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Everything posted by RichardL

  1. Hi Pete, Here is my question and an answer from Tegwyn West. " ...... I only see the aircraft name, such as Delta, American, Continental and no flight number, ie Delta 242." REPLY "Because VoxATC generates traffic without an FSX AI flight plan so that it can control the traffic using waypoints, no flight plan will be displayed by TCAS. I am not sure that there is any way round this. When VoxATC created AI traffic with flight plans, FSX would not allow them to be controlled with waypoints. Do real TCAS display the airline and flight number of conflicting traffic?" I'm not completely understanding this but I'll post if I get any more info. Thanks for the help, Richard
  2. Pete, I see progress. Attached is the new limited .log file. I was able to see many more a/c both inflight and on the ground in TrafficLook and RJ nav display. Actually saw one aircraft identified with a "flight" (?) number. Citrus 1208 (AirTran). Now the only catch is I see more than one a/c. TrafficLook and RJ nav display showed more than one a/c as Citrus 1208. On the nav display both were in flight at the same time but well apart from each other. Hope this helps, Richard
  3. Hi Pete, Downloading now. I'll report back here once I have a new .log. Best Regards, Richard
  4. Thanks Pete. I'll take a look and report back. Richard
  5. Hi Pete, Just a follow-up here. I have no idea why but I now have TCAS targets in the RJ nav display. I can't think of anything I changed but noticed them last night. However, I only see the targets flight name such as American or Delta and not Delta 242 or American 1121. I checked the FSUIPC 4.09 settings and the TCAS string is set to Flight. I also cycled through the RJ TCAS modes but that did not help either. Any idea why I can not see the airline and flight number? Regards, Richard
  6. Thanks Pete. I emailed him with a link to this post. Regards, Richard
  7. Hi Pete, I am using the new FSX version of VoxATC. The problem is that I do not see TCAS targets in the PMRJ nav display when using VoxATC-X generated AI. I do see TCAS targets when using the default FSX generated AI. From reading the doc file, FSUIPC controls how the PM nav display (add-on) shows TCAS targets. Specifically, the Misc. Tab "Limit TCAS Range" and "Set TCAS String ID". To try and solve this problem, the developer suggested that is what might be happening: This is a problem with the TCAS not picking up traffic inserted by a 3rd party add-on. Traffic Tools traffic map display does show VoxATC traffic so it is available to other add-ons. I think the main problem is that the VoxATC traffic is created without a flight plan (so that it can be controlled by VoxATC). I have a hunch that FSUIPC cannot handle AI traffic aircraft without flight plans and thus the project magenta gauges can not see the VoxATC traffic. Could this be the reason I see not TCAS targets? Regards, Richard
  8. You're being to easy and giving away the answers. :-) Since you in such a generous mood, how about this one. Never mind. I'll give you a few days off from my pestering. :-) Thanks for the help Pete, Richard
  9. Sorry for the cryptic "altimeter" wording. Yes, I was refering to changing barometric pressure in inches with a rotary increment and decrement. Good point! I'll look at the event logging feature. Richard
  10. Hi Pete, Appears to be working now. I placed a copy of MSVCR71.DLL into the WideFS folder. I'm now able to program networked GF buttons and rotaries with FSUIPC. No reply from GF yet after two emails. I do need a pointer thought. I have looked a dozen times but I can not see a command, either stock FSX or PM, that will control the altimeter in the drop down box. I want to assign altimeter increment and decrement to a GF rotary. I have found a command for decision height but I can not see anything for altimeter. This under Key and Switches with FS and PM boxes checked. Regards, Richard
  11. I completely understand Pete. I sent that email with the simconnect.log on 20 November. On a different note, I put the question of releasing small quick updates vs very large time delayed updates to Phil Taylor in the Avsim forum. As suspected, they, MS, are more inclined to release one or two large updates that we may not see for many months. Richard
  12. Hi Pete, I received an email from an individual named Piyali Jana at Microsoft. Maybe you know who he (?) is. He stated that he had went through the simconnect.log file, which you suggested I send. He was not able to duplicate the disappearing add-on box problem without GFDevFSX.exe and asked if I would send him a copy. While it is encouraging that Microsoft is looking at the problem, I suggested he contact GoFlight, Inc. directly. Regards, Richard
  13. Ok, I'll make then aware. I can't promise they will read it since they are not responding to my emails. Regards, Richard
