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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi John,

    no matter what settings you change under options, they are immediately recorded and stored after the end of the program in the ini file. The function Save settings as Theme is valid only for the tab colors and has nothing to do with other settings.

    Sorry to let you know that we have nothing change how the options window works between the old and the new version.


  2. Having moved on from version 8.7 to 9 I find I cannot save my options for display, flight etc.

    With 8.7 I did not have that problem. Could somebody please tell me the correct procedure

    so as to avoid having to reset everything before flight?

    I must confess I am very pleased with the new version and enjoy using it.


    we can not verifying your problem because there is no difference as the Options menu works, between version 8.6 and 9.0.


  3. FS 2004 (FS9), FSUIPC3.98, Aerosoft FSC 9.0, Build 11-11-2010, Windows XP,

    PMDG737-800, iFly 737-800, PSS-A340-200,

    Hallo Volker,

    macht es viel Arbeit die Airways wie in den Jeppesen Enroute Charts zu kennzeichnen.

    Oder stimmt folgende Behauptung nicht, dass die Airways nur in einer Bestimmten Richtung benutzt werden dürfen.

    z.B. die UL602 von Manchester nach Amsterdam ist es verboten den Wegpunkt von LEGRO nach EMLON zu benutzen.

    In der Gegenrichtung ist es nicht erlaubt auf der UL603 den Wegpunkt von ENITO nach DOLAS zu benutzen.

    Der Ausschnitt ist zwar von FSNavigator ist aber mit Jeppesen identisch.

    Denn der FSC macht keinen Unterschied bei der Routenplanung in welcher Richtung ich die Airways benutze.

    Gruß Reinhold

    Hallo Reinhold,

    der FSCommander macht sehr wohl einen Unterschied zwischen OneWay and BothWay.

    Außerdem zeigt er die Richtung der "OneWay's" mit Pfeilen an. Man muss nur ein wenig

    näher zoomen.



  4. Hi Paul,

    to investigate your problem I need the following additional information:

    1. installed scenery name(s) and there missing or incorrect Airports with their ICAO codes

    2. the file FSCDBM_FS10.LOG

    Please send this informations and file to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage.



  5. dear all,

    i have been using FSC8 for some time and recently bought FSC9 yogether with the captain sim 707

    now if i connect FSC9 to FSX you get a GPS window with "auto heading"" etc which is very handy when you have a big bird like the 707 to fly, however fsx wont follow the route i entered in other words auto heading is on but aircraft seems to fly a fixed course on the compass.\

    does any one have any idea what i am doing wrong? is there an autopilot setting that i am missing?\

    best regards


    Hi Leon,

    please read the manual, chapter 12.1 Operating modes, AutoHeading mode, If an aircraft such as the ...



  6. Hi,

    Nat Tracks

    I've looked through a few pages and haven't found a solution to my problem so forgive me if it's already been answered. :rolleyes: I'm trying to plan a long haul flight from EGLL to KJFK using the Nat Tracks. I've read the documentation and have got as far as inserting the Nat Tracks which is fine.

    This is what I get once I've chosen the "F" Nat Track

    EGLL DOGAL 5520N 5530N 5540N 5450N CARPE REDBY KJFK

    What my question is, is there a way to "auto" generate points between EGLL and DOGAL and then once we're on the other side, between REDBY and KJFK or do I have to manually select each waypoint and navaid and airway? I've read that it can be done but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. If I select any of the auto options it gives me a crazy flight plan either through spain and down to the Caribbean and back up again or somewhere close to the North Pole and down again. :unsure:

    Caribbean Flight Planning

    Secondly, planning a flight from EGKK to TBPB (Barbados), does FSC9 have the ability to auto-generate any waypoints? Again the auto options don't give you realistic flight plans. Are there any suggestions for this type of route?



    Hi Jermaine,

    I spent several weeks to write a manual of some 110 pages plus the help file and with the help of others I released a German. Spanish, and French version which again took me several weeks of permanent work. I find it extemely frustrating that certain people just refuse (or are too lazy) to read the manual and ask questions in this forum about things that have been explained at great length in the manual/help files.

    The bottom line of my admittedly impatient answer to your question is: RTFM!!!!



  7. Hello...All

    Newbie to FSX and FSC 9 ... Thanx in Advance...


