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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Ken,

    if you are reading the chapter Options Window, paragraph Flightplan and have also seen the screenshot, you have read the following text:

    With the top option button you set the path where your Flight Simulator is installed. This folder is used by add-on aircraft such as PMDG or Level-D. The above screenshot...



  2. Hi ???,

    if you have read the manual, then you have read the chapter 20: Loading databases for FS2004 or FS X.

    Also on page 106 you'll see a hint.

    If your settings under Options were not saved, then it may be due to the installation under Win 7.

    Read our announcement: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    If the installation was not performed correctly, various files will be written from the OS into the Virtual Store and there is no access.


  3. Hi users

    when i run my fs comander it trys to insall the navigraph data then a message comes up saying the feature you are trying to use is on a netwrk resource that is unavailable click ok to try again or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package navigraph ndac 3 msi in the box below this is on a sheard network my network is fine both computers can talk to eash other

    i am running the fsx version of fs comander my flight simulator files are on a windows 7 tower pc and my fs comander is on a vista laptop

    my files i am sharing are c drive/progam files 86/mocrosoft games/flight simulator

    and my docments/flight simulator x files

    does any one know why this is happing and got ansers to it

    thanks simon

    Hi Simon,

    since you are here in the wrong forum!

    We do not create the installer for Navigraph

    Go to: http://forum.navigraph.com/forum/default.aspx



  4. I have the Quality Wings 757 installed and everytime I go to load a flight plan (.RTE) the FMC says "not in database. For it to recognize the plan, I have to input all the waypoints in the FMC and aave it there!

    Hi Anonymous,

    have you read this:

    What are your expectations as we help you? It lacks detailed information from you

    such as where you saved the flight plan, etc.


  5. Hallo!I have installed the update for FlightSim Commander 9, but I did not get the GPS window open . I see only an arrow in the left upper corner. I hope you will help me! Greetings Kaare

    Hi Anonymous,

    please read this announcement and post the necessary information here.


  6. hi

    Is there any way of making the radar that shows multiplayer aircraft in the moving map scan futher out ??? say to 80-100 miles out.



    the FSC has no influence on the distance.

    This depends on the settings of the online providers and their capabilities and some of the settings in FSUIPC.


  7. Hi Axel,

    can it be that you have activated in the MAP menu "Allways on top" ?

    If not then there is no solution because this problem has no other users reported.

    A few months ago there were 2 user had this problem with an ATI Graphic card.

    This, however, based on the settings of the ATI software.



  8. Hello Volker

    I have my fsx install under D:\ so that's okay and it's for all users as well.

    But i think i do have more problems i can't install fsx sp2 and i can't install fsuipc however it says it's in the FSX.


    Hi Frans,

    that is exactly your problem. The FSUIPC needed SP2 of FSX. Since I can not help you.



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