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  1. The Parking Brake control is a "Toggle" control. 19=PD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- 20=UD,6,C65752,0 -{PARKING_BRAKES}- You are essentially toggling the parking brake ON then immediately OFF as you release the key. Remove the line 20=UD,6,C65752,0 and it will work as desired.
  2. I use FltplanGo, the GPSOUT facility of FSUICP, over a bluetooth connection successfully and reliably using an Android tablet on P3Dv5.1, as well as FSX and FSX-SE, both on Windows 10 and Windows 7. I don't have any apple devices, but the basic outline is in the thread "Sending GPS data to Android Apps (Bluetooth)" in the user contributions section. If this is the type of set-up you are trying to employ then I'd be happy to outline my setup. Works wonderfully. I would assume it will work with WingX (although I have never used that software), but it works flawlessly with FltplanGo.
  3. Sorry to make a late addendum to the thread, the limit to the max number of lua files has come up before, but in a different context, but I suspect you were already aware of it. You've probably already worked out a solution, but you might want to also look over the thread: It might be useful for you... Or not...
  4. In the same vein, with slightly different syntax is a similar workable method. (Flag set using LuaSet, param) --lights.lua function LightsControl(flag) if ipc.testflag(1) then --TaxiLights ipc.clearflag(1) Taxi=ipc.readLvar("L:AB_TAXI_LT") if Taxi==nil or Taxi==0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_TAXI_LT", 1) elseif Taxi==1 then ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_TAXI_LT", 2) else ipc.writeLvar("L:AB_TAXI_LT", 0) end elseif ipc.testflag(2) then --Landing Lights ipc.clearflag(2) -- [Insert Desired Code] elseif ipc.testflag(3) then --Stobe Lights ipc.clearflag(3) -- [Insert Desired Code] elseif ipc.testflag(4) then --Beacon Lights ipc.clearflag(4) -- [Insert Desired Code] else end end event.flag("LightsControl") Best, Don
  5. Re-downloaded, and installed 4.973 without a problem this evening. No idea what the original error was -- had to have been the loose nut behind the yoke (me... ) Thanks for the speedy reply and all you do! Best, Don
  6. In keeping my FSUIPC current, it appears that the latest update to 4.973 contains 4.972a of FSUIPC.dll. Am I mistaken? The install log appears fine without errors, but the version displayed in FSUIPC.log, and the heading data in the processed FSUIPC.ini still shows 4.972a. Just checking in case I need to do some debugging on my side. Best, Don
  7. Hi Roger, I don't use any Saitek drivers, but solely use FSUIPC4. The Yoke MODE switch, in the following example is B22 (left position="Mode 1"), B23 (center position="Mode 2"), and B24 (right position="Mode 3"). Using The conditional button checking features, I have three modes enabled. This is just a snippet example from the .ini file. You have to manually edit the .ini file to set up the conditional programming. See FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users section "Compound Button Conditions," page 24 and Appendix 1 - "Doing more with your joystick," starting page 50 for the documentation. 14=CP(+B,22)B,6,K73,9 ;GNS 530W ZOOMOUT, MODE1 -{Key press: shft+I}- 15=CP(+B,22)B,7,K68,9 ;GNS 530W ZOOMIN, MODE1 -{Key press: shft+D}- 16=CR(+B,23)B,6,C66276,0 ;LEFT_ALIERON_TRIM, MODE2 -{AILERON_TRIM_LEFT}- 17=CR(+B,23)B,7,C66277,0 ;RIGHT_ALIERON_TRIM, MODE2 -{AILERON_TRIM_RIGHT}- 18=CR(+B,24)B,6,C66278,0 ;LEFT_RUDDER_TRIM, MODE3 -{RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT}- 19=CR(+B,24)B,7,C66279,0 ;RIGHT_RUDDER_TRIM, MODE3 -{RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT}- As I don't use any of the Saitek Drivers, I cannot comment on whether or not that affects FSUIPC "seeing" the button position. Best, Don
  8. Hi Pete, Prior to starting FSX, I setup my flight plan in Opus FSI, then select Export PLN Flight Plan to C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files. I start FSX, which automatically loads the FLT file located as C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\FSX Startup for Complex Aircraft.FLT . From the Free Flight screen I'll select the aircraft, modify the fuel load, select the departure location, manually load the flight plan into FSX, set the time, and then Fly Now. Once the flight is started at the gate/ramp, I manually start TrackIR, and lastly manually start Opus FSI. I've attached the FSX Startup for Complex Aircraft.FLT (which is supplied by Flight1 as a default flight to clear any previous flight data that may be residual) Were it not for the notice generated, I would not know anything was unusual, as everything appears to operate just fine. Like I said, this really is not a big deal to me, I just wanted to let you know just in case it was indicative of something else that could crop up down the line. Thanks! Don FSX Startup for Complex Aircraft.FLT
  9. Hi Pete, This is a "small-potatoes" report, and doesn't appear to actually affect any functionality at all, but just in case there is more going on behind the scenes I thought I should let you know. After updating FSUIPC4 to ver 4.971b, the following notation began appearing in the FSUIPC4.LOG: (In RED) ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.971b (15th October 2017) by Pete Dowson ********* Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit with SP 1.0 reported as Build 7601 (OS 6.1) fsx.exe version = 10.0.61637.0 Reading options from "F:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=663D0000 User Name="xxxxx" User Addr="xxxxx" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 0 System time = 03/11/2017 08:23:10 0 FLT path = "C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 0 ------ Module Version Check ------ 0 acontain.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 api.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 controls.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 fs-traffic.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 G3D.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 language.