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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. 1.  Aircraft crossing runways without clearance en route to terminal

    2. On rare occasions, aircraft spinning in circles on ground, either when parking at gate, or when holding short of the active runway.

    3. About 25% of the time, the game crashes on exit from a controlling session (the sessions are completely normal up to the point of exit).  On one occasion, it was enough to cause my computer to reboot.

  2. Alas, I have tried that but under Admin, the Tower3D.bat file does the following:  1. Asks my permission to run it.  2. When I click Yes, I see a small window with black background pop up for an instant and then disappear.  After that nothing else happens, and if I check in the Windows Task Manager, it does not show anything related to Tower3D running.  Nevertheless the.exe runs fine and all airports load and appear to function normally.  I am running Win 7 64.  The only unusual thing about my Tower3D installation is that I installed it, along with the FeelThere folder directly on my C drive and not in Program FIles (x-86), as doing that has caused problems for me with other programs in the past.  Could that be a potential source of the problem?  I wanted to check with you on that before attempting a uninstall/reinstall.

  3. You are correct and this is true of the real world as well.  KLAX and other airports with a similar layout of 4 or more parallel runways (KDFW and KATL for example) normally use the outboard runways for landing and the inboard one for takeoffs.  This keeps the separation of approaching aircraft at a maximum, thereby increasing the safety margin for parallel approaches.  Some airports do make do with much less separation (KSFO is the classic example), but these are more the exception than the rule.

  4. Please clarify which log file you need.  I can see one called "output.log" and another called "speech.log", or is there some other file.  I ran the bat.exe and do not see anything called "game.log"



    edit: added game to post title.  please, in addition to topic of question in title please include the game.  please review -


  5. I will try to catch one and send you the log.   Just to be clear, the issue I am referring to is aircraft that need to cross a runway en route to either the terminal, or to the intended takeoff runway.  Are you saying that in this situation that planes should stop automatically, because I have not had that happen even once at any airport.  They ALWAYS cross runways when en route to another location.  Is that intended, or not?

  6. This a general problem, so I do not see how a log would help.  Planes need to automatically stop before crossing runways and ask for clearance to continue, or alternatively there needs to be a hold short instruction.  Otherwise it becomes almost impossible manage heavy traffic in the larger airports. 


    added game to post title.  please, in addition to topic of question in title please include the game.  please review -


  7. I assume that the time in the sim is still supposed to be in Zulu, yes?  If so, then it is way off for KLAX.  If I set the time to 20:00, KLAX shows up as night time, when it should be noon.  I have not checked the other airports yet, so unsure about them.



    edit: added game to post title.  please, in addition to topic of question in title please include the game.  please review -


  8. So KJFK will be the first add-on, and I am looking forward to it already, craving more variety.  A month or two ago, Vic commented that KATL is definitely in the planned line-up of add-on airports.  Is there any chance that it is 2nd or 3rd in line, or will it be further down the line than that?  Any other hints about other soon upcoming airports would be welcome.



    edit: added game to post title.  please, in addition to topic of question in title please include the game.  please review -


    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, bazvink said:

    The VERY near future, I hope. This is, after all, functionality I paid for... I should know how it works.

    Relax.  We will get there.  I think we have enough schedules to play with for a day or two.  Also do not forget that Nyerges Design is working on a version of Real Traffic for T3D (according to their FB page, they hope to get it out in a week or so).  Who knows, maybe our friend Dick Parker will eventually even come up with something akin to SC for T3D.  Remember that In the beginning of T!2011 we did not have all of these options in the very beginning either.

    • Upvote 1
  10. This was mentioned a few times in the other thread, but since Vic has not responded, I figured I would make a new thread about it.  Multi monitor support is crucial to playing the game effectively.  I do appreciate that the radar screens are now transparent, but having the ability to move them to another screen would be far better.

  11. 1 hour ago, achilles1971 said:

    No "clickable" options for commands like "hold short of taxiway/runway". I know, i can type them...

    Agreed.  You do have the hold position button, but that only good if you are watching that plane at the exact moment.  Vic mentioned that they had to strip a few commands from the game so the the selection of buttons would not fill the screen.

  12. 1.  I generally like the slower airplane movements relative to Tower2011, however, in some cases the movements are unrealistically slow.  In particular when clearing aircraft onto the runway for takeoff, they take for ever to get lined up.  I have spent a lot of time spotting at real world commercial airports, and usually airliners are not nearly this slow pulling out onto the runway.

