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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. So... that's 2 rooms for Pups' stuff and 1 shared room and basement for Bonnie? :wink:

    Just kiddin' ya' Pups! :lol:

    :idea: I plan to convert all my old LP's to some non-lossy or minimally lossy encoded digital audio file format to be stored and played off of the computer hard drive as a jukebox (haven't had time to study the new codec alternatives to MP3's yet).

    Once I've done that, I will make audio CD's of the ones I might go mobile with, and all will be backed up on archival DVD's, and the many LP's may just be put up on E-Bay someday!

    I also hope to someday learn about creating surround-encoded or at least ambient sound encoded "Super-Audio" DVD's to play instead of just stereo audio CD's, as they reportedly will play and decode in most surround sound connected home DVD players.

    Now if I can just find a replacement actuator belt for my expensive linear tracking turntable with the Ortofon cartridge and get some time, I'll be ready to start the archiving! :D


  2. Nice catalogue pic Pups!

    As for my setup, like Francois, I've got wires everywhere; and I also have dust bunnies galore! :!:

    I consider it as a pre-requisite to being a flight simmer that I keep my Saitek X52 HOTAS prominently displayed on the desk. 8)

    Of course I also have my Oshkosh mini windsock attached to my monitor, and my little Oshkosh yellow warning sign which says "Caution, Low Flying Aircraft" is posted nearby too. :roll:

    But if I could get my setup to look as nice as your pic, that would be great too! :D


  3. 2) :D :D :D Super funny pic! Gross, but funny. Explode.gif


    Hi Pups:

    Yeah, that trail bike was really muddy wasn't it; and the 'megaphone' was rather unsightly too! :roll:

    Well, I hope the experiment was a success! :lol:

    PS: Your last smilie icon shows the cumulative effect of drinking too much Uncle Elmer's #5; now THAT was gross! :mrgreen:


  4. Hee Hee Hee! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Pups, ya' opened yerself up for some feedback on that one! :shock:

    Before I head for the bunker (assuming all the pre-gen-x cool heads here haven't just decided to "turn on, tune in, and drop out" and therefore won't be responding with some jovial retorts!), I must say your saving grace at the last was your assertion of the right to be "a rebel without a cause" as you dyed your hair and acknowledged that you "appreciated the weird looks I received from the the older generation". I just hope when you said "my hair is spiky. Super spiked!" you weren't alluding to having a spiked metal scalp implant, but rather instead to a moussed hairstyle! :P

    As for the streaking, I have it on good authority that the pic below was taken during a recent Winnipeg college physics experiment with a "jet bike"! Apparently the Heinz company submitted their advertising endorsement support offer to the research project before Oscar Mayer did, not knowing in exactly what manner their brand name would be displayed. :?

    Boy, I'll bet they regretted that deal! ...Wonder who put the whole idea together in the first place (and who's on the bike?) :mrgreen:

    (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pht=volcano )



  5. Madaz: Glad to hear Roo-pert is still in one piece instead of a crispy critter on the grill; I figured you'd get a kick out of that one... Sorry about the Budweiser though; I'll have to substitute a better brand in Corel Photopaint next time if you tell me which one has a bottle graphic out on the web! :wink:

    Chris: again on the mobo error; hope your geek gets those parts soon. Ya' gotta tell us all about it when you get it up and running FS9 under DX-9.0c though, so we can adjust our hardware plans accordingly for FSX! :roll: Hmmm... getting a new machine and redecorating a room to put it in... sounds like a good plan! :P

    PS: Better make sure the AM2 mobo has the ATI crossfire-ready chipset on it too; then you can run a superb picture of FSX into a 60 inch Plasma screen and make it look like HDTV with another ATI crossfire compatible card! :twisted:


  6. Hey Parse!!! Good to hear from you again! :D

    Chris keeps us on his toes, doesn't he? :P And some mighty fine repaints too! :)

    Chris' stunt flying is probably a good thing, since it gets a little quiet here sometimes, and we need both the patio entertainment and someone with skills so good that he can still fly us back from Dexter's after we've had a few rounds too many! :twisted:

    I know what you mean about Pups, he does tend to "wax philosophical" sometimes, but he sure can shake the buildings when he takes off in his F-16 and does a strafing run over the clubhouse in his "big iron" jets! :shock: . And he sure comes in handy for resolving complex navigational computations and abstruse cosmological quandaries too. :roll:

    And they both are great contributors to the Emma story telling tradition! :lol:

    As for the horse, he's still over at the Vet's getting psychotherapy after seeing Fritz in his "flashback" outfit the other day. But as far as the toughness of the steaks for the barbeque lately, Fritz started making a deal with a Seattle representative of the "Beef'A'Roo" meat packing company from Australia (a friend of Madaz, I heard), and things just haven't been the same since. :?

