Airport creation will not be directly supported. We spent lots of times to create a user friendly editor for Tower! 2011 and only 2 companies released airports for it. We realized the demand was not there so we are working one on one with developers who are already created airports for Tower! 2011. We also need some 3D work reference from you as T!3D is built in 3D.
In the meantime we also learned the demand is high for add-on airports so we will do our best to release then faster and in larger numbers.
If you have already developed airports for Tower!2011 so you are aware of how to do it, please contact us after SP1 and we will discuss how can we help you.
The following tools are absolutely necessary:
-photo editing tools (ie.: Photoshop or similar)
-3D software (3DS MAX is prefered)
-experience with Unity3D
Thank you