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Posts posted by tinman

  1. heavey passenger :lol: :lol: Not so funny in real life... I was on a flight where they asked a rather robust passenger to move from the back row to the front quote "to balance the plane".

    Man I felt so bad for her... too bad they didnt' tell her that they have a seat upfront for her and leave it at that... she turned so red... but it didn't look like embarrasment... more like pissed.

    When she got out, she stood outside the plane and waited for the fllight crew to exit. I couldn't hear what they said... but from the terminal, I could see she laid into them..

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the FS Host Spy, I know you said it before but I overlooked it. This is a great program. At a glance it tell you if anyone is flying, where they are and what they are doing... Kind of like a one stop shop for the groups you may like to fly with such as FFA and EFFC. both are listed.

    Want to fly MP... not sure if any one is flyingcheck out the servers with this program.

    Now, is there a simple explanation on how it works... does each FS Host program log on to some central location? It seems pretty quick to list what appears to be lots of servers by searching the internet...

    Anyway, thanks for the heads up (again).


  3. I've never seen the message, but I sure have forgot the gear many times. Now, my (mental) checklist contain an outside view of the plane to insure the gear is down. It seems like when I don't do that for a while, sure enough, I go skidding down the runway...

    Been there...done that... do they make a T-shirt???

  4. Ok Thanks...

    I check shields up after every router config change just to make sure I didn't do anything wrong. It still says "I not there".

    People at work change the MAC address of their router... any insight on that? I have no idea what they are talking about... except it makes it more secure...I guess?

    Thanks again,


  5. UMMM I set up my linksys router the following way... it works for me, but should I add the extra stuff...

    I set my main PC (the one I fly with) to a static IP within my network.

    Went into my router set up and went to the advance tab.

    On the forward tab, set the static IP of the PC and forward the ports 2300 - 2400. After that I haven't had any trouble.

    Now, does the extra settings turn off the ports when I'm not flying... and automatically forward the ports when I start?


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