    I have bought and waiting for My Paid -- Copy...to arrive.....<grins> :)

    I need a better explanation how to use FSC 9 with the GPS....and how to use FMC ( Flight Management Computer ).....

    Using FSC 9.0

    Trying to use with Boeing 737-800...

    Will FSC 9 work directly with Autopilot in FSX...???

    Or do I need to purchase the FMC Pack I, that works with FSX..

    ( Which is sold here on SimMarket by Friendly Panels ) .....??


    !!! Please give a Step by Step Guide and/or Examples !!!

    Thanx in Advance

    Happy Holidays to All


    Hi CM,

    I suggest that you read the manual which you can download from our website at www.fscommander.com . Incidentally, this is what we wrote the manual for.



    • Upvote 1
  8. Hallo Volker,

    wie kann ich den FSC9 auf dem Laptop laufen lassen ohne den FS2004 installiert zuhaben.

    Mit anderen Worten, welche Dateien muß ich hierher kopieren damit das funktioniert.

    In einem Forum habe ich mal gelesen das es geht, Dummerweise habe ich mir dei Adresse nicht gemerkt.

    Viele Grüße


    Hallo Reinhold,

    für mich macht das nur Sinn wenn der Laptop im Netzwerk läuft. Hierzu bitte den Anhang Netztwerk im Handbuch lesen.

    Ansonsten den kompletten FSC Ordner kopieren.



  9. Just bought the new EDDS X from Aerosoft. The installation worked, the airport is shown correctly in FS9. Then I ran the Database Manager (FSC 9). But the ILS is not shown on the screen of FSC. Any ideas? (The ILS works in FS9).

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Andreas,

    maybe the ILS data in the Airport file are wrong. Please contact the aerosoft support.



  10. Hi Germaine,

    1. about saved flight plan

    I can not verify your problem because it works perfect for me, independing of whether name with space or no space in the flight plan name. I have save your route as EGLLESSA and as EGLL ESSA, it makes no difference.

    2. have you read this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/ ... and have you done so?

    Are you sure that you have install your FSCommander as administrator?


  11. Hi Volker

    Many thanks for that very rapid reply. I sit here feeling very stupid. I did look in the FSC folder and just did not see the Tool. I have now used it as directed and all is well.

    Please accept my apologies for not giving the required details. It was very kind of you to respond so helpfully. I had already read the links you gave, and had updated to the 23112010 versions.

    I still enjoy FS (after about 18 years) and doing most of my maintenance myself, but I have a younger enthusiast friend who is a computer expert and builds my PCs to order. My problem is age. I will be 78 tomorrow, but I don't intend to give up.

    Best regards and seasonal good wishes


    Hi Frank,

    Congratulations on your birthday and all the best for the next 365 days.

    Seasonal good wishes also,


  12. Hi There,

    I'm having trouble exporting flights plans in the Level D & PMDG format What I do get is Radar Contact and FS9 flight plans but not PMDG or Level D. I've followed the instructions for installing FSC9 with windows 7 and have made sure that I have the correct path for FS9. It connects to flight sim ok via FSUIPC.

    Any suggestions?


    1. FS9

    2. FSUIPC (latest free version for FS9)

    3. FS Commander 9, build 11-11-2010

    4. Download version

    5. Operating System - Windows 7 64


    to make sure that you have chosen the correct path, please post you fsc.ini, within your next answer here.


    btw. Read also here:... http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66555-fsc-90-bug-fix-new-23112010/ ... and update your FSC9

  13. I am having difficulty in getting FSCDbManager to run. I have copied the scenery.cfg to the FSX folder and renamed, as directed in the manual, but it will not link. I get to the point where the FSX Directory is seen, but not the scenerycfg.fsc file.

    I cannot find the FSX Scenery Library Network Tool. Where can I get that?

    I am reinstalling, having upgraded my PC. I've used FSCommander on the network successfully before. I can't think what I am now doing wrong. I do know I had the Tool before. Help appreciated.


    Hi Frank,

    Have you read this:

    and would you please give us the information we have ask for.

    Would you also please read this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66473-file-not-found-or-no-access-only-for-network-users/

    and also this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66555-fsc-90-bug-fix-new-23112010/

    You find the FSX Scenery Library Network Tool FSCFSXCFG.exe in the FSCommander main folder.


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