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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. In trying to install the Airac 1105 I no longer seem to have the option of where to extract (FS9 or FSX). The installer automatically chooses FS9 which is not what I use. I use FSX. How do I get around this problem?

    I'm using Windows XP, SP3 and FSX SP2 (no acceleration).

    I'd appreciate any help on this odd little problem.

    Jack Fentress

    Hi Jack,

    as you know, we are not responsible for the AIRAC cycle. Please contact Navigraph.



  2. Hi Reinhold,

    probieren geht überstudieren. Wir gehen davon aus das der Cycle fehlerfrei ist.

    Die Installationsroutine erstellt sowieso ein Backup.



    P.S. wie sieht es denn mit einer Antwort auf das Thema aus.

    Dieses Forum beruht auch darauf, das sich die Mitglieder austauschen bzw. durch Beiträge erfahren,

    ob die Beantwortung eines Problems beim User, erfolgreich war.

    Vielen Dank!

  3. No I don't have WideFS installed, I am not sure what it is. All I know is that it is made by Pete Dowson. I have seen reference to it in the manual but am not sure what it does.

    Clive Drake

    Hi Clive,

    You must have installed WideFS, please read on our website http://fscommander.com/ under System Requirements,

    and in the manual page 5, chapter installation and page 9, Chapter Updating airports for FS 2004 in a network.



  4. Dear Herr Heine,

    I have persevered and now have my 2 PC's talking to each other. I have run DB Manager and that has installed OK. When I run FSC I now have a message "Unable to connect to Flight Simulator Msg #2".

    I have clicked OK and see a blue screen. I have gone to Window/Options/Display and clicked "Direct connection to FS", I then went to GPS and clicked "Connect to FS" but again "Unable to connect to Flight Simulator Msg #2" appears. Currently I am using v 8.2.1.

    I am sorry to be a nuisance, can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

    Thank you,


    Hi Tregarth,

    this is not a FSCommander problem.

    Question, WideFS is installed? If Yes, is this a current WideFS version and is this version installed correctly?



    btw. Your version 8.21 is more then 4 years old

  5. Hi All

    I have been reading various threads regarding this issue, I still have 8.6 but am now confused about the cause?

    Some time ago Sacha wrote an article stating that the the problem was not with FSC but that of IVAO because there were servers listed in the download files that were not operational?

    So is the error with IVAO that they can address, or a problem with FSC 8.X ?



    Hi Paul,

    some time ago, was some time ago.

    The incompatibility with the current download is based on a change of data design and can be resolved only in the FSC 9 version, because the version of the FSC8x is no longer supported.



  6. Hi Volker:

    Thank you so much for the help, could I ask you another question, is there a way to know what runway the atc will ask you to land at ahead of time, I did the weather thing but it did not ask me to land at the correct runway for the real time weather so a little confused, thnak you.

    Regards, Rich

    Hi Rich,

    they are, unfortunately, the mysteries of flight simulator. ATC will never do what you expect from your flight plan actually.



  7. Hi Guys:

    Quick question, if I build a flight plan from runway 27 at kbos to runway 5 at kpvd and load it into default 737 seemed to work fine atc did a perfect job but my question is by building the plan from a specific runway to another specific runway will that over ride any weather setting all the time why I ask is I downloaded real time weather in fscommander 9 and the green arrow appeared that I should have been landing at runway 23 the otherside, I would assume in real life I am to land into the wind and the arrow points to the direction of the wind right ? if true I would have been asker to land at runway 23, thanks for any help. Great program still new at.

    Regards, Rich

    Hi Rich,

    the selection of a runway, regardless of whether departure or destination is necessary only because the FSX needs this information and is not mandatory. The choice has no effect on ATC by the FSCommander.



  8. I have found the scenery.cfg file in C\Program Data\Microsoft\ so I can do that but what is the path for "FSX Path". This must be in the Main-PC C drive, but I am not clear on exactly where to put it (!)


    Hi Tregarth

    in the manual on page 14, chapter Updating airports for FS X in a network, you can find detailed instructions.

    You will also find a description of a small tool, Scenery Library Network Tool (FSCFSXCFG.exe),

    which performs the copying process for you.



  9. Hi Tregarth,

    since you have an Aerosoft version, please contact the aerosoft support, because we have not written the Setup routine.

    Our new version FSCommander 9 can be download to an USB Stick and then installed on your netbook.

    You can download the free demo from our website and test the installation.



  10. So, there's a lot to keep up to date on but if you're on a current AIRAC (having run FSC dbmanager of course!) then you have a much better chance of success. Of course, using a database of valid flight plans is the safest method.

    Hi Bill,

    not a criticism but only an information, at the change of AIRAC Cycle does not require to run the databasemanager again.

    The re-start of the databasemanager has no effect on the flight planning service but only updated the Scenery data

    e.g. Airports, Runways, Taxiways, Appron and ILS'es. (if you have install a new addon)



  11. Ja habe ich. Schau mal auf den Screenshot unten, da ist der FSC aktiv sage ich mal.

    Wenn ich jetzt zurück auf den Button MSFlusi drücke findet der wechsel der Bildschirmanzeige nicht statt.

    Gruß Reinhold

    Hallo Reinhold,

    im Deutschen Handbuch auf Seite 21 findest Du das Kapitel, Always on Top.

    Lese Dir das mal durch.



  12. Hi Sascha,

    No that isn't the case with Vatsim. The Vatroute database is just a selection of valid flight plan routes for people to choose from, it isn't compulsory to use them. Provided one's route is valid then you can use whatever route you want BUT you must use correct sids to join it and hence your suggestion of picking the SID first should work, provided you pick a SID from the correct runway in use as per the Vatsim ATIS.

    Hi Bill,

    Sascha is currently in Japan. The answer may, based of the current situation, take a while.



  13. FS 2004 (FS9), FSUIPC 3.99, Aerosoft FSC 9.0, Build 16-03-2011, Windows XP_SP 3 (32bit),

    AIRAC 1102, PMDG737-800, iFly 737-800, PSS-A340-200,

    Hallo Volker,

    warum kann ich nicht zwischen zwei Programmen wechseln. z.B. Bei einer Routenplanung habe ich den FSC und EAD-Basic offen.

    Will ich jetzt von einem Programm zum anderen Springen funktioniert der wechsel vom FSC nicht zurück zum EAD.

    Dasselbe Problem habe ich wenn ich Flusi und FSC auf maximum Bildschirm laufen habe auch hier kann ich nicht wechseln.

    Gruß Reinhold

    Hallo Reinhold,

    wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, habe ich keine Ahnung was Du, mit Programmwechsel und von einem zum anderen Programm springen, meinst.



  14. Hi Steen,


    FSUipc 4 (paid)

    Darabase 1104

    FSC download version

    Win 7

    and which FSCommander Version ???

    Why is that ?

    1. Have you read this announcement: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    and you've followed the instructions???

    2. if everything does not help, send me the file(s) FSCDBM10.LOG and FSC_Info.LOG

    and also the ICAO Code of this airport to my e-mail address,

    which you find at the bottom on our website.


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