially I was going to include that initial paragraph in my post but as it referred to gauges I didn't think it relevant to buttons and switches. The two paragraphs seem to be mutually exclusive because on the one hand you say that gauges cannot be programed with mouse macros (whatever that means -- perhaps the VOR heading bug) yet in the next paragraph (the one I did quote) you state (and my emphasis): Sign me confused. Alan
  18. Pete In the basic user guide paragraphs on mouse macros you state: I assume from this statement that most of the default aircraft switches and knobs can be programmed? I ask this because I tried to create one for the APU switch on the Learjet by naming the macro Learjet and in the aircraft I tried the APU switch as well as trying other switches but a pop up window never appeared (and yes I did click on Run Macro in FSUIPC). Also are mouse macros confined to aircraft panel switches and knobs (and not for window title bar functions)? Thanks Alan
  19. Pete That's what I thought after reading the advanced user guide. I saw in another post where you mentioned a LUA plugin called tripleuse.lua which seems to offer similar button programing (although not for the example I gave). Where do I find that file and how do I load a LUA plug in? Thanks Alan
  20. Pete So what is new in the .DLL I downloaded? I thought you added a feature to copy a profile without editing the .INI file but I don't see it. Thanks Alan
  21. Thanks for that explanation Pete. I guess the guys using this module in Level D 767 (which I assume is an add on aircraft) have those function available to program it. Alan
  22. Pete I read the section you referred to and noted this paragraph: So, in the example I gave above (to open the World Map) the button routine would not work because the first push of the button brings up the FSX Menu (via key strokes), and a second push of the button would not return to flight as FSUIPC would not now be running. Am I understanding this correctly? Thanks Alan
  23. Pete I installed the file you sent but cannot see where I can copy a Profile. I did notice that under Axes, the check box for Profile Specific is grayed out. Alan
  24. Guys I just purchased the MESM although I don't fly a 737 (yet ) but wanted to see if I could use it for other twin engine jets. Could you please help me with some of the functions. What do the knob position descriptions mean? GROUND OFF (fairly obvious -- engine OFF right?) CONT FLT The center switch functions are pretty obvious -- starting either left, right, or both engines. I didn't see any corresponding actions in the BUTTONS/SWITCHES pull down menu in FSUIPC. Could you please help me here too? When I move the center switch from BOTH (center position) to LEFT FSUIPC detects the action but when I move from BOTH to RIGHT it doesn't. However moving it back from RIGHT to BOTH FSUIPC does detect it. Is there a particular way that I should be doing this so that all positions are detected? Thanks Alan
  25. Is this file still available somewhere else as the link above is broken? I just purchased the GF-MESM and wanted to use it for other twin engine jets, but the only actions available in the GF Config are Engine 1 OFF; Engine 1 ON; Engine 2 OFF etc. Also when trying to use it in FSUIPC the center switch (LH - BOTH - RH) doesn't seem to be recognized correctly. From center position to left is recognized but from center to right is not but from right to center is. Thanks Alan
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