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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. In that case, please let me suggest a very handy feature.   Automatically display the number of scheduled ops per hour as the user scrolls through the starting times on the main menu page.  This way, one could quickly get an idea of the traffic level for each time being considered.

  2. 1 hour ago, DomYul said:

    by the way Avwriter, is it just me or is the speed either super slow or super fast for aircraft movement?

    My observation is that the ground traffic seems a little too slow, especially pulling out onto the runway.   Sometimes, they speed up a little on some taxiways, but I have never seen anything that I would call super fast. 

  3. That certainly surpasses the min requirements, and is only a little below the recommended specs.  Did lowering the in-game settings make any difference at all?  Does it seem as bad during the daytime with clear weather, or is it only at night time and or in stormy weather?  [VIc indicated that night+storms is the most demanding environment]  You also might check your graphics card settings.  If you have very high anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering settings, this might be costing you some performance; you might experiment to see if lowering them helps any.  Also before running the game hit Ctrl+alt+Delete and double check if there is anything else you can shut down that could free up resources.  Finally, also check to see if your video card has updated drivers.  I'm no expert, but this might give you a place to start. 


    For the record, I am running a Core i5-2500k at 3.3, with a GeForce GTX760; system RAM 16 gigs, Video Ram 4 gigs.  Mine runs fairly smoothly.

  4. 14 minutes ago, mpatricksp said:

    I know he said all time are local and they are as for the time of day but I don't think the Schedules are.  I have been playing LAX at 00:00 and it is midnight but there is a ton of traffic.  When I first got it I was setting it to something link 10:00 or 09:00  and I got one plane in an hour.  I have no idea what LAX 's real traffic is but I doubt they have more planes at 00:00 than they to at 10:00.

    I was actually wondering exactly the same thing, but it seemed so bizarre that I discounted it.  Perhaps you are right.  I hope that Vic will offer some clarification.  If what you say is the case, I hope that Real Traffic will not suffer from the same problem.  Speaking of Real Traffic, we need it like yesterday.  These fake airlines are driving me crazy, but I digress...

  5. 1. What processor do you have? 

    2. How much system RAM? 

    3. How much RAM on your video card?

    4. Is your system running too hot (there are free applications available online to help you track this)?

    5. Are you running a web browser or any other unnecessary applications in the background?

    6. Have you tried changing the game setting from Fantastic to something lower? 

  6. 19 minutes ago, hartleecub said:

    I got T3D from atcsuite but don't have the link anymore. How do I access the link without running my credit card again?


    In that case, you will probably need to contact FeelThere support.  But surely you can still look up the email they sent you after purchase?   No?   It would have contained both the link and the installation key. 

  7. While we wait for Real Traffic, it would be very helpful if Vic/Feel There could post the default schedule for each airport, or at least a chart showing how many flights for each hour/airport.   The fake schedules do not seem to even attempt to approximate the typical flow of real world schedules, making it difficult to anticipate what time to select for a desired traffic level.  

  8. 2 hours ago, Russellfire said:

    I can run tower 3D in run as administrator, but when I quit from KLAX the screen sometimes goes black then freezes. The reason why I'm trying to load sim via .bat is to record a log for the above stated problem and mail to feelthere.


    I also have this happen, perhaps half the time.  It seems particularly likely to happen if I quite the game just after it has loaded.  For example I realize that I selected the wrong runway, or forgot to change the time or weather

  9. I was doing some searching, and found the following two docs to be useful in understanding ops at KLAX.  Anyone needing a primer or refresher on realistic ops at this airport may find these useful.  The over ocean traffic plan in particular looks like it may provide an unusual and interesting challenge.




    • Upvote 1
  10. Strongly agreed, though I suspect that we will have to wait for the Pro version for that, since currently wind is not really even modeled.  Vic hinted in a previous post that changing winds and forced pattern shifts were something that are being looking at for the Pro version.

  11. 21 minutes ago, DomYul said:

    Hi Avwriter,

    I found the solution to the bat problem. I had the same issue and found a work around.

    Right click on Tower3D file, scroll down to properties, click security tab,  click edit, in the Group or user names box choose users and make sure it's highlighted, then click the Allow box where it shows Full Control. Then click apply and that's it. Do it for both Tower3d and Tower3D Bat icon. Then when you double click on the Tower3D bat icon it will play.

    Let me know if that works for you.


    Although it let's you start the program in bat to log it, it still crashes at 70% for me 


    Thanks.  Followed your suggestion to the letter, but unfortunately, that did not work either.  As before, the main exe. runs fine on my machine, just not the .bat.  WIerd.

  12. 4 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    Please explain your question about airlines. Please tell me what exactly you wish to do (add liveries, add new airlines, etc)


    In your original message, you mentioned the three file types (airplanes.txt., schedule.txt., and terminal.txt)  However, you did not mention the airlines.txt file.  There is such a file in Tower2011, which can be modified by the user (for example, and old airline that no longer exists may be removed).

  13. What about airlines?  can they be created/edited too?


    Does this mean that once Real Traffic has been released, that the schedule.txt files that are created for KLAX (Tower2011) by Mr. Parker's Schedule Creator could potentially work with Tower 3D, or does it use a new format?

    Once we have created such folders, if we decide we want to go back to the default setup, do we just delete or move the folders, or is there some other file that we must back up first?

  14. 3 hours ago, FeelThere said:


    There is a problem with the latest Nyerges Design Real Traffic. He is working on the solution and by not he is contacting each customers by email.

    Vic, the last part of that sentence is not clear (lack of sleep I am guessing ;-).  Please clarify it.  Thank you.

  15. 1 hour ago, GKibby said:

    Thank you! I was getting so frustrated as I got the same schedule every time even if I changed the start time. Now, the game is fun again. Does anybody have a rough flight frequency chart so I can pick game times that challenge me but not overwhelm me as I learn  the game? Thanks, again.

    No there is nothing like that, but hopefully Nyerges Design will release real Traffic soon which should create a more realistic traffic schedule.  Vic also promised to provide some information on how to modify/create our own schedules.

  16. 1 minute ago, eke_flx said:

    One more ....

    If at some point there will be chaos in airport or you need some minutes relax, you could ask a virtual colleague take control (not pause) and you going to a coffee break. And you can watch how to colleague  resolve situation.Of course, at this time (break time) you don`t get points. I think it would be nice



    That would be really cool if the AI could take over the game (I know of a Tracon type game like that), but I suspect that would a lot of fundamental changes to the game.  Let's stick to small changes in this thread.  Perhaps in the Pro version...

  17. 7 hours ago, DragonWin said:

    One more item to the wish list ;-)

    The ability to save window layout. It is a bit annoying to have to re-adjust the windows each time I start the game.

    IN Tower 2011, this was tied to user profiles which is also missing from Tower 3D.  I am adding both to the list.

  18. 42 minutes ago, DragonWin said:


    Could you please add my option 2 to the list as well. It is often really hard for me to make out an aircraft number or the assigned taxiway when there is white stuff behind the windows (I have to use F1 and look in a different direction to be able to see it, and F1 is going away in SP1).



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