    The horse looked a little strange when he arrived at the Vet's office, and when he saw the reaction some of the other animals to going into the treatment area, he freaked out even more. Apparently the horse had some early life trauma when Fritz's then younger daughter Mindy was learning her sharpshooting skills. Eventually the Vet got him through the difficult adjustment to living out at the cabin with the EFFC members coming and going all the time with their noisy planes and beach parties, and he helped him recover from the need to identify with Fritz's periodic flashbacks and full dress "alter ego" episodes. The Vet then recommended some alternative medicine "stress reduction" techniques such as had worked for his other patients, and the horse now reportedly "feels like a new person". :!:

    As you may have read, Fritz started taking a "Home Gourmet" telecourse via the 60 inch Plasma screen satellite TV with surround sound, and has been trying out all his culinary skills, including meat cutting with his new "Ginzu" knife set. :idea:

    One day when I was helping out at the bar in the clubhouse I took out the trash to the dumpster, and I could have sworn I saw some strange long thin animal parts that looked like arms and feet with claws on the ends, big long ears, and a really big long tail. Previous to this I had also seen what looked like tufts of sheep's wool and small hooves in the dumpster. :shock:

    Being as it was a workday, I of course couldn't resist the temptation to have a few snorts of Uncle Elmers while I was "tending" the bar, so I was rather unreliable as a witness; thinking it was just the old #5 hooch affecting my "emporium sensorium", I thought I'd better not say anything! :wink:

    Well, I'll just have to try spot checking the dumpster before I start drinking at Emma one of these days when I fly in! But, come to think of it, I've usually had a few #5 E-Rations as a "nerve tonic" before I try the "short field with trees" approach at Emma, so I don't know how soon I'll be able to get a "lucid" look at the dumpster again, if ever. 8)

    Don't stay away so long next time, Parse; there's a lot of fun happening here, and your posts make the fun even better! :mrgreen:







  7. OK Francois, discretion is the better part of Valor... but ya' must admit, this gives new meaning to the term "Bikini Wax"! :mrgreen:

    I can think of a few things... longt.gif, but I'd like to remain a member of this forum. Nodding.gif

    Pups lttd.gif

    Hey Pups, when I right clicked and chose "Save Image As" in FireFox, I was relieved to see that your 2nd smiley icon above was named "Nodding.gif"! :oops:

    I have something that could do with a 'Polish' :twisted:

    Madaz, I'm not sure whether Officer Barbie is Polish...:wink:

    Oops: My computer just popped up a message: <"memorable 'buffer' overload"> :!:


  8. Hi All:

    After stowing away on Cecil's "vacation yacht", and escaping from Alcatraz to a "Commune" in San Francisco, the Wabbit drove back to Emma for another "Summer of Love"... :mrgreen:

    The Wabbit, who is very persuasive, just finished de-programming an entire group of brainwashed "hippie peace freaks"; :P now, just for fun, he's got Fritz having a flashback to his own former Hippie days... he looked like this when I taxied up to park my plane the other day! :shock:

    see: viewtopic.php?t=52358&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

    and: viewtopic.php?t=52816&highlight=flower




  9. Hi Madaz:

    Its pretty tempting, but I too am hesitant to try my skills at even a friendly competition without using my Saitek X52 HOTAS. :oops:

    I'd have to practice quite a bit using the "old school" method of Flight Simming before I'd risk the EFFC's reputation of being frequented by pilots so good that they can "fly with a belly full of Uncle Elmer's" and still get back in one piece and on time to watch Dr. Phil on the big screen TV! :lol:

    Maybe Fritz could tutor us in the "Bruce Artwick Method" of flying to get us into competitive shape! :wink:


  10. Hi Chris:

    Ouch! :oops:

    Well, hopefully he'll get the CPU sent express to make up for it... :roll:

    Awesome system components, by the way! I'm drooling on my keyboard as I read about yours, so I can empathize with your occasional plight; if this keeps up, I'll short out my computer, then I'll have an excuse to get a new system for myself. :lol:

    Please tell us more, so I can get my new system sooner! :D

    PS: Don't forget to protect your new system: :idea:

    (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=45 )


  11. Elitist? No elitists in here Corsairman. :wink: Just a bunch of us normos with nothing better to do than to fly simulated aeroplanes.

    Gary (or any of us here?) going "Rant on" is about as wild as a sack of rice falling over in China - with about as much the same effect. In fact the same could and should be said of all our utterances here :wink: :lol:

    Hey Chris:

    Who ya' callin a 'normo'... I resemble that remark! :lol:

    BTW, I heard the rural Chinese liked the sack of wild rice from the U.P. which I dropped for them a while back! 8)

    PS: What do you think of my first repaint? :wink:



  12. Thanks Lou:

    I actually think it's generally a good idea to "shake the cages" now and then, I just thought the reply to BillC was 'actively unhelpful' as worded. :?

