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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. But as I mentioned is a previous post, I don't drink and Bonnie doesn't either, so we save quite a bit of money that way.

    They had some pretty serious weather on the trip to Calgary and Bonnie said some of the passengers were concerned (worried) because the plane would drop 400-500 feet periodically throughout the flight.


    Hi Pups:

    Good thing you can drink in the virtual world of Emma Field's bar so you can blow off some steam (if you can call your history of conspicuous consumption followed promptly by "sacerdotal rituals"... drinking) ! :wink:

    See: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=15

    ...And, if that memorable plume of flame you once blew off could actually be called steam, that is! :lol:

    See: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=52150

    And as for Bonnie's bumpy ride, I trust she keeps things down better than you have been of late? :P

    Next time, go with her so you can get in some real high altitude airtime 'fer Pete's sake; (OK, 'fer Pups' sake!) :mrgreen:


  2. The result... The judges not only awarded Brewster the No Bell Piece Prize, but they also gave him the Pulletsurprise, as well.

    Clearly, Brewster is a Democrat. Who else could figure out how to win two of the most politically biased awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Another good one, Cecil!

    But I just gotta ask, wasn't it George W. Bush the Republican who won the U.S. presidential election (the most "politically biased award on our planet") by sneaking up on Al Gore in Florida's ballot counts? :shock:

    (You remember Al Gore the Democrat... the guy who "invented the Internet?" :?

    Whoops, bet I'll regret that one! :oops: :twisted:


  3. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    We have got to move this thread - we digress more than a digrestive biscuit. Just don't get me started on Murphy's laws or elephant jokes...

    Ok Chris... not having heard from you in a while, I just had to do it! :twisted:

    Q: Why did the elephant fall out of the tree?

    A: Because it was dead.

    Q: Why did the second elephant fall out of the tree?

    A: It was glued to the first one.

    Q: Why did the third elephant fall out of the tree?

    A: It thought it was a game.

    Q: And why did the tree fall down?

    A: It thought it was an elephant.

    All right, those were pretty lame; but there are some rather good ones on this site: :mrgreen:

    (see: http://homepage.eircom.net/~cronews/elep.html )



  4. Heh Heh Heh! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yeah, you're probably right, the new equpiment could very well have altered the thermals around the clubhouse. :twisted:

    You'd think the noise would have driven the stork away by now, but it seems all he does is just take off for a flight to cool off his butt from all the heat coming up the chimney, and then he comes back again! :roll:

    Just wait till all the noise from the Emmapocalypse starts; I bet he'll be away for at least a few days after that ruckus! 8)


  5. What !!?? Who ?? Me !!?? Lazy !!!?????????? :evil: :evil:

    For your information Sir, I was visiting some relatives (yes, I DO have many), and stumbled onto this REAL, LIVE specimen of a Porter..... nothing FSD can add to THAT !! :P :P


    Hi Francois:

    That looks like a really awesome Porter; I like the paint job on that one, and the gunmetal blue above the windscreen gives it a "blue streak" speedster feeling. One of the few planes I'd consider owning which wasn't an amphibian model! :shock:

    Got any more views of that one? I might like to try my hand at a repaint sometime when I get a chance to dust off my old skills and try out FS-Repaint again! :D

    Thanks for sharing... :roll:

    I do buy an awful lot of stuff. Just in the past 4-5 weeks alone I've bought:


    Active Camera

    VFR Berlin (Aerosoft)

    Casablanca (Aerosoft)

    Los Angeles (Cloud9)

    Pisa (Cloud9)

    Freight Dogs (Aerosoft)

    Mike Ray's Flying the Boeing 700 Series

    Mike Ray's Boeing 737 Supper Guppy 300-400-500 Guide

    Mike Ray's 747-400 Guide (Ordered it, should be here in a few weeks.)

    PIC 737 (FeelThere)

    There might even be more, that's just off the top of my head.

    Anyway, (where are you going with this Pups?) There was a point to all of this... I think. Oh yeah, I do buy a lot and spend a lot, but I guess there's a limit to how much I want to spend on one app/plane/scenery program.


    Wow, Pups! Better be careful with that credit card. I remember when I was in undergrad school, the tradition was to buy at least one piece of home or car stereo equipment with part of that semester's educational fund money, then scrimp through the semester to make up for the expenditure. At least with the stereo turned up you didn't hear your stomach rumbling! :?

    After a while we all learned that vacation breaks between semesters had to be spent with one's family so they would feed us until the new semester started and more funds became available. A time honored tradition; good thing I didn't discover computers until 1984, at least I was finished with all my higher education by then and working, otherwise I might have had a an even harder time paying for school with the added temptations of computers as well as stereos! :twisted:


  6. Hi All:

    Since Fritz is probably too lazy to plow the runway in winter here, those who won't be kept from enjoying their use of Emma Field at any time of year might enjoy reading about the FSD Pilatus PC6 Turbo Porter version 2.0 upgrade with optional skis model here:


    It is a great plane for STOL here at Emma and in the surrounding lakes; now that skis are finally available we have even more adventures than before with this powerhouse of a plane!

    Enjoy! :D


  7. The math is simple...

    Barbie + Champers.gif = Party-Time.gif

    Pups' 1st reaction to her = sticktongue.gif and longt.gif

    Pups' 2nd reaction = In-Lurve.gif

    The 'game' Pups would like to 'play' with her = fotty.gif

    Barbie & Pups together = candledinner.sml.gif

    Pups' wife when she sees this post = Hammer.gif


    Hi Pups:

    Well, admiration from a safe distance is the best policy for the duly committed; however, in the virtual world, the imagination may still roam free now and then. :roll:

    Officer Barbie may be particularly perky next time you 2 meet at the clubhouse, since she got a rather 'inadequate' response from one of her fellow officers when she came in to the HQ after sunbathing all afternoon on the pier by Fritz's cottage on Lake Cushman with Mindy before leaving to go work out at the gym. :wink:




  8. And always remember fellow Emmaites (Altidudes?): If any of "them revenoors" or ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) people start nosing around Emma Field asking about the "ethanol pump", the official story is that the Brazilian Embraer Ipanema which does the forestry spraying for nearby Olympic National Park is ethanol-powered and gets its fuel here! :wink:



    and: http://mediamanager.embraer.com.br/englscat_nome=

    PS: Rumor has it that the pilot used to work with Rich/