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English Rebel

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Everything posted by English Rebel

  1. Okay, got if fine. Thanks Alan
  2. Thanks Pete. I did have a cursory look at the advanced user guide but it scared the heck out of me. I will read up on the section you mentioned. Alan
  3. Thanks Pete I'll give it a whirl this weekend. Alan Pete Just clicked on your link and was sent to this URL http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/FSUIPC4717.zip Page shows: Not Found The requested URL /beta/FSUIPC4717.zip was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Alan
  4. Pete Is it possible to have toggle functions assigned to one button? I have the GF-P8 push button module and so as to not eat up all my assigned buttons I would like to have two functions assigned to one button so that push #1 activates some function such as opening the world map and push #2 closes the map window and returns to flight. I guess the easiest way would be to use toggle switches but I have several PB8 modules. Thanks Alan
  5. Ah, come on Pete, 68 is young. I'm heading for 67 in October and feel like 30 (well, in my mind anyway). Alan
  6. Pete Yes I am using Profiles as I converted a week ago and the check box says Profiles and not Aircraft (I need to change the titles from aircraft to types). Perhaps a future release of FSUIPC could include the ability to copy profiles. I will edit the INI file as suggested. Thanks Alan
  7. I have question concerning Profile Specific. I had set up my controls etc., for the Bombardier and changed the aircraft to the Carenado. When I entered FSUIPC and clicked on Axes it asked my if I wanted to apply the General Assignments To This Aircraft. I clicked on YES. I was expecting the Bombardier settings to load so I could modify them but it reverted to a standard assignment where for instance my yoke settings were blank and had no calibrations. I must be doing something wrong so how can I start with an airplane I had already set up so I can modify it? Thanks Alan
  8. Thanks Pete, I'll practice with different slopes and widen the NUL zone. Alan
  9. Yes I mean that I moved my pedals a little in either direction and set them in calibration. Okay I did that and it made control a little easier but when I taxi at walking pace it's still a little tough to keep on the center line as it wants to over correct. Should I set a larger NUL zone (mine is from 64 to -64)?. All Realism sliders are set to the middle. BTW is it possible to have both left and right brakes operable from one pedal as every time I brake it wants to slew to one side or another as I must be hitting one just a fraction of a second before the other? Thanks for your help. Alan
  10. I just took my Saitek rudders off FSX control and set them up under FSUIPC. Under Axis I selected Rudder in the drop down box with the Send to Calibration box checked. In calibration I followed instructions as to setting MAX and MIN (backing off a little at the two extremes). I set the NUL zone in center two boxes. Now when I'm taxing it's very difficult to keep the Cessna 172 on the centerline as it swings too much and if I take my feet off the pedals the plane wants to turn to the right (the ball in the yaw indicator moves to the right and stops at about one third way). This did not happen when I was using FSX to control the pedals although the plane was very difficult to control on the ground which is why I decided to go the FSUIPC route instead. Here is my .INI file entry (the Saitek is CR). Am I doing something wrong and do the rudder pedals control the nose wheel steering below a certain speed (not sure that is important as I don't see any settings in FSUIPC for nose wheel steering except I see an entry in the .INI file for Steering Tiller Control)? Thanks Alan
  11. Quite a few apparently . Alan
  12. Pete I read the section in the manual about setting flap detents. I followed the directions to set 0 flaps and full (3) flaps no problem. When I moved my lever to just before flap position #1 and clicked on the SET button above the center window the computer chimed to indicate it would not accept the setting -- see the first screen shot. I did the same for position 3 after upping the spin control to #2 position a value was already in the window, see the second screen shot. I tried out the flaps they do work but the only issue is that to get to flap position 3 on the Cessna I have to move my lever to position 4 it seems that it ignored my calibration. Am I doing something wrong -- I followed the instructions as written. Thanks Alan
  13. Thanks Pete Yes I did find that the toe brakes needed reversing. I will read up on setting the flaps detents on page 52 (sorry I hadn't got that far). So if I enter my settings and they got reversed as I mentioned then I just need to go into calibration and check the Reverse box before or after calibration? Thanks Alan
  14. Pete I found out why the USEPROFILES=YES was not taking, I had to exit FSX and change the .INI file then go back into FSX. Apparently it wouldn't allow this change in the .INI file while it was running although I could change .INI setting for AUTOASSIGNLETTERS=YES while the program was running. I am playing around with the flaps detent settings and have gotten it almost there but I'm a little confused over the settings in general. Let me explain. If I have the lever at 0 flaps and click in the FROM box it sets the value at 16011. I check the UP box and then move the lever to detent position 1 (10 degrees in the Cessna) and then click in the TO box, it sets the value at 12288. I index the RANGE from 1 to 2 and click in the FROM box it sets the previous value of 12288. I move the lever to position 2 and click in the TO box and it enters the value of 5958. Now here's where I'm a little lost. If I go back to RANGE setting one, the values in the two boxes have reversed. This doesn't seem logical to me as I've incremented the values in a negative way and it's telling me that they are going in a positive direction from 12288 to 16011. I have the flap detents working, but it skips a step, i.e. when moving the lever from 0 to position 1 the flaps do not move. If i move to position 2 the flaps move to position 1 and if i move to position 3 the flaps move to position 2 and so on. I wasn't sure if this had something to do with the values changing. How do I set detents in the Calibration section by the way? Thanks Alan