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 sim1.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 visualfx.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 weather.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 window.dll: 10.0.61637.0 0 ---------------------------------- 31 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 31 FS path = "F:\FSX\" 140 Finished: 0 Profile files created 140 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 140 Product= <not readable at this time: maybe device disconnected?> 140 Vendor=046D, Product=C2AB (Version 0.1) 140 GUIDs returned for product: VID_046D&PID_C2AB: 140 GUID= {8B2B3250-791B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 140 Details: Btns=1, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X255,Y255,Z0 140 Product= CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 140 Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS 140 Vendor=068E, Product=00FA (Version 0.0) 140 GUIDs returned for product: VID_068E&PID_00FA: 140 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-8009-444553540000} 140 Details: Btns=12, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R255,U255,V255,X255,Y255,Z255 140 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals 156 Manufacturer= Saitek 156 Vendor=06A3, Product=0764 (Version 2.1) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0764: 156 GUID= {11FC9C90-100B-11E4-8001-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R1023,U0,V0,X127,Y127,Z0 156 Product= Pro Flight Cessna Yoke 156 Manufacturer= Saitek 156 Serial Number= RD005891 156 Vendor=06A3, Product=0BD3 (Version 1.22) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0BD3: 156 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800A-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=25, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U255,V255,X1023,Y1023,Z255 156 Product= DTA Rotary Encoder 156 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 156 Serial Number= B45815 156 Vendor=16C0, Product=27CB (Version 1.33) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_16C0&PID_27CB: 156 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800C-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 156 GUID= {A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8002-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 156 Product= DTA Rotary Encoder 156 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 156 Serial Number= B32619 156 Vendor=16C0, Product=27CB (Version 1.33) 156 Product= Model 2235 156 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 156 Serial Number= DTA04103 156 Vendor=16D0, Product=0488 (Version 0.1) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_16D0&PID_0488: 156 GUID= {A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8003-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=31, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 156 Product= Trim Wheel 156 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 171 Serial Number= DTA01262 171 Vendor=6017, Product=3529 (Version 0.1) 171 GUIDs returned for product: VID_6017&PID_3529: 171 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800D-444553540000} 171 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z4095 171 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 7 (Registry okay) 171 7=Logitech G13 Joystick 171 7.GUID={8B2B3250-791B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 6 (Registry okay) 171 6=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 171 6.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-8009-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 4 (Registry okay) 171 4=Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals 171 4.GUID={11FC9C90-100B-11E4-8001-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay) 171 1=Pro Flight Cessna Yoke 171 1.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800A-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay) 171 0=DTA Rotary Encoder 171 0.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800C-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay) 171 2=DTA Rotary Encoder 171 2.GUID={A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8002-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 5 (Registry okay) 171 5=Model 2235 171 5.GUID={A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8003-444553540000} 171 Device acquired for use: 171 Joystick ID = 3 (Registry okay) 171 3=Trim Wheel 171 3.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800D-444553540000} 171 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 593 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 593 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 593 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 593 --- FS Controls Table located ok 593 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 593 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 593 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 593 --- SimConnect intercept for texts and menus option is off 593 --- All links checked okay 593 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 593 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 593 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 1232 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 1232 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1232 FSUIPC Menu entry added 1248 C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\FSX Startup for Complex Aircraft.FLT 1248 F:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR 18314 F:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0\CitationX.AIR 44585 *** NOTE! Flight plan string needed proper '.PLN' adding! 44585 C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\KMSO_KSUN.PLN.PLN 51511 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used 51511 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 51605 System time = 03/11/2017 08:24:01, Simulator time = 08:23:11 (15:23Z) 52042 Aircraft="Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 N646DT" 84116 Starting everything now ... 