    In the helping professions, there is a wise admonition used which bears repeating: "If you can't or won't help, then at least do no further harm." :wink:

    Of course my reply was not too "polite" or "friendly" either, and I should properly offer a conditional apology to corsairman, as I too was a bit too heavy handed; (I was overloaded with caffeine at the time... sorry!). :oops:

    So, Ralph, to paraphrase Voltaire: "I believe that even if we disapprove of what anyone else says, we should defend their right to say it." :D

    It seems to me that how we communicate with one another can make big differences in the world, as we hear, consider, and respond to everyone's viewpoint. Now if we can just cultivate more patience with one another by getting more rest and recreation (like more flying time rather than installation or maintenance time), avoiding excess caffeine and stress etc....! :idea:

    Kind Regards,


  13. Some of you may recall I've had problems with FSD in the past. They accused me of stealing the T-38 after I sent them a note about install and activation problems. I had really paid for the darn thing as a quick check on their part would have shown. I removed the T-38 from my system and swore to never darken their door again!

    Sorry, sounds a little hard to believe. I would bet there is another side to that story.

    I have a lot of their stuff and so do a lot of my sim buddies. We just don't seem to have that problem. Perhaps you should contact them and work it out instead of grousing about it here.

    Rather an unsympathetic reply to a fellow EFFC member there, Ralphie! :shock:

    It appears to me that BillC took the time to share his experience with his fellow Emmaites here in a spirit of goodwill. I believe it would be appropriate to at least be a bit more polite and consider what his side of the story actually was, rather than telling him to "contact them and work it out instead of grousing about it here." Was there some other particular agenda you had for the EFFC forum you wanted to see fulfilled which would compel what one might construe as "adding insult to injury" for someone so they would go away feeling they should not share their experiences with, and/or seek input from others here?

    Personally, I think web forum disagreements should work this way: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

    Just because you and your friends haven't experienced the same problems that other users have doesn't mean other users may not actually be having the problems they took time to write about. Does it not cross your mind that he might also be testing the waters to see if a fellow EFFC member might be willing to take the issue up with him via PM, or in the forum so all could gain some insight? BillC already made it clear he was alienated so badly that he opted to not attempt to resolve the issue directly with FSD.

    Perhaps you or one of your friends could share some insights on installing an FSD product with a fellow user to help them get farther along towards a successful installation than they did with FSD tech support, so they can quite simply enjoy their addon purchase in the "friendly" environment at Emma Field!. :roll:

    I have read several reports elsewhere on the web about FSD inferring or reportedly outright accusing customers who were having installation problems of attempted piracy. And although I am personally trying to work patiently with FSD tech support with my own PC-6 Porter upgrade right now through numerous emails, downloads and redownloads, it's not yet successful. I will tell the story about it later, but suffice it to say, every one of my installations and purchases to date with FSD has been problematic. I also intend to continue working through the FSD system, however dysfunctional it is, as it evolves over time, simply because they make some really great planes you can't get elsewhere! Yep, I can't wait until FSD sees the light and becomes less of a pain in the a$$ to deal with; but they've still got my business. :?

    My experiences are valid too, but in my case, I'm gonna' stay on their a$$ communicating unrelentingly until it's resolved; if they wanted to accuse me of piracy with a product install which wasn't going well, in my opinion, because of FSD's non-disclosure up front as to which specific browser and 3rd party plug-ins need to be installed and working flawlessly for success, they'd have to get ready for a meticulously documented 'scorched earth' lawsuit and an inquisition with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Postal Service, and every consumer group that I had the time and energy to invoke, all to generously "assist" them in seeing the error of their "own" ways; that would be prior to Civil proceedings... :twisted:


    I don't think you were "grousing", and I will be glad to share my insights with you after I finish running my "FSD Installation Gauntlet" in the spirit of good will, wherein Emmaites take the time to help fellow users, even when they are already busy doing other things! Perhaps we could then get your T-38 up and running...:D


  14. Yep, we grew very ingenious at getting round the problem, we just never actually found out why it was happening :)

    It was those stray shotgun blasts from Elmer shooting at Bugs, silly. :shock:

    LouP 8)

    Hi All:

    ...Could this be the real reason for crashes at Emma Field? :mrgreen:



  15. Hi Madaz:

    A captivating tale to be sure! :D

    Ya' had me goin' there up to the last! :lol:

    So when ya' gonna' bounce 'yer 'Bou around "for real" in the virtual world of the 'Emma Altiport' just below Bill's Bluff? :roll:

    I figure with the effect of gravity, we should be able to pull off some dandy short field landings and takeoffs there! 8)

    Maybe when Pups shows up here again, he can compute the physics of the glide slope needed to land in one piece, since one's velocity will be provided by horizonal acceleration in addition to gravity and adjusted for the incline of the hillside there!

    (No wonder Pups hasn't been seen here in the forum in a while; those calculations I had him do the other day must have used up the last bit of power in his rechargeable batteries for the HP scientific graphing LCD calculator he keeps in his hip holster all the time. Since it is rumored that he never takes his holster off day or night, he's probably tethered to the end of his AC adapter/charger, and the cord is too short to allow him to reach the computer! ) :mrgreen:

    Keep those stories comin' Mate! :P


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