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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. 13 hours ago, achilles1971 said:

     There's a lack of gates in terminal 4 . Why not to have created remote gates ? There's plenty of space.
    Also,there's alot of cargo gates in JFK which is a good thing, but you should have created at least 2 or 3 different terminals such cargo_north, cargo_south,etc...

    I strongly agree about needing multiple designated cargo terminals at airports that have them.  Different cargo carriers typically have different terminal assignments, and as it stands, there is no way to simulate this accurately.  KATL will face the same issue (North cargo is used for domestic and South is used for international).  I don't see this as a new feature request; it is basic functionality.  If we can have Terminal 1 Terminal 2 etc, then why we cannot have Cargo N, Cargo S, etc.  Please look into this.

  2. Agreed.  I just finished a nighttime session at KLAX with the new Real Color.  The mouse control makes it possible to turn all the lights out in the room for total immersion.  Having the planes painted in real world liveries, and taxiing around amid all the glowing lights and flashing push-back trucks was a hypnotic and almost surreal experience.   For a while it really felt like I was there.  Pun fully intended :-)   It has been a long wait, but finally this sim is coming into its own.  Now I just need my beloved KATL, and I will be all set. 

  3. 2 hours ago, GKibby said:

    I found a better way to describe the scope of the problem. All planes at Terminal F are plain white. 

    Check to see if you are using any traffic mods.  If you are using a modified schedule that has different airlines/aircraft types assigned than what is in real traffic, this can cause some flights to be displayed without liveries.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thomasew said:

    "Yup, .. I remember reading something similar as well, .. where it also was said that when new airports were released, the Real Color update for the new airport(s) would be free of charge."

    Sorry, but you misunderstood something there.  Nyerges promised to update Real Traffic for each new add-on airport, adding new aircraft types on occasion.  They never promised free Real Color updates. 

    I agree that the costs do add-up quickly if you buy everything right away, but to be fair consider that the base price of Tower3D is $20 less than the original base price of Tower2011 (which I think was $49.99).  Additionally, these add-ons require a considerably larger amount of work than their Tower2011 equivalents, and some are produced by 3rd parties and not FeelThere.  Finally, I expect that buying Real Color for a few of the major airports, KLAX, KJFK (when released) will likely cover most of the other US based airports with only a few gaps here and there.  Keep in mind that having a few white airliners moving about is not really that unusual at many major airports.  I have seen them numerous times when spotting/traveling (My impression is that they are most commonly used by the DOJ for prisoner transport).  Yes, they are more rare than what you will see in this game, but a little imagination goes a long way :-) 

    I agree that the system is not perfect, but personally I also do not see it as being outrageous.  After all, this is a niche genre, and there is not very much else out there like this to choose from, at least not with any level of realism.  I think that they have actually accomplished a lot here in a short time, and it is fair for them to want to be paid both for their work and for their risk in taking on this endeavor.  I am glad to see them doing this, and I choose to support them.




  5. 1. In the default airports, at least KLAX, there is a distinctive sound that is heard when aircraft touch down on the runways (I think this was added in one of the recent SPs).  I have noticed that it is missing from KJFK.  While such sounds are likely unrealistic in terms of being audible from the tower, I personally find it to be a useful cue when looking elsewhere around the field.  Could this sound be added in? 

    2. Likewise, the night lighting at KJFK is not as bright and attractive (both for runway/taxiway lighting and for city buildings) as it is at KLAX.  Is this a performance issue, because of the size of the airport, or was it just overlooked?

  6. The liveries really do look quite nice.  I do hope that down the road Nyerges will find a way to include multiple liveries for airlines that use them (I am thinking of Southwest, Frontier, and Spirit).  It would be fun to see that sort of variety, and would even be willing to pay extra to get it.

  7. 52 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

    I've bought it for LAX...but it's definitely a ripoff. A 737-800 in LAX is the same in PHL...why paying for both...but hey...it's been like this for years with Tower2011

    Can not really call it a ripoff.  It just depends on what is important to you personally.  Each airport has a different variety of airlines.  Yes there is some overlap, as in the real world, but this is a big plus, as it gives you a level of choice in terms of how picky you want to be, and how much money you want to spend.  If you are budget conscious, just buy KLAX, and many airlines will automatically migrate to KPHL, KJFK,etc.  Just don't be surprised if you see a few sperm whales (white aircraft) scattered in.  Of course the same will be true when using Schedule Creator, since it does not perfectly match the airlines/airframes included by Nyerges in Real Color, but this is to be expected, and will likely improve as more airports are added. 