    2. I had one aircraft that arrived at its gate and then began to slowly spin in 360 degree circles with its nose swiping through the building and jetway.  This continued until I issued the "taxi to the terminal" command again, at which point the aircraft parked backwards into the gate.  It appeared to be a 767.  I only saw this once during perhaps an hour of play, but it was quite a bizarre spectacle.

    3. We need more view positions at big airports like KLAX.   Ideally, would be views from each individual ramp tower.  Also, it would also be helpful to have a binocular view that would give us a close up zoom on distant parts of the airport. 

    4. The graphics are rather grainy looking, almost cartoonish at times, though I recognize that compromises had to be made so that the game could run smoothly.  I presume that ATC sims require a large amount of CPU power due to the unusually large number of moving objects on screen, and the computations needed to accurately keep track of them all..

    5. I find that the game sometimes hangs when exiting a scenario, failing to making it back to the main menu.  In this case I must close the window and restart the sim in order to play another session.

    6. Once more I want to reiterate the need for multi monitor support.

    7. I also note that there is no manual, and no in-game info on how to adjust the schedules (it was stated earlier that schedules were easier to modify than before).  Such info would be especially useful since there is no slider in settings for adjusting the traffic level.

    8. Landing lights should be visible on approaching aircraft while still in the air, even in daylight.

    9. Overall, I feel this is a good start, as long as it continues to be refined.

  13. Would still be nice to at least hear a general commitment that a purchase of the T!3D will in some way be credited toward the purchase of T!3DPro if an when it is released, even if you cannot say exactly how it would work.  Years ago, I was quite frustrated that no method was offered to upgrade from T!2011 single player to the multi-player version.  It left a very negative impression.  I do not want to be burned again and personally feel hesitant to purchase at this time because of that.

  14. 3 minutes ago, bazvink said:

    Actually, you can see the working of the mouse interface in the release trailer. The way I interpret it:

    You have a "command builder" in the top left corner, much like the input box we have in !2011. When you select an a/c (in ADRIS) the callsigns appears in the command builder. Below that, a number of buttons appear with the possible commands you can perform ("Taxi to", "Line up and wait", "hold position", "hold short of"). When you select one of the command, a new row of commands appears below that with, again, only the possible options based on your previous selection (e.g "runway", "taxiway"). And so you build up the command, each time selecting the next part from the new row of options that appear. 


    Main the trailer, there are two distinct flashes where you can see this being done. If you pause and search, you'll find it easily. 

    Wow!!!  You are absolutely right.  Somehow I missed it entirely.  It is integrated so subtly that you hardly even notice it is there.  How elegant.  At the same time, I do hope that this mechanism, along with the radar displays and strips can be easily moved to a second monitor.  I would expect that i can though, as this ability is already there in T!2011.  Thank you for pointing this out.

  15. 50 minutes ago, robnpat said:

    I usually LOVE 3-day weekends, but this one is gonna be a LONG one.  I think Vic had it planned to torture us with a release AFTER a 3-day weekend.  I may be in a food coma on Tuesday and have to take that day off.  My wife will think I'm nuts for being up early early Tuesday to start my download  

    Hint:   Since it goes on sale just after midnight Tuesday in Eastern Europe (UTC+2), it should be available on Monday by early evening or earlier across the US

  16. Now that T!3D release is imminent and the price has been stated, I would like to bring up an old question that concerns many of us here. 

    For those who are strongly interested in the Pro version, would FeelThere prefer that we buy the basic version and then upgrade to the PRO when it is released, or should we just wait for the Pro?  Obviously, the choice is up to us, but FeelThere has the power to strongly influence which way we go by clearly committing to making an upgrade possible.  This was hinted at in a previous thread that was later deleted. 

    The price of the basic version is actually quite reasonable, but since it has been stated that the Pro version will include all of the features of the basic version, I think it is fair to say that none of us are enthusiastic about having to essentially buy the game twice.  I understand that setting up an upgrade process might be complicated, but I have a proposal.  Drumroll...


    How about creating an option to allow us buy the basic version now for the price of the Pro version, with the assurance that the Pro version will be delivered to us as soon as it is ready?  I suppose you could even consider giving these customers access to the Pro version beta process when it begins, and thereby benefit from our input along the way.  After all, the hardcore ATC simmers in this forum are likely some of the best resources you could have in that regard.  I just thought the idea was worth floating around.

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