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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. I am still trying to reproduce the exact scenario described before (seems trickier than expected, because the same time frame does not always produce the same aircraft), but here is an example of a plane in the above scenario being pushed into another aircraft to such an extent that it produces a -500 point deduction Ground Collision Alert.  The second image shows another similar incident, with an aircraft being pushed from another direction; the second one did not produce a point deduction, but obviously did result in some bizarre visual effects.  In general,2016-06-14 00_03_06-Greenshot.jpg having an aircraft in the gate at the very top of the screen seems to cause problems to varying degrees.

    2016-06-13 23_59_29-Greenshot.jpg

  2. Vic, I did go back and test, using the default traffic, and I did encounter the problem again.  In this case, it was an aircraft parked on the west side of Terminal D, parked in the slot closest to the main building.  My observation is that the aircraft was blocked in by other aircraft parked in adjacent slots, including the perpendicular slot between terminals C and D.  I had no way to clear the other aircraft out, except by deleting the surrounding airplanes since they were not yet ready to go.  When I cleared the aircraft in question to taxi, the jetway puled back, the tug move into position, and then the plane just sat there.  Now this is different from what some others reported regarding the lack of a pushback truck at some positions, so I am not sure if is really a bug, or just a limitation of the engine.  I have seen similar behaviors happen in Tower 2011 at some airports. However, there is no solution to the problem, other than by deleting the blocking airplane(s), causing a large point loss, or by waiting potentially for a long time for one of the surrounding aircraft to be come active and request pushback, also causing a point loss.  Thus in all cases, the user is penalized through no fault of his own.  I am sorry that I cannot provide a game.log, but my machine is one of those that is incapable of running the .bat.  However, form my description, can you confirm if this is a behavior that you are familiar with?  It should be easily reproduceable even without the gaem.log using any time period when the gates are mostly full.  It only seems to happen at KPHL, due to its particular layout.  I believe that if the amount of space between terminals C and D, as well as between B and C were a bit greater, then the problem would not exist.

  3. 2 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    Did you get the hotfix? It is likely it fixes the KPHL gate issues too.

    Really? I did get the hotfix.  I did not see any mention of this fix in you announcement when the fix was released " All it solve is the 70% load crash and the inactive Start button. It also possibly solve the colliding airplanes at TBIT at KLAX but no guarantee."   I will go back and check though.

  4. I have been fiddling around with using SC and modifying a homemade terminal file for KPHL.  For now, I have shut down terminals B and C, since both have a couple of gates that do not work and end up causing problems with aircraft stuck at the gate.  I understand this will be fixed with the SP, but for now it is the best solution.  Thus, I have shifted all the traffic from B/C to the other terminals.  I am finding this airport to be a lot of fun with its crossing runways, and adding a schedule with heavier traffic makes it an interesting challenge.  I am attaching my KPHL extension file, including the deactivated B and C terminals, and a schedule file from SC with 1700 flights over 24 hours, in case someone wants to try it.  This will provide steady traffic at all times of the day and night.  In case you are not familiar with SC, the exact number of flights per hour vary and may be found at the bottom of the schedule file.  So far, I have not experienced the 70% issue at KPHL.  It's not perfect, and the teminal assignments are obviously not realistic, but just drop the whole folder into Tower3D->Extensions->Airfields and it should be ready to go.


  5. 3 hours ago, renhoef said:

    Well, there you say something.... I just tried KPHL. No problems there at 4 and 6 am with SC (real traffic)

    Yea, I just tried to cobble up my own KPHL file; partly working.  Could you tell me the nomenclature of Terminals A West and A East in the terminal file?

  6. I know that it is already established that there are some problems with it, along with a large number of opinions about how it should ideally work.  I do not want to get into all of that but did want to point out that without a detailed explanation of what exactly points are deducted for, it makes it very difficult to even evaluate what is working and what is not working with it.  One issue that I am particularly sensitive to is that it only seems to point out some of the deductions.  That is to say that sometimes I will get a red message at the bottom of the screen, but other times I will see points deducted without that message, and also without any notation in the history window either.  This is particularly common of errors given when one plane is landing on the one side of LAX and another is departing or lining up on the other side of the airport.  Is that intended behavior, or a potential bug?  I have no way to tell?  It would also be nice to have a checkbox on the main menu to turn off the scoring.  Not a huge priority, but surely this would be simple enough to do