    You can eve see this now to a degree.  If you buy RC KLAX but not RC KPHL, you will get Delta flights in KPHL, except for Delta MD-80s.  To get those you need the RC KPHL since the Nyerges schedule for KLAX does not have any Delta mad dogs in it.

  8. 2 hours ago, mc16v said:

    agree! To see the rain "outside" without it bluring the screen would be my preference :)

    i may be wrong but arn't tower windows designed and angled as so not to attract rain drops... to give good visability in all conditions.



    I would imagine the direction and intensity of the wind would make a big difference for this as well.  Perhaps a reasonable compromise would be to have the water on the glass occur only for brief periods even during storms.

  9. Just came across an odd bug when I accidentally issued the "line up and wait" command to an aircraft that was already taking off (intended to issue it to the next aircraft in line for departure).  I issued the command just as the aircraft began to rotate, and the aircraft came to an immediate stop with its nose still in the air.  The aircraft just sat there like this and did not move further.  Also, discovered that if I issue the"cleared for takeoff" command after this happens then the plane will miraculously continue its takeoff as if nothing happened.  Very strange to see, and even a little amusing :-)

    The incident happened at KJFK with Real Traffic installed.  See screenshot below, where I issued the command to FDX 3616 (an MD-11) departing on 4L, just before it crossed runway 31R, almost to the end of the runway.  As described, the aircraft was in the process of rotating, and it just froze.  I tried this with several different aircraft, with the same result.  I did not try it on other runways, or at other airports.


  10. On 9/29/2016 at 5:57 PM, Flightsimpilot said:

    Sorry but I thought that any Follow Me command, the selected aircraft, just kept going until you gave the Hold command, I never rely on Follow airplanes to stop behind without a hold command. But I may be quite wrong.

    In the sim, planes will normally stop for other planes that stop right in front of them.  This functionality existed even in Tower 2011.  After all, in the real world, controllers can and do rely on pilots' common sense not to drive right into a plane that is parked directly in front of them.  :-)

  11. 1 hour ago, crbascott said:

    For 3D, is the time local or UTC?

    If real traffic reflects reality, between 9 and 10 local time you should see at least 50 departures and 50 arrivals (based on recent FlightAware data). If the time represented is UTC then that would be 2:00am in LA and, obviously, traffic would be minimal.


    Tower3D times are supposed to be local.

  12. Yes.  It seems to me that the alleyways between peers are not precisely to scale with the aircraft models.  However, I have never seen this actually cause a collision that is recognized by the game as such (at least not since SP1, if that is what you are saying.  I have seen wings go through tails a number of times in this situation, but without it actually triggering a collision in-game. 


  13. 34 minutes ago, winsaudi said:

    "Also we need the Tower version (SP2 or SP2a)" ??  I've missed something here.  When was SP2a released? What does it fix?  When and where was it announced that there was a new version available?

    From Vic's post about it on September21:  "Just yesterday we posted an SP2a (which is not required if you have SP2 as it fixes some problem with future add-ons and should not have any effect on KJFK ."

  14. Had a 777 enter gate A5 in Terminal 4 from the wrong angle, and thus it failed to pull far enough into the gate, and the jetway did not extend.  The gate appears to have two entrance paths (one perpendicular for smaller aircraft and one angled for larger planes).  The 777 took the perpendicular path.  See screenshot below.


  15. 38 minutes ago, viperone said:

    yea all other airports work. other times don't works as well, it might be perhaps of the steam version has only SP1 at this moment and not the SP2.  Lets hope the solutions comes out way out :)

    thx any way for the inputs

    The Stem version is still on SP1, and they are already selling the KJFK add-on there?  Or did you buy KJFK from FeelThere?  That explains it!  Vic explained a while back that add-ons will not work without SP2.  Problem solved.  Just hang on until Steam pushes out the SP. 

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