  15. Pete I'm still struggling with programming my flaps on the TQ6. I did have them working after a fashion (they were reversed and jumped a detent) so I kept tinkering with the settings for about a day and a half. Now the flaps lever does not register in FSU when I move the lever -- it just registers -16384 at all positions (the TO & FROM values were from a previous programing) and of course it doesn't work in FSX at all now. Also I could never get the flaps settings in the Joystick Calibration window to register -- throttle, mixture set okay. Here is a screen shot of the FSUIPC Axis window and the .INI file. I did change the FlapsDetents to YES to see if that had any effect but it didn't. Have I somehow succeeded in breaking this function? One more thing, in reading the manual I set the AUTOASSIGNLETTERS=YES and USEPROFILES=YES in the .INI file. The auto assign works fine but I still have the Aircraft Specific check box instead of Profile Specific (see screen shot). I did close FSX and re-open it but it didn't take for some reason. Thanks Alan
  16. Pete I have to go do a calibration as that may be the issue. I'm having other major issues with the GO Flight radio stack (ICCS) with the swap button not swapping frequencies etc, so there may be an issue with FSX itself. Another weird thing is happening. I have my throttle lever in the B position and it works fine. I had my mixture in the C position but it acted like a switch -- no variable, in the raw data window the display went from one fixed value to another as I moved the lever through the range with no variables in between. I moved the lever to position D -- same thing. In position E it works just fine albeit with AXIS MIXTURE 1 SET variable. Don't know what's going on. Thanks Alan
  17. Pete The flaps work okay except as I mentioned in the Cessna I had to go to detent 4 on the TQ6 to get flaps to 30 degrees. I will go back and redo it. AXIS MIXTURE SET definitely did not work so I changed it to AXIS MIXTURE 1 SET. And, no I didn't hit any key combinations. Having said that I haven't done any calibrations. I assume I just go into the Joystick calibration screen. Thanks Alan Alan
  18. Peter Please look at this screenshot as this is where I set up the flaps. You will see in the left hand box I have selected Flaps Détente Set from the drop down list. I moved the lever to each détente and labeled the parameter 5, 10, etc after incrementing the range number in the upper box. I didn't calibrate at all (I know I need to read some more to figure it out, but this is my first date with FSU). The flaps worked in the Cessna 172 for the first and second detents but I had to move the lever to detent 4 to get the third flap setting in FSX -- I may have that range wrong. By the way, the throttle and mixture levers worked fine except that I had to select AXIS MIXTURE 1 SET from the drop down list, as AXIS MIXTURE SET did not work. AXIS THROTTLE SET worked fine. Did I just get lucky to get this to work? Thanks Alan
  19. Okay, I'm new to FSUIPC so please give me a little latitude -- thanks. Couple of questions. I see that there is a lua script for the Go Flight modules so to avoid programing what is already done where can I find out exactly what GF modules are covered and what they do? Also dumb question but how do I load a lua plug in? Before waiting to get information on 1. I decided to jump right in. I was programing my GF TQ6 for a simple single engine Cessna with engine throttle, engine mixture and flaps. I am in the AXIS ASSIGNMENT window and did the following: Hit Rescan and moved the throttle lever, checked Send to FS As Normal Axis, selected from the drop down list Axis Throttle Set. LSUIPC set this a #1 Y axis. Did the same for the mixture lever, selecting Axis Mixture Set and LSUIPC set this as #1 Z axis. Okay, so far so good (I think).For the flaps lever I went to the right hand box and moved the lever to flap position 1 (FSUIPC identified this as # 1 R axis) and I selected Flap Détente Set from the drop down list in the Controls Sent When Range Entered box and put 5 in the Parameter box (5 degrees). I repeated this for 5 steps and ended up with the first raw value of Start at 1198 and end at 16184, the second as from 1198 to 5395, etc. Is this the correct direction as I wasn't sure whether to check the UP or DOWN boxes? Am I on the right track here or am I doing something wrong? Thanks Alan
  20. Pete I already set up LGTII with the GF configuration software -- it's just that it doesn't seem to work in FSX. Having said that I was looking for it in the FSX controls section but after you said that it will not show up there I will have to play around with it some more. I have been tied up building my cockpit so haven't had much time in the sim. They are sending me a replacement for an unrelated issue so I will delve into it some more when I get it. I have no issue with paying for FSUIPC as I'm sure it will come in handy. Thanks for your help. Alan
  21. Pete Yes I guess I was expecting to see all the modules not remembering that the TQ6 is a "gaming pad" and my VRInsight Yoke shows up as a "USB pad". I downloaded FSUIPC so will install it today. Cheers Alan
  22. Pete This is what your scanner reports: Still not recognized in FSX. Alan
  23. Thanks Pete I will run your utility tomorrow to see what it reports -- I have a feeling that it is bad as I don't hear the "ding" when I plug it in indicating that Windows recognized it. The TQ6 I have can replicate almost any aircraft as it has one spoiler lever, four throttle levers, four reverse thrust levers and a flap lever which has as many as 5 detents. The throttle levers can be removed as necessary (and even replaced with throttle, mixture and pitch levers for a single engine aeroplane) but I think you know that. Thanks Alan
  24. Thanks for the quick (and Sunday) reply Pete. I'm having issues with my landing gear module that I think I might have to set up through FSUIPC. It shows up in WIN7 Control Panel as an "Un-Recognized Device". It does not show up in FSX (probably for the aforementioned reason) but I can program it in the GF config utility. Not sure if it's a hardware issue or that WIN7 doesn't have a driver for it. The reason I asked about the FSUIPC module is that it's my understanding that FSUIPC allows you to set the flap indents on the GF TQ6 module whereas the GF config utility only allows you to set it as FLAPS. Not sure what is transmitted to FSX (I'm still setting up my system). One question. If WIN7 shows a device as Un-Recognized does that mean that it will not show up in FSUIPC? Thanks Alan
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