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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Phil,

    Firstly, is it possible to move the map from whatever postion it is currently showing? I have tried clicking & dragging and looking through the menus for such an option, but no joy. As I said, wood & trees!

    If you're not connected, just click the mouse in the map, this point will then be in the middle of the map.

    If you are connected, then read the manual, Chapter 3.1, paragraph Aircraft (always) on Map

    Secondly, can you add waypoints using coordinates, as in the flightplans for Concorde?

    The answer is NO but ... read the manual, chapter 6.



  2. Hallo Reinhold,


    1. gibt es den Airport bei Dir im FS2004?

    Wenn NEIN, kannst Du nur einen ZZZZ Plan erstellen!

    2. wenn JA, ist es ein AddOn Airport?

    3. wenn JA, hast Du den DatabaseManager laufen lassen?

    4. wenn JA, sende mir den Ordner \Support mit Inhalt!



  3. Do you need to re-run the FS Commander Database .exe program after each Navigraph AIRAC cycle update? I have not been as I think you only need to re-run the Database .exe program if you modify or add airports. Is this correct? I'm running FSC version 9.0.

    Hi ???,

    the answer is NO, WHY? You find the answer and more information in the manual on page 9 and 10.


  4. Hi,

    FS 2004 (FS9), FSUIPC3.98, Aerosoft FSC 9.0, Build 16-03-2011, Windows XP_SP 3 (32bit),

    AIRAC 1104, PMDG737-800, iFly 737-800, PSS-A340-200,

    AIRAC 1104 das Problem liegt hier, Rev. 1

    einfach hier lesen

    und zwar komplett und dann die aktuelle Revision 2 des AiracCycle 11/04 downloaden.



  5. Hi Volker

    Thank you.

    I am so sorry. I had downloaded the Airac twice. 1st was revision 1, the second was revision 2. Stupidly I reinstalled 1 again.

    I am so sorry to create work for you, caused by my stupidity.

    All is now well again.,

    Thank you for your wonderful help. This is truly a great program

    Best regards


    Hi Howard,

    no problem, you are always welcome.

    Best reagrds,


  6. Hi Howard,

    I regret to inform you that you do have the faulty AiracCycle Rev. 1 on your computer.

    Just open the file Airac.ini with an editor and you can read Rev. 1.

    The Cycle number 1104 has nothing todo with the Rev. 1 number.

    As I have written in the forum, it is necessary to download again the AiracCycle Revision 2 and install it.

    Please read here the statement of Richard Stefan (NavData):



  7. Hi Volker

    I had already updated to Version 9.0 Build 16-03-2011 as you can see from my 1st post and that shows up on starting FSC9

    However when updating The Database Manager it still shows it as Build 01-01-2011.Is this correct?

    I read the thread you sent me to so I have redownloaded Navigraph 1104 as recommended.

    Please advise ref database Manager question



    Hi Howard,

    the databasemanager version is O.K.



  8. Hallo Sascha,

    I am using now FSC since first Version 8 (and I am flying FS since 1980). No questions during this time. It's a great tool.

    But now I want to change the color of the selected line in Flightplan. The color is dark red on dark blue. This is not very good readable, especially on a beamer as a monitor (see attachment).

    How can I change this configuration?

    I own FSC 9.0 Build 16-03-2011 on WIN7-64.

    beste Grüße


    Erlangen EDDN

    Hi Alhard,

    the color of this line can not be changed.

    We will write your wish on our ToDo list



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