87641 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 177903 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 97 secs = 29.5 fps 177903 Max AI traffic was 0 aircraft 177903 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... 180805 === DLLStop called ... 180805 === Closing external processes we started ... 181803 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 181944 Lua threads being terminated: 181944 0 = "F:\FSX\Modules\SlewMode.lua" 182100 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\SlewMode.lua": killed 182100 1 = "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_YokeButton.lua" 182256 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_YokeButton.lua": killed 182256 2 = "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_Console.lua" 182412 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_Console.lua": killed 182412 3 = "F:\FSX\Modules\mousemove.lua" 182552 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\mousemove.lua": killed 182552 === Closing global Lua thread 183551 === About to kill my timers ... 183753 === Restoring window procs ... 183753 === Unloading libraries ... 183753 === stopping other threads ... 183753 === ... GPSout ... 183800 === ... Button scanning ... 183894 === ... Axis scanning ... 184003 === Releasing joystick devices ... 184003 === Freeing macro memory 184003 === Removing any offset overrides 184003 === Clearing any displays left 184003 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ... 184003 === AI slots deleted! 184003 === Freeing button memory ... 184003 === Closing my Windows ... 184003 === Freeing FS libraries ... 185001 === Closing devices ... 185001 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 185001 System time = 03/11/2017 08:26:15, Simulator time = 08:24:47 (15:24Z) 185001 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 27.5 fps, Maximum was 29.9 fps Minimum available memory recorded was 32768Mb Average frame rate for running time of 97 secs = 29.3 fps G3D fix: Passes 14515, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0 Maximum AI traffic for session was 0 aircraft Memory managed: 85 Allocs, 85 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** The kicker is, per monitoring the file names in C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files, the *.PLN file actually is *not* renamed to *.PLN.PLN, and this notice did not affect the loading of the *.PLN in the sim or FMS, so it appears to be just a type of aberrant notice, without any adverse effects in functionality. The PLN file is created by Opus FSI, which I've used for a couple years (beginning with Opus FSX) to generate the FSX flight plans. Just to check myself, I replace the FSUIPC4.dll with ver 4.971 and ran the same startup with the same flight plan, and you can see the notice is not present: ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.971 (16th August 2017) by Pete Dowson ********* Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit with SP 1.0 reported as Build 7601 (OS 6.1) fsx.exe version = 10.0.61637.0 Reading options from "F:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside FSX on Windows 7 Module base=66440000 User Name="xxxxx" User Addr="xxxxx" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 15 System time = 03/11/2017 08:15:52 15 FLT path = "C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 15 ------ Module Version Check ------ 15 acontain.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 api.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 controls.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 fs-traffic.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 G3D.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 language.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 sim1.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 visualfx.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 weather.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 window.dll: 10.0.61637.0 15 ---------------------------------- 31 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ... 47 FS path = "F:\FSX\" 140 Finished: 0 Profile files created 156 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan ----------------------- 156 Product= <not readable at this time: maybe device disconnected?> 156 Vendor=046D, Product=C2AB (Version 0.1) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_046D&PID_C2AB: 156 GUID= {8B2B3250-791B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=1, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X255,Y255,Z0 156 Product= CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 156 Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS 156 Vendor=068E, Product=00FA (Version 0.0) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_068E&PID_00FA: 156 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-8009-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=12, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R255,U255,V255,X255,Y255,Z255 156 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals 156 Manufacturer= Saitek 156 Vendor=06A3, Product=0764 (Version 2.1) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0764: 156 GUID= {11FC9C90-100B-11E4-8001-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R1023,U0,V0,X127,Y127,Z0 156 Product= Pro Flight Cessna Yoke 156 Manufacturer= Saitek 156 Serial Number= RD005891 156 Vendor=06A3, Product=0BD3 (Version 1.22) 156 GUIDs returned for product: VID_06A3&PID_0BD3: 156 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800A-444553540000} 156 Details: Btns=25, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U255,V255,X1023,Y1023,Z255 156 Product= DTA Rotary Encoder 156 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 171 Serial Number= B45815 171 Vendor=16C0, Product=27CB (Version 1.33) 171 GUIDs returned for product: VID_16C0&PID_27CB: 171 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800C-444553540000} 171 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 171 GUID= {A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8002-444553540000} 171 Details: Btns=32, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 171 Product= DTA Rotary Encoder 171 