  7. 15 minutes ago, renhoef said:

    I am still having the same problem too with the 70% between midnight etc. I wanted to add the game log but it won't let me because it is 99KB and i am only allowed 20KB

    Good to have confirmation its not just me.  Anyway, sounds like Vic and team are looking into it.  I wonder if Philly has the same issue.  Would love to try it, but I do not have the KPHL Tower2011 add-on to copy the terminal file from, and I am no willing to buy it just for a .txt file.  I don't suppose that Vic would be willing to share just the terminal from Tower3D so that we could more easily use SC with it?

  8. 19 hours ago, Henrik Norgaard said:

    I was partly wrong but if you remove all extra inf in the klax_schedule.txt and you only have the schedule data there, it doesn't stop at 70%, 

    however the 8 hours problem  still exist. I have added a corrected schedule, happy gaming


    This is not a complaint, just noting my experience to compare with others, but I am still getting the 70% between midnight and 8 error after deleting the above mentioned info.  Anyone else have success.  I miss sunrise sessions :-)

  9. I think this is mostly a US convention.  Either way, the hotfix changed it.  Of course now we have the problem of pilots saying "good day" at night, but Vic indicated that we will have to wait for the Pro version to address this issue, since the sim engine does not really know whether it is day or night.

  10. Were we supposed to uninstall the old one first?  There was no readme with any instructions, so I just assumed we could install it on top of the old one.  I have not observed any problems resulting from this, but if it is necessary please do let us know.

  11. Yes the extensions file will revert to white paint unless you have liveries designed for the airlines you are using.  After all, would be pretty weird to have fake liveries showing up for real world airlines. Nyerges's Real Color will take care of this whenever it is released.  Of course, first we will need the Real Traffic so what more aircraft types will be visible.

  12. Thank you sir.  That explains it.  Somehow I missed that.  Yes, I had been tryign to run the game at sunrise, so naturally I hit that barrier.  Nice to know that I am not going crazy in my old age.  Ha ha.  Hopefully , they will get it sorted out.

  13. Okay, I am having a problem and looking for some ideas here. 

    1.  After installing the files Henrik provided, it worked brilliantly. 

    2. I then created my own schedule using SC with more traffic (1500 flights over 24 hours) and that worked too. 

    3. Then I created one more schedule, with 2000 flights, and this time the sceneario would not load past 70 percent.  It just hung there as others have described happening before the hotfix (I never experienced this).

    4. I then reverted back to the schedule with 1500 flights (which had worked before), and the sim still hangs at 70%

    5. I then removed the extensions file entirely, and the sim ran fine with default traffic.

    6. Next I redownloaded Henrik's original Extension file set, thinking maybe somehow I messed something up, reinstalled them but the sim still hangs at 70%.

    I cannot for the life of me understand why the SC schedules would have worked perfectly before, and then suddenly start causing the game to hang at 70% every time.  Anyone have any thoughts?

  14. Cool.  That should hold us over until Real Traffic comes out.  Thanks for your effort.  I did not envision it would be so simple, and was sure that it would not work until Real traffic brought us a proper library of plane models.  Some times it's nice to be proven wrong ;-)

  15. 4 hours ago, Henrik Norgaard said:

    Here is a real schedule made with Schedule Creator 19 V1 for KLAX, just extract it into the main folder of Tower 3D, enjoy





    I tired it briefly.  It does seem to work.  Did it recognize the real aircraft types automatically, or did you have to assign them manually to the fake aircraft types currently included in the game?

  16. Vic,

    The above suggestions were not aimed at T!3DPro.  They are pointing out areas in T!3D that are not done as well as they could be.  Many items would involve minor tweaks, that would make your product smoother, more intuitive, and more enjoyable.  While I never really envisioned that all of them would be followed up on, I did indeed hope that some of of them might be worth your addressing in the SPs.  Once I saw that several of us had similar ideas, I felt it would be helpful to gather them all in once place.  Please do keep them in mind.  Tower3D has good bones Vic, but is still a bit rough around the edges.  As I said once before, the users in this forum are among your oldest customers, and it would be a shame to waste our insight.  Keep an open mind.  We are trying to help you.

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