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Everything posted by RichardL

  1. Pete, I'll give your suggestion a try. I just wrote what FSHotSeat has posted on their support page http://fshotseat.com/ . I have no idea what is causing the problem. All I know is many FSHotSeat users are affected. FSHotSeat is telling affected users to go back to 3.40 if no AI reverse sound is heard. They are not supplying or linking to 3.40 so I decided to ask you. Would you mind if I posted your reply to their support forum? Wouldn't be fair to blame you if FSUIPC is not causing the problem. Richard
  2. Hi Pete, FSHotSeat is having problems with AI engine reverse sound when using FSUIPC higher than 3.40. Is 3.40 available on your site? I would like to roll back to 3.40 until the problem is resolved. Thanks, Richard
  3. Thanks for the info Pete. I'll give it a go. Richard
  4. I looking at using a GoFlight TQ6 as a throttle quadrant for a KA350/Beech 1900. Both the KA and Beech have a "condition" lever vs a "mixture" lever. Will the FSUIPC "Mixture" calibration section work the same for the "condition" lever? I don't see a specific "condition" calibration section. Even within the FS joystick assignments it only references engine mixture but no engine condition. Richard
  5. Not sure what happened. I reset FSUIPC to defaults, then selected my preferences and wind is working correctly again. Thanks for the help Pete, Richard
  6. Pete, I just checked wind speed and direction at KMCO / Orlando). ATIS: 097/41 WeatherSet2: 094/40 Shift+Z: 103/01 Airbus Navigation Display: 103/01 Any idea why FS is not displaying correct wind? This appears to be causing the ABGC problem. Richard
  7. Hi Pete, From inside FS2004, I selected the airport (KRSW), and then download real weather. Once the weather is downloaded it tells you the cloud conditions, wind speed, direction amd visibility. I didn't think to check the wind with Shift+Z. ABGC is Project Magenta's Airbus Class Cockpit. Wind direction and speed is shown on the navigation display. I'll recheck with WeatherSet2 and Shift+Z. Thanks, Richard
  8. Any ideas why I can not get accurate winds in pm ABGC navigation display? I just flew a few 30 mile circuits around southwest Florida. Flew out of KRSW. I downloaded real weather from within FS2004. Showed winds as 181/46. However, pm ABGC navigation display would only show winds as 181/05. I know FS can't model a hurricane, but I'm wondering why pm ABGC is not showing the same wind as FS2004. I'm using FSUIPC 3.30 and I believe I have Winds page configured properly. Richard
  9. Sorry Pete. No suggestions at Avsim forum either. Richard
  10. I've read through the Viper site a few times. I don't believe Viper addresses WideFS, FSUIPC, or FS2004. I had hoped users would post a list of Services which they specifically need when using WideFS, FSUIPC, and FS2004. From that maybe we could narrow it down to an absolute minimum. I do understand some Services are specific to each individuals setup. Richard
  11. Hi Pete, I'll post this at AVSIM Home Cockpit Forum and see if I get any replys. Will post any info here. Richard
  12. I'm trying to configure (stop services) FSAutoStart by Ken Salter to work with FS2004, PM, and WideFS/FSUIPC. I'm curious if anyone can provide a list of Services that are needed by FS2004, FSUIPC, and WideFS. I've tried to guess which Services to stop, but doing so caused sim connection and stability problems. The Services list is quite long so any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Richard
  13. Finally I found the problem, a program called nwiz.exe I ran msconfig from the run option and looked in Startup. I started deselecting and rebooting and nwiz.exe was causing all my problems. I did a web search on nwiz.exe and apparantly its a program from nvidia. I had downloaded beta driver 61.11 from guru3d.com and installed it. I think I'll go back to the nvidia released drivers. Thanks for the help Pete. Your ideas helped. Richard
  14. Thanks for the reply Pete. Sorry to say that did not help. I deleted the ini and log files. Restarted WC and it gave me a window saying TCPIP not assigned. I edited the ini and added my normal items: [Config] Window=43,44,886,589 Visible=Yes UseTCPIP=Yes ServerIPAddr= [user] Log=Error+ When I relaunched WC, it did the same thing, goes to the task bar and thats all. I've been fighting this for four hours and have tried everything I can think of. Richard
  15. Anyone have any idea why WideClient will not start. It launches to the taskbar and just sits there. Normally it would minimize and I would see "Waiting for connection". I think its a network problem but not sure. Here's the log file: ********* WideClient.DLL Log [version 6.221] Class=FS98MAIN ********* Date (dmy): 29/05/04, Time 16:05:23.787: Client name is PMABGCFCU 160 Attempting to connect now 21191 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out 21201 Ready to try connection again 21211 Attempting to connect now Thanks, Richard
  16. Hi Tony, Take a look at my post in the PM Newsgroup: "How To Assign Static IP Address". Assigning an IP address fixed my PM PFD/ND pauses. My thanks to Pete Dowson and Thomas Boehme. Richard
  17. Hi Pete, Yes using WinXP. I'll give it a try. Will problably ask Katy also. Thanks, Richard
  18. For quite sometime, I have lived with the frequent but minor pauses in my PM ABGC. I recently read, somewhere, maybe here, that the pauses maybe caused by not having assigned IP addresses. The pause is only visible on the PFD and ND. FS2004 continues smoothly but the PFD and ND will pause for 2 - 3 seconds on a regular cycle. I have four systems: 1- FS2004, pmSounds 2- PM ABGC, FCU 3- PM ABGC loaded twice for upper and lower ECAM, FSMeteo 4- PM MCDU All systems are hardwired to a LinkSys BEFW11S4 Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port Switch; they all have direct internet access. The questions: What is the step by step procedure to assign IP addresses? Are there any drawbacks to assigning IP address, both in general and to my specific setup. Thanks, Richard
  19. Thanks Pete. I'll look at FSUIPC. Richard
  20. Pete, Would it be possible to add a run delay to WideServer in the future. Something similar to what you have in WideClient. I load FSMeteo, PMSounds, and HCSDT OHL on my FS2004 server. FS2004 starts to load and then pauses while all the other programs load. I would like to insert a run delay for all the other software to allow FS2004 time to completey load. Richard
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