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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. This is from a couple of years ago, and many of you will have seen it before, but I thought some of you may not have seen it and would appreciate it.  It is a composite photo of every aircraft departing the south side of the airport in a day.  Here is a link to the photo and a brief explanation:



    Here is a link to the photographer's detailed explanation of how he did it and what resulted from it:


  2. I do not speak for Feel There, but I suspect that while improving the visuals in itself would not be difficult, it would come at a cost with performance.  You may have noticed, depending on your machine, that even adding in some bad weather, especially at night time, can greatly slow down the game.  I am sure that Vic can explain this more clearly, but someone once told me that this type of game, where the focus is on the traffic, meaning not only is it desirable that there be a lot of traffic, but that the traffic be managed very precisely, requires a lot of CPU power.  Thus, each visual improvement will come at a cost.  Since the game came out, there actually have been some significant (if subtle) visual enhancements made (night lighting in particular), but I get the feeling that they had to be added and tweaked very carefully so as to avoid a heavy performance impact.   Earleir, many of us, myself included, were asking for the ability to zoom n closer, and Vic stated that even doing this a little would degrade performance or require cruder aircraft models.  I know that it seems like the visuals for this type of game have not progressed as much in recent years, as they have in some other genres, but note that the complexity of the traffic management has grown exponentially, and so even with newer faster computers, much of the computing power is still needed to support these advancements.

  3. Dosado!  It occurs to me that in reality this would actually be really cool to see.  Would certainly make for an incredible YouTube video, though I expect the airline insurance companies would have something unpleasant to say about it.  Get a bunch of airline pilots with extremely good taxi skills together on an airport with a large tarmac, and have an old fashioned square dance using 748s, A380s, and lots of fast moving wingwalkers with radios.  We would finally learn just how useful those external view cameras could be.  More realistically, it would be pretty neat to try in multiplayer FSX.

  4. 3 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    It's a Nyerges Design issue, he needs to change the takeoff length for those planes. Please always make sure to always update his Real Traffic as he is adjusting these values with each new release.

    Now that I think about it, I honestly wonder if it would not be better to just get rid of varied runway limitations in the game altogether, instead just use a single default standard for all planes.  Then, users who wish to play more realistically can simply use their own judgement when assigning runways.  I recall that Tower2011 also regularly suffered from problems with this issue too (though in that case the user could easily fix it himself with the editor).  In reality, the required runway length for a specific plane is actually quite complex, depending on factors of airport altitude, outside temp and humidity, and of course how heavily a given plane is loaded for a given flight, which can vary widely.  So if such things are not to be simulated anyway, then why create an unnecessary complication?  Just my 2 cents :-)

  5. 24 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

    It's a Nyerges Design issue, he needs to change the takeoff length for those planes. Please always make sure to always update his Real Traffic as he is adjusting these values with each new release.

    Thanks.  I will post it on his Facebook page.  This was with the newest version.

  6. Take a look at the screenshots on the feelthere website, and let me know what you think. I know screenshots can be deceiving.  It may even be that the screenshots were taken using a developer tool, and are from a different position that where the view is in the game.  Looking more lcosely, I can see that shots are taken from a couple of different positions.  If Vic, or someone who has already bought it, can clarify the situation, it would be helpful.

  7. 28 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

    One important note: I strongly recommend using runway 27 (I know this is not the usual layout, I spent so much time on this airport) due to it's layout. If you instruct the planes to land on RWY9 they will exit at places where the outgoing ground traffic is blocked. It will be different on Tower!3D where you can ask the landing planes to exit at any taxiways but until T!3DP please use RWY27.


    Looking at the screenshots on the main page (have not bought it yet), the tower appears to be centered right over the runway, instead of across the runway from the terminal, where it is in real life.  Is this just an illusion brought on by having the view zoomed in all the way, or did you deliberately place the tower view there?

  8. Got a feeling it will be KSAN.  The hints so far is that it is a smaller airport with a displaced threshold, and which has a single daily 777 flight in and out.  KSAN has also been done for Tower2011, and so far all airports for Tower3D have been fields that were done for Tower2011.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Thanks Vic,


    Every time you offer this kind of insight or "backstage tour" of how you do things, the more we as customers understand, and the less we complain :-)  Thank you for making us a part of the process; that is exactly what makes this forum such a fun place, and it keeps us coming back as well.  Now just so as not to break with my earlier promise, let me just say, I am still waiting (holding my breath even) for KATL. I categorically DO NOT want you to release it before it is ready, but that does not meant that I do not want it now ;-)  How is that for a contradiction?  I was just out there a couple of weeks ago with my 6-year old son.  [For anyone else who lives in ATL, there is a wonderful place on top of the south-side daily parking deck (the domestic side of the airport/not international) that has a fantastic view of of runways 9L/9R/10, especially when there is an East traffic flow]  God what a place to hang out when things are busy!  Nothing like the scent of jet fuel on a crisp autumn afternoon :-)  We got blasted by exhaust as a Lufthansa A340 made its turn onto 9L at Mike2 intersection.  My son asked, "Did that plane just fart on us?"  I couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the day.

  10. 6 hours ago, mikced76 said:

    Might one of those feature be T&G support given its a small airport with GA traffic ;) Anyway, personally I like that next airport it will be a smaller one. To me is just feels more realistic when you are just one controller doing ground as well as Tower control. Doubt that ever happends in real life at KATL or KORD or EDDF for that matter :)


    To be fair, it actually does happen, but only at times when the traffic is lighter.  I have often tuned into the Tower freq at KATL late in the evening, when the cargo haulers get moving, and find the same controller handling both Tower and Ground positions.  Even at such a light time, being in charge of the whole field at once must be kind of a kick.  

    Personally speaking, I feel that one of the most enjoyable aspects of simulators like this, is that you can try a challenge that would be unlikely in the real world.  IRL, and under ideal conditions, a controller's job is not supposed to be exciting, and can actually be rather boring at times if nothing is going wrong, and if you are not overwhelmed by heavy traffic.  But of course IRL, the whole goal IS for nothing to go wrong.  THe controller is not there for the purpose of having fun.  The same is true of being an airline pilot.  Not many people will want to play a game that simulates a mundane activity without any problems.  Has anyone ever heard of a mail room simulator, or a lawn cutting simulator?  And so they add some challenge to it, but letting you handle the whole field at once, or letting you do both the Captain's and First Officer's job simultaneously just to see if you can handle it.   After all, even when real pilots train in simulators, they do not spend hours and hours sitting there with the autopilot on in good weather.  Instead, most of the time is spent simulating various problems and challenging situations, be it weather, mechanical problems, or difficult approaches.

  11. 3 hours ago, FeelThere said:


    I certainly hope that I was as confusing as possible :)



     Don't sell yourself short :-)   I am sure that you could be even more confusing if you really gave it your all :-)   Nevertheless, I still want my beloved KATL ASAP, and I promise to keep pestering you until it is delivered :-)

    • Upvote 1
  12. 2 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    Very nice video, thank you!
    The next airport add-on will NOT be KATL :)




    Well poo :(     Oh well, I will probably buy the next one anyway, what ever it is.  I have to admit you guys have me hooked :).    Please do tell me at least that KATL is not too far over the horizon?  Any likelihood that it will be out before T3DPro is released?

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