  14. Hi Pete, Due to lack of software support from GoFlight, I decided to try using FSUIPC to control a GF unit connected to a client. If I understand the doc file correctly, it is possible to configure a client connected GF unit with FSUIPC. As per the doc, I installed a copy of the GFDev.dll (dated 5 Nov 2006) into my WideClient folder located on the client computer. With FSX running, when I launch WideClient I get this error: WideClient FS98 Eliminator - Connected: WideClient.exe - Unable to Locate a Component. This application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this. I did a search and found the MSVCR71.dll file in two places. C:\Windows|System32\URTTemp C:\Windows\Microsoft.net\Framework\V1.1.4322 If I remove the GFDev.dll file, the error does not appear. I'm using FSX, FSUIPC 4.065, and WideClient 6.712. Regards, Richard
  15. Hi Pete, Even though there is already GF functionality with FSUIPC, I'm looking forward to seeing this new feature added. Thank You, Richard
  16. Thanks for the reminder Peter. Sent Christmas cards to local friends and family but forgot my flight sim friends. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year, Richard
  17. Consider that issue fixed with 4063. I launched FSX a few times and each controller axis is staying assigned and functioning. Thanks Pete, Richard
  18. No, never received it. I'll send you one in case the address is wrong. Richard
  19. Pete, Here you are: [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,9,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,14,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,18,0,0,0 5=0V,256,D,13,0,0,0 6=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 7=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 8=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 And just incase you need it: [JoystickCalibration] ExclThrottleSet=No SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-15309,-1880,1412,15819 Elevator=-13607,-3055,3223,15041 Rudder=-15335,-1180,1180,15990/16 PropPitch=-16380,16380 LeftBrake=-15351,-258/16 RightBrake=-15609,-258/16 Throttle1=-15671,-10507,-7301,15679 Throttle2=-15831,-11045,-7916,15831 Mixture1=-15291,-10194,-7828,14927 Mixture2=-15303,-10082,-6841,15123 PropPitch1=-14543,-11597,-8836,14381 PropPitch2=-14247,-12288,-8726,14798 SlopeLeftBrake=12 SlopeRightBrake=12 Richard
  20. Hi Pete, I'm seeing a minor issue with build 4062 and joystick assignments. This is happening since installing 4062. No axis is assigned or enabled in FSX. I do all the axis assignments and calibration with FSUIPC. Every time I start FSX, no axis controllers (yoke, rudder, throttles) work. I have to go into FSUIPC controller assignments and rescan one axis. After that they all work again. Odd but that's how it happens. I read in the notes that you may have to assign them again, but isn't that only if you select Direct mode? Regards, Richard
  21. Problem corrected with pmRJ build 82. Regards, Richard
  22. So do I Pete. However from the post I read in the Avsim FSX forum, don't expect anything till next year. In that I, or ACES means, their plan is to have a fix plan in place by sometime in Jan 2007. Not an update, just a plan for what needs fixing. Read for yourself: Subject: "FSX:Listening to community feedback" topic #376475 Regards, Richard Hi all, I am back, as promised. The snow in Seattle slowed me down a few days, but its still the week after Thanksgiving . I have updated my blog, at http://blogs.msdn.com/ptaylor/default.aspx with: 1) A post to recount my history, so you can get to know me professionally. 2) A repost of my original "FSX:Today and Tomorrow" AVSim post. 3) A post affirming we are creating a release to address some of the issues that have been discussed on this forum with FSX RTM, with a brief discussion. I want to direct discussion to my blog, by and large, because I know we won't lose a thread there. I dont want another unfortunate incident like the loss of the previous thread to inhibit my communication with the community. I will try to respond to all reasonable posts on the blog. I apologize in advance for not providing more details on what is in the release, but until we get a bit further in solving what our investigations have uncovered I want to be careful in not overpromising. Thanks for your patience, I look forward to continuing the discussions. Phil Senior PM, Graphics and Terrain Aces Studio PS. I will, from time to time, reply here at AVSim. I will, however, be using the blog for "official" communications like this in the future. So expect to see more blog postings.
  23. Hi Pete, That's what I expected. I have the Airbus suite and I do get the waypoint stars and connecting track lines. So yes, it must be a pmRJ issue. Thanks, Richard
  24. Pete, Thought I'd update you on the vanishing Add-On box in the menu bar. So far it has not vanished again. I'm using FSUIPC 4.06. If you addded the routine to re-establish a connection if dropped, it appears to have fixed the problem. Regards, Richard
  25. Hi Pete, Your report on FSX flight plans and pmBoeing would be appreciated. I have been able to see the flight plan waypoint stars but not the track line from one star to the next. Enrico has assured me we will figure it out. Regards, Richard
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