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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. Okay.  1. I presume the other airports still work normally?

                2.  This is a long shot, but you might try selecting a few different times of day and night within the game and loading JFK to see if that makes any difference. 

    In any case, hopefully, Vic from FeelThere will see this in the next day or two, and this thread will give him enough info to begin looking into it.  I would also suggest posting it on the Steam forum as well, just to make sure all the bases are covered, and perhaps see if anyone else there is having the same problem.  I have the non-Steam version, and it is certainly possible that the problem is isolated to that version.  Best of luck in getting it sorted out!

  2. I have seen similar happenings for arrivals on 22L, when they land long and turn off at the next to last exit.  They just seem to get stuck there for a while, very much the way they used to with 24R arrivals at KLAX (which I believe was fixed in SP2).


  3. 7 hours ago, hartleecub said:

    There's a reason large airports like JFK and ATL have multiple controller positions. I think a better alternative would be a smaller airport with a high mix of GA and airline traffic with multiple runway configurations like DCA or BUR. You wouldn't need binoculars and the smaller size demands a very creative approach to managing both departures and arrivals, especially on the ground. SAN would be very challenging as well, and I think even more popular than its first iteration with Tower.


    First, I just want to emphasize that I am stating my personal opinions/observations and do not speak for FeelThere.  I too would enjoy some small but congested fields like KDCA, KLGA, and KMDW, but that does not mean that I do not want to have a few monsters like KJFK and KATL, and KORD in my arsenal as well.  Each type of airport has its place, and I am sure that some airports along the lines of what you suggest will be developed. The sim is still pretty new, and it will take time before there is as large a selection as we have with Tower2011.  Especially now that it is confirmed that a couple of 3rd parties will be developing add-on in addition to FeelThere, I am sure that it will happen, and probably faster than with the last sim, which in my mind really only came into its own in the last year or two with so many 3rd party airports being released.

    As for breaking up the airport management into sectors, yes this would be more realistic, but it would also likely make the sim less entertaining, IMHO.    Remember, that in the real world, the goal is to make controlling a more regimented and bureaucratic process that reduces the chance of accidents.  In a game, that would be fairly boring.  For example how much fun would it be in Tower3D, if your only job was clearing planes for takeoff and landing on a single runway in an airport with a parallel layout like KLAX or KATL?  I suppose it is a mater of personal preference.  Either way, FeelThere has implied that the Pro version will have mutiplayer, and so your will likely get you wish eventually.

  4. 49 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

    In Tower2011 the sim is limited to 6-7 hours...

    Ha  ha.  I had forgotten about that limitation.  Nevertheless, the schedule still contains 24 hours of traffic.  I have no idea if Tower 3D has the same limitation on session length.  I have never played either for long enough at a time to run into that issue :-)

  5. 1 hour ago, futureboy said:

    So are you saying that when I start the sim, there will be 24 hours of departures ready to go? If I play the sim for 24 hours, I will not run out of departures? I did not think there were enough gates to supply 24 hours of departures, unless the planes automagically appear or the sim re-uses planes that arrive as departures.


    The game does automatically reuse the arriving planes as scheduled departures.  Some of them may sit there for a while, but eventually they will depart, making room for an arriving aircraft later on.  I have attached a sample schedule for KLAX created by the Schedule Creator app that I mentioned.  You can open it in notepad and look at it.  Departures are listed in the first half, while arrivals are listed in the second half; note that each flight has a scheduled time, and an actual departure and arrival airport.  At the end, is a summary of the number of departures and arrivals per hour, so that you can see that the volume does rise and fall from one hour to the next.  Keep in mind that this is not a real word schedule, but is randomly generated so that the flow is relatively steady throughout the day and night. 



  6. The planes are not generated randomly.  They follow a set schedule over a 24-hour period, and so some hours will be busier than others, and at the end, it will simply start over.  A default schedule is built into the game and cannot be viewed by the user, but it is possible to create and use your own custom schedule.  At the top of this forum you will see a link to Dick Parker's Schedule Creator For Tower2011.  This is a free application that creates schedules for most airports in the game, and it works with both Tower2011 and with Tower3D.  It allows you to change settings to make for a busier or slower schedule, and uses real airline flights.  Detailed instructions are located within the link, and of course we can help you here as well, if you run into problems.

