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C2615 last won the day on February 18 2021

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  1. Thanks, I have updated, applied AutoAssignLetters, changed the comment string and profile assignment, few test in and all working good so far. The MJOY32 (ID1) still in the log, but seems in ini it picked the other one with ID5 and different GUID, and works great, so far, Appreciate for your patiently support, I believe the case is closed for now.
  2. Just checked again and they working fine. in the ini they are on proper ID just as before when I assign things I can't as there is too little USB2 port, so some USB2 stuff are on USB3 port. vJoy as name suggests, is a virtual device...I don't really use it in P3D but in some old game only support 2 or 3 controller I might need it for combine physical input, it haven't cause major problem so far, and it's not easy to connect and disconnect as it'll require reboot to do so. I suppose you mean, won't? 😅
  3. Sorry for the inconvenience, I was kinda in a panic mode. After reset CMOS (short JBAT1 port) I was able to restore hardware function. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe some static interface when trying to unplug the usbs (although I did the normal protocol for preventing static).. anyway it's now fully functioning And without apply the fix again, FSUIPC now seems working fine. Not sure if the files you still interested but here they are. I tried fly around to see if things works so technically not "once loaded just exit") I would be happy to go ahead and update the FSUIPC, then apply the suggested tweaking for ini file, but what's your thought? FSUIPC6joystickrecovered.zip
  4. Things go south very quickly, After applying this and restart, I lost many of my device, and after restore the backup they still don't work. Searching for a while, now I confirm all 4 USB3.x port on the back of MB (MSI MAG B650M Mortar WiFi (MS-7D76) stopped working (still power but no data), by switch up some ports I get mouse and keyboard back online, by moving my 10 port hub to usb-c port now I got most but still not all joysticks working, that typeC port works, all 4 usb2 ports works, also one usb3.0 and 2 usb2.0 port on my computer's front panel still works. Still I can't get normal working without that 4 USB3.x ports, and after system restoring, restarting, and some basic clean up I still can't get them working. Not sure if it's still within your warranty, I now got one unknown USB Device in device manager with (Code 43)A request for the USB configuration descriptor failed. and following information: Device USB\VID_0000&PID_0003\8&1fe228af&0&10 had a problem starting. Driver Name: usb.inf Class Guid: {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} Service: Lower Filters: Upper Filters: Problem: 0x0 Problem Status: 0xC00000E5
  5. Thanks for the support. Only 1 for each, so I'm not sure why you would read 2 MJ162 and 2 MJOY32... So after my flight (which I almost forget to lower the gear by mouse), I made a test flight in X-Plane make sure all my hardware works (they did), and restart computer. load to P3Dv5, and now the missing roulette is TCA Q-Eng 1&2 My FSUIPC.ini have heritage from an old P3Dv4 install on a win7 system, but all system/driver/application have been freshly installed when I switch to this one, Another issue I have was the id for joystick used to change a lot back then, so I use JoyIDs to swap them, and I also use it to make the ID align to my old win7 install so I don't need to change the assignment in FSUIPC6 when I got the new system, not sure if that would be the problem, it seems FSUIPC is the only software that still recognize this ID system now. Maybe I should switch to joyletter system? not very familiar with it. do I need to reconfig all my working configs? FSUIPC6joystkmissing.zip
  6. Hi, after start my P3Dv5 today with FSUIPCv6 I noticed my main joystick (VKB-Sim Space Gunfighter) while recognized by P3D itself (as main pitch roll control), not with FSUIPC's fuction, I find it's not in the FSUIPC6.ini, [JoyNames], try to manually add it from a known good back-up file and reload (Reload all buttons) doesn't work Then I disconnect and reconnected it's USB plug while in the game. then reload FSUIPC. The VKB stick back online fully, however now my G27 wheel is not recognized (I use it's shifter as landing gear lever). FSUIPC6.ini, [JoyNames] now have the VKB although mislabeled as 4=Flight Throttle Quadrant, but all buttons and axis works fine, no G27 in it [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=MJ162 0.GUID={58B61650-0350-11EF-8004-444553540000} 1=Flight Throttle Quadrant 1.GUID={8E5FFEE0-C03C-11ED-8007-444553540000} 4=Flight Throttle Quadrant 4.GUID={09BCBC70-C03F-11ED-8016-444553540000} 5=MJOY32 5.GUID={8E618580-C03C-11ED-8009-444553540000} 6=TCA Q-Eng 1&2 6.GUID={8E5E0310-C03C-11ED-8003-444553540000} 2=vJoy Device 2.GUID={E07B7D30-C041-11ED-8006-444553540000} I tried delete all [JoyNames], delete full FSUIPC6.ini and let it rebuild, unplug and replug G27, all without luck, the G27 works fine in control panel, with P3D's own controller menu and with other apps(joytokey for eg, not yet try other games. It used to be all working fine. Somehow even LINDA can still read and use it Have restarted P3D and the issue is still there, and now LINDA also nolonger could relay it. Not rebooted yet. FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csv
  7. Not direct profile, but here is some Lvars I use with LINDA, hope it would help: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/574929-feelthere-e-jets-v3/?tab=comments#comment-4233494
  8. You can fly with LNAV only minimum with V/S or FPV
  9. I had the same problem and reported to navigraph, they told me to use their FMC manager for update, that works for me... but can't believe they didn't fix it on manualy install side for about a year...
  10. I have the realworld data table for Trim setting for 170/175and 190, but it just doesn't help for feelthere's Ejets at all. As scoob said, CG is not simulated, and also even the green band of trim on E190 is totally out.
  11. Same as I reported on SP2, when deceleration to a given speed, it'll allow speed drop like 5~10kts below the target speed My condition encountered with 175: 1.When slowing down from 270 to 250, level flight at 12000', it allows speed dropped to 242 2.When start descending from 12000' and 250 using FLCH, it allows speed dropped to 244 3. When flaps down to 5, and slowing to VAPP at 135 on 3degree GP, it allows speed dropped to 130, this one is especially dangerus. While SP1 has issue with A/T kick in too soon when in bump air, at least it works well on this part in smooth air....
  12. As long as the aircraft are powered, the ANLT would be lit up as soon as the switch is moved to OFF anyway.... I guess the best way to do is to use the realword switch that mechanically blocked out the (ON) mark when switch is pressed out....
  13. Yes, as I could read in the READ ME file for 1.1, it only asks for disable >Air and >Batteries.
  14. C2615

    SP3 take off

    I tried on 190 and it feels better than SP2, but still need quire some force on rotation when on flaps2 and UP3.0. Once lift off, it feels ok, just a little back pressure to keep on V2+10. So I might still move the main gear contact point in aircraft.cfg slightly forward. Still, the realword data shows E190's green band is on 0.5DN to 3.5UP, compare to Feelthere's 0-5UP, and for a somewhat normal CG of 25%, the range should be around 0.5DN-1.0UP, rather than the normal trim around 3.0 on FT, you really only need trim up to 3 when at high weight and CG as forward as less than 10 MAC
  15. Thanks for the update! I noticed in this version, it doesn't required to disable the default APU folder, thus bring back the very loud APU sound in cockpit, is this intentional?
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