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 171 Serial Number= B32619 171 Vendor=16C0, Product=27CB (Version 1.33) 171 Product= Model 2235 171 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 171 Serial Number= DTA04103 171 Vendor=16D0, Product=0488 (Version 0.1) 171 GUIDs returned for product: VID_16D0&PID_0488: 171 GUID= {A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8003-444553540000} 171 Details: Btns=31, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z0 171 Product= Trim Wheel 171 Manufacturer= Desktop Aviator 171 Serial Number= DTA01262 171 Vendor=6017, Product=3529 (Version 0.1) 171 GUIDs returned for product: VID_6017&PID_3529: 171 GUID= {D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800D-444553540000} 171 Details: Btns=0, POVs=(0, 0, 0, 0), Cal=x00000000, Max=R0,U0,V0,X0,Y0,Z4095 171 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 7 (Registry okay) 187 7=Logitech G13 Joystick 187 7.GUID={8B2B3250-791B-11E5-8004-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 6 (Registry okay) 187 6=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 187 6.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-8009-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 4 (Registry okay) 187 4=Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals 187 4.GUID={11FC9C90-100B-11E4-8001-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 1 (Registry okay) 187 1=Pro Flight Cessna Yoke 187 1.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800A-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 0 (Registry okay) 187 0=DTA Rotary Encoder 187 0.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800C-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 2 (Registry okay) 187 2=DTA Rotary Encoder 187 2.GUID={A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8002-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 5 (Registry okay) 187 5=Model 2235 187 5.GUID={A9F78DC0-F7D7-11E4-8003-444553540000} 187 Device acquired for use: 187 Joystick ID = 3 (Registry okay) 187 3=Trim Wheel 187 3.GUID={D082FFB0-0ED0-11E4-800D-444553540000} 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 593 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------ 593 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok 593 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained 593 --- FS Controls Table located ok 593 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok. 593 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 593 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok 593 --- SimConnect intercept for texts and menus option is off 593 --- All links checked okay 593 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 593 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 593 Opened separate AI Traffic client okay 1232 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 1232 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1232 FSUIPC Menu entry added 1248 C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\FSX Startup for Complex Aircraft.FLT 1248 F:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR 15756 F:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0\CitationX.AIR 38438 Planned flight from KMSO to KSUN 38438 C:\Users\DBT\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\KMSO_KSUN.PLN 45755 User Aircraft ID 1 supplied, now being used 45755 Aircraft loaded: running normally now ... 45895 System time = 03/11/2017 08:16:38, Simulator time = 08:15:54 (15:15Z) 46301 Aircraft="Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 N646DT" 77080 Starting everything now ... 80621 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 180025 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 105 secs = 29.5 fps 180025 Max AI traffic was 0 aircraft 180025 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... 182895 === DLLStop called ... 182895 === Closing external processes we started ... 183894 === About to kill any Lua plug-ins still running ... 184050 Lua threads being terminated: 184050 0 = "F:\FSX\Modules\SlewMode.lua" 184190 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\SlewMode.lua": killed 184190 1 = "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_YokeButton.lua" 184346 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_YokeButton.lua": killed 184346 2 = "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_Console.lua" 184502 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\CitX_Console.lua": killed 184502 3 = "F:\FSX\Modules\mousemove.lua" 184658 LUA: "F:\FSX\Modules\mousemove.lua": killed 184658 === Closing global Lua thread 185657 === About to kill my timers ... 185844 === Restoring window procs ... 185844 === Unloading libraries ... 185844 === stopping other threads ... 185844 === ... GPSout ... 185875 === ... Button scanning ... 185969 === ... Axis scanning ... 186078 === Releasing joystick devices ... 186078 === Freeing macro memory 186078 === Removing any offset overrides 186078 === Clearing any displays left 186078 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ... 186078 === AI slots deleted! 186078 === Freeing button memory ... 186078 === Closing my Windows ... 186078 === Freeing FS libraries ... 187076 === Closing devices ... 187076 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ... 187076 System time = 03/11/2017 08:19:00, Simulator time = 08:17:38 (15:17Z) 187076 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Minimum frame rate was 27.0 fps, Maximum was 30.0 fps Minimum available memory recorded was 32768Mb Average frame rate for running time of 105 secs = 29.5 fps G3D fix: Passes 14326, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0 Maximum AI traffic for session was 0 aircraft Memory managed: 87 Allocs, 87 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed *********** This is just feedback, it doesn't appear to have any functional impact at all at this time. Thanks for all your hard work, you're amazing! Don
  10. If you actually want a button sequence, rather than the more standard button combination (shift+key, ctrl+key or shift+ctrl+key) your best bet is a lua script, but I believe it could also be done with a MCRO.
  11. Ahhh, understood ! If the required logic exceeds what is easily accomplished with the button flags, you can always write some short macros triggered by the button presses. We all started with no experience! But, it sure is satisfying in the end when you work it out! The APPENDIX 1: “Do more with your joystick” from the Advanced User Guide is a fantastic reference for button programming. Best in your endeavors! Don
  12. Admittedly I don't have my wits completely wrapped around the entirety of your button programming. I am puzzled about your flag setting and clearing and whether you are actually accomplishing what you intend. FSUIPC will automatically toggle the button flags with sequential presses from (-) to (+) to (-), so I'm a bit unclear of your use of the flag sets and clearing with your assigned buttons, but if you've double checked your logic on this then ok. Re: the F1 Mustang's input.ini file -- I and others have found that it works only via assigned keys as the intermediary, then you can assign those keys to FSUIPC functions. That is why I use very few of those (about 5 or 6 max), and did as much as possible via FSUIPC and compound button assignments. Best, Don
  13. It appears from your illustrations that you're using a single dual rotary for tuning all 4 frequencies (ie COM1 radio, COM2 Radio, NAV1 radio, and NAV2 Radio) If you're using the Input.ini (..\gauges\flight1_garminG1000_Aux\ folder) then you could simply chose to assign your keys & buttons there, making sure no conflicts with native FSX/P3D or FSUIPC assignments, (use the entries PFD_Com_Cursor= , PFD_Com_Swap= , PFD_Nav_Cursor= ,PFD_Nav_Swap= , and the PFD Com & PFD Nav assignments.) If you're like me, and using FSUIPC and "standard" FSX controls, then use Com_Radio_Whole Inc/Dec and Com_Radio_Fract Inc/Dec for COM1, and ComSTBY_Radio_Whole_Inc/Dec and ComSTBY_Radio_Fract_Inc/Dec for the COM2 radio. (NOTE: there's a difference between stby RADIO, vs stby FREQUENCY). I use the standard "Com1/2 Tx Switch" to toggle which is the active radio with ATC (online PilotEdge). The NAV Radios are more straightforward -- NAV1 Radio Whole Inc/Dec, & Fract Inc/Decr, NAV2 Radio Whole Inc/Dec, and NAV2 Radio Fract Inc/Decr. Use the CDI mode to select which is active simply by assigning the standard "G1000 PFD Softkey 6" from the dropdowns, to toggle the CDI from GPS to NAV1 or NAV2. By default behavior, the Frequency entries are always applied to the standby frequency box. I use compound/conditional edits in the FSUIPC.ini file to select which COM or NAV frequency is being entered by the dual rotary. (great explanation, which I'm sure you've found in the FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users, section Compound Button Conditions on pg 24) So you can do it either via the Input.ini for the Flight 1 Mustang, or FSUIPC and edits to the FSUIPC.ini file, depending on your approach. You could also mix and match as needed between the two. There isn't only one way to get things functional for you. Best, Don
  14. Luck had little to do with it, I'm sure! All devices present & accounted for, and functioning as intended! Thank you again for all your efforts! Best, Don FSUIPC4(test_C).ini FSUIPC4(test_C).log
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