  7. Thanks for answering, Vic.  For what it is worth, I am I'm not trying to argue with you, or to give you a hard time in any way.  I never have, and I hope you know that.  Perhaps I may come across as passionate at times, but basically that is because I really enjoy and respect what you have created here.  Alas, one of the byproducts of this, is that I keep seeing its potential grow, and thus it leaves me wanting more.  From your perspective, that should be a good thing, even if it is occasionally annoying ;-)   Peace.


    P.S. I did not mean to hijack the thread, or to take attention from the original poster's question...

  8. 11 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

    There's alot of cargo gates in JFK which is a good thing, but you should have created at least 2 or 3 different terminals such cargo_north, cargo_south,etc...

    Indeed.  I really miss having the editing tools that were available in Tower2011, as it made it easy to customize such things to one's own liking.  I love that they simplified the process for modifying schedules, and that we can still change parking assignments and such.  Being able to tinker with things is fully half the fun of a game like this.  Is there any chance that the Pro version will give us more expanded opportunities for tinkering?

  9. 1 hour ago, FeelThere said:

    (unless it's small like changing the size of the light's glow and the size of the airplane icons)

    A number of valid points here ARE for such small issues.  For example, taxi speeds, especially for aircraft lining up on the runway, are still too slow.  Yes, I know that you addressed this in SP1, and it is a little better, but still quite unrealistic.  I have spent a lot of time watching planes at big airports and I can tell you that when aircraft are cleared to line up, they generally do so quite promptly.  Yes, there is sometimes a bit of delay, but not typically as much as depicted in this sim.  At a busy airport like KJFK there is simply not enough time for that, and pilots are occasionally yelled at over the radio if they take too long moving into position.  Of course this brings up another valid issue, We need to add the command, "Yell at pilot" to the command bar, and include a slider in Settings for "level of sarcasm in radio communications".  Just kidding :-)  As I once heard on the KJFK ground control freq, "This ain't the hokey poky folks.  Move it along!"

  10. Test #2:  Running KJFK without Real Traffic DOES eliminate the problem.  However, I gather that the only way to do this for someone who already has RT is to completely uninstall the sim and delete all the internal folders.  Simply removing RT3D by using the uninstall tool from the control panel does not solve the problem, since apparently RT overwrites something in the default data for the JT1 (see below). 

    By the way, before uninstalling Tower3D, I tried removing my Extensions folder and running KLAX with the default traffic, and the JT1 had the same problem there too!  Again RT is doing something to the JT1.

    Finally, there is also an issue with the KJFK installer.  In order for the airport to work, it must be installed in the Extensions folder (by default, it simply drops an Airfield folder into the root directory of the sim which DOES NOT work).  If the user does not already have an Extensions folder, the installer does not create one, nor are there an instructions telling the user this.  Thus a new user, with no experience in modifying schedules, and who does not have RT installed, would likely have no idea how to get this add-on to work.  That seems like a big problem to me, and so the installer needs some modification on the developer's end.


    I hope this helps.




  11. Okay.  Test #1  SP2a does not resolve the problem.  I can also confirm that it only occurs with aircraft type JT1, and that it always occurs with this aircraft, even using Runway 31L - full length.  RJ1 and JTO/Heavy both seem to work fine.  I have not as yet seen any turpoprop traffic at this airport. 

    Next, as requested, I will try uninstalling RT and see how that affects it.

  12. Okay, I just bought KJFK and am seeing it too.  My initial observations indicate that it may be related to aircraft type.  Specifically, aircraft type JT1 seems to always encounter this issue.  I have not thoroughly tested all types yet.  My guess would be that something was changed in this aircraft's runway parameters, since it appears the aircraft never leaves the ground.  Can anyone confirm that they are not encountering this problem with this aircraft type?


    P.S. I would be happy to generate a .bat file, but cannot since this option still does not work on my machine.

  13. 16 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

    There are planes that you clear for takeoff and never appear in the DBRITE Radar...so you can't release the "contact departure" message. Am i missing something ??

    1. Do you have SP2 installed?  This is required.


    2. Do you have Real Traffic installed?  Another user mentioned something about not being able to install it if Real Traffic is already installed.  I don't have it yet, but just wondering that might be the issue?


    3. Have your tried uninstalling, re-downloading KJFK, and reinstalling?  Could be a simple as something going wrong during the download or installation.

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