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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. I have both FSC 9 and Google Earth version 5.2.1 1588 build installed on the same computer. I have selected the google earth folder on the window-options-online and the option for google earth is still greyed out and unselectable in the GPS screen. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Judd

    Hi Judd,

    have you entered the exact path for GE as it is shown in the manual on page 109? (include \client)



  2. i have a ques about that,i always get the msg "No GPS data from FS available connection to flightsim terminated"

    CAn you help me with this ??

    Im using win7 ,fsuipc4.30


    Hi Frans,

    please read this announcement:

    and provide us with the necessary information.



    Have you read this announcement: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    and have you install the FSC conducted as required

  3. Ok, I'm up to date on FSUIPC and WIDEFS. However, this did not correct the lack of any text on the data buttons on the left side of the screen, the buttons on the FSC or the fact that I cannot enter waypoints and have them show up in the waypoint editor.


    I have no idea what is going wrong on your computer.

    In your case I see only one possibility, uninstall and install the program again.

    Make sure that after uninstalling the entire folder and all files are removed.


  4. Hi,

    I have sent it twice now...and they do not bounce back to me.

    I received no e-mail

    2/17/2011 3:39:44 PM - FSC · Version 9.0 · Build:01-01-2011 - User: Todd A. Moore

    2/17/2011 3:39:44 PM - Application path: C:\Program Files\FSC

    2/17/2011 3:39:50 PM - Integrity failed

    This message indicates that an error occurred during installation and is missing important files.

    Uninstall the program and install it again.


  5. I'm sorry, I am falling asleep right now...01-01-2011


    run your flight simulator and your FSCommander and make a connection.

    If the error occurs while flying, disconnect the FSCommander from your flight simulator. Close the FSCommander.

    Send the Support folder with all files inside to my e-mail adress which you find on our website.


  6. Hi Charles,

    I will examine step by step the workaround to get more information from you.

    1. run the Database Manager again with your new addon airport

    3. run the FSCommander and check if the airport is available

    4. if NOT close the FSCommander

    5. send the entire folder /SUPPORT (you find this folder in the FSC main folder) with all files inside to my e-mail address which you find on our website

    6. write in this e-mail the ICAO code of the airport wich does not exist



  7. I think we may be onto something. It's in the programs folder. Should I run an uninstall and reinstall in the C:?

    EDIT- I did that and registered everything, pointed the options window the the folders. and still not getting the FMC to pull up a FP.


    I will examine step by step the problem.

    1. install the current bugfix http://fscommander.com/files/Fsc_2011_01_01.zip

    2. run the Database Manager as described in the readme file

    3. run the FSCommander to create a flight plan and save the flight plan as you have done this before

    4. close the FSCommander

    5. send the entire folder /SUPPORT with content to my e-mail address which you find on our website


  8. 1. FSX or FS2004(FS9)- FSX

    2. FSUIPC* / WideFS version used - FSUIPC4.57 (registered)

    3. FS Commander and Database Manager version and build used FSC = 9.0 Build 23-11-2010, DBM = ver. 9.0 build 171110

    4. Aerosoft version or download version from our website - I purchased both 8 and 9 from Sim Market.

    5. Operating System (Windows 7 32/64, Vista32/64, XP, 2000)Win7, 64

    Is that everything you need? I am not sure if I answered the questions correctly. Hope so. Thanks.


    ...perfect. Have you read this announcement?


    The important question is, you've run the FSC installation as an administrator?


  9. Hello,

    i have a question about online traffic if gps is enabled. FSC read out fsuipc and simconnect. Is there a way to disable one of them? At the moment i get double traffic. That traffic via simconnect and traffic via fsuipc if i fly online with SquawkWin. Best way is to disable simconnect. I get better information via FSUIPC.

    Hi Swen,

    we get the AI information exclusively via FSUIPC. There is nothing to switch off.



  10. Hi Volker,

    Ok, mit SID kann ich deine Route reproduzieren. Mein FPL war vorerst noch ohne SID erstellt.

    D.h. diese Routenvorschläge können auch nach plausibiltät geändert werden und enthalten keine "bindenden" vorgaben??

    Viele Grüße


    Hi Manuel,

    natürlich kannst Du das alles ändern.

    Der FSCommander ist weder Eurocontrol noch eine Luftfahrtbehörde und erhebt nicht den Ansruch einen validierten Flugplan zu liefern.

    Es wird ein Flugplan basierend auf dem Dijkstra-Algorithmus (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra-Algorithmus)

    generiert der unter Berücksichtigung von High- oder Low Airways, One- oder Bothways und Halbkreisregel den

    kürzesten Weg benutzt.



  11. Thanks for telling me to go read the manual. But I did that already and the flight plan file path is set accurately. Program files>Microsoftgames>MicrosoftflightsimulatorX. I am sure I am doing something wrong but I DID read the manual BEFORE I posted. I believe if I didn't have this set correctly, I wouldn't be able to open the FP in the the FSX Flight planner, no? I am able to do that. I just don't get copies in the PMDG or CS or the LVLD folders.


    if everything is configured correctly for you then please read this announcement:

    and give me the wanted information.


  12. Hello,

    I have the same problem, FSX on Win7 computer and FSC9 on XP computer. Have built once the database, ok. Then added an AFCAD in FSX and trying to rebuild FSC9 database. FSX location is correct in first collumn but scenery config in second collumn is wrong, points to FSX and I cannot access it. Update of airports works for some time but new AFCAD not taken in rebuilt database.

    Thanks in advance for any help


    Hi Charles,

    please read this post:

    and answer the questions about the version and build.



  13. Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin gerade unterwegs von EDDH nach EPWA und habe mir, wie immer den Flugplan von FSCommander erstellen lassen.

    Bei der Wahl High Alt Plan erhalte ich folgende Route:


    Das bedeutet allerdings einen recht großen Umweg über die Ostsee.

    Gibt es einen "realen" Grund dafür?

    Viele Grüße


    Hallo Manuel,

    die Berechnung einer LowAlt oder HighAlt Route ist immer eine mathematische Lösung und hängt vor allen Dingen vom Einstiegspunkt auf einen Airway ab.

    In meinem beigefügten Beispiel bin ich einmal davon ausgegangen, das ich von der Rwy 23 starte und das SID AMLU8B verwende.

    Anschliessend geht es ab AMLUH auf dem Airway UL619 weiter.

    Somit ergibt das folgenden Flugplan: EDDH AMLU8B UL619 DENKO UP851 WAR EPWA



  14. Hello everyone.

    I have had to have my computer wiped clean.

    So all my flightsim programs have come off and have been re-installed. I do not want to buy or upgrade to FSC9, as l am more than happy with V8.What l do want to do is download the updates to make it V8.6 again, but l cant find the updates anywhere. Can any body help me please.


    Carl Vokes

    Hi Carl,

    please contact your dealer (Aerosoft/SimMarket) where you purchased the software.



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