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  1. Thank you developers for getting CYVR out to us. I'm enjoying it as we speak. I've also had aircraft get stuck on taxiway J. I haven't had any aircraft do the "spins" but Ill try and be prepared for that. Some clarification regarding the discussion of magnetic vs true headings. All airports around the world use magnetic headings for their runways, so aircraft instruments and runways align. The only exception are airports in extreme norther regions which use true headings due to the rapid changes in magnetic declination the closer you get to the north pole. So while the information crbascott has recited from Airnav.com is correct, the source material is incorrect. Whoever entered the data on their website did it backwards listing the magnetic runway headings as a true heading and then calculating the magnetic heading from that. The actual magnetic headings for CYVR's parallel runways are: 08L/R: 083-degrees 26L/R: 263-degrees Magnetic variation is 17-degrees E. All numbers from the current edition of Canada Air Pilot. (It should also be noted that Airnav.com says on their listing for CYVR that their records may not be complete or correct). This may seem trivial, but DELTA VII has a point. When an aircraft lines up on runway 26L (as shown In his post) why IS the heading shown as 284??...and not something close to 260?? I'd like to know... For those who play the game like DELTA VII I can see how that could screw things up.
  2. Greetings everyone: I'm posting this question to other fans of TRACON 2012 who've developed their own sectors in the hopes you've run across this problem and come up with a solution. Since winter snow has trapped me inside for the next month I decided to develop/create a CYVR sector. Everything works EXCEPT for aircraft departing and arriving at airports within the Vancouver base sector (Eg. Departing Vancouver and arriving in Victoria, approx. 30 miles away, both airports are within the base sector region). The aircraft in question will follow all commands including clearance to land at it's destination airport, but the moment it's handed off to the destination tower, the aircraft will immediately call Departure, similar to it's initial contact call (Eg. Departure Jazz 8077 with information INdia at three thousand climbing to three thousand). The aircraft will continue to descend until it falls off radar at which time the calls to departure are non-stop and I have to end the game. I hope I'm making sense because it's got me stumped. Any ideas? I'm wondering if the game was ever set up for this type of scenario even though there are plenty of examples on maps like LAS, LAX, MIA when you could create a similar situation if you wanted. Thanks in advance. Screenshot of CYVR is attached. Jim P.S. Thanks to SATCH_999 for his helpful posts on how to create sectors. They provided a wealth of information.
  3. YESSSS!!! Worked like a dream. Solved all my problems. Many thanks for your help, Craig.
  4. Yes, have the pro version. Game has worked flawlessly with the default airports (LAX, PHL, TIST). Assuming I have the latest version of Real Traffic (product version: Was purchased in March. C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airfields contains the KSAN folder with the all the default files used by the other airports, plus: KSAN_airfield, KSAN Airfield,manifest ksan_databases ksan databases.manifest ksan menu ksan_menu.manifest C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes folder contains Texturepacks with airlines_pack1 and pack1.manifest files. Additional Texture pack folders go down another two levels in the file tree containing packs1, 2, & 3 plus associated manifest files.
  5. Greetings: Purchased KSAN over the weekend along with Real Colour KSAN. Airport has loaded but noticed that only the commuter terminal has aircraft. At numerous times of the day (Noon, 3p, 6p) when I would expect the airport to be busy I have one plane on the entire field. Or, I'll have one plane at the commuter terminal and a plethora of aircraft at the GAA terminal. Also, have an issue with aircraft refusing to taxi. Have run the simulation at 6am repeatedly and run into the same problem with SK 5190 refusing to taxi to the runway, thus creating a logjam of planes trying to get where they need to be. I attempted to load the output log but was unable due to file size restrictions with this site (limited to 20.48kb file size?) Any ideas? I know I'm not the only person who's run into this problem based on other postings. Thanks.
  6. Having the same issue. Attempted to upload my log file (645kb), but received a server notice I'm only allowed to upload 20.48kb size files (??). Also, I only have aircraft at one terminal. Haven't messed with the terminal files so still working with the default file. What else.... Have purchased Real Traffic which works great with LAX & PHL. Purchased real colour for KSAN thinking maybe that was the problem I only have aircraft at one terminal. Any ideas??
  7. Av Writer: It's not just you. I've had the same thing happen to me twice last night. System freezes, ambient noise continues to run, the mic appears to work (you can hear it click when you press the shift key), but nothing moves or responds to my verbal commands. I've also had the ADIRS window shut down unexpectedly but it never occurred to me the two issues could possibly be linked. I know it's not the machine since it's a brand new i7 with tons of ram and dedicated graphics.
  8. Hi There: I've been playing for a couple of years and still love this game. I believe this question was answered a few years back, but my searches have come up empty. I've noticed the only aircraft that leave GA fields like Santa Monica on the LAX screen or Henderson Field in LAS are AN24's and AN6's. Is it possible to change these aircraft types to other general/corporate aviation aircraft like, say, King Airs, Citations, TBM's, etc.?? I've looked around in the Database text files but haven't had any luck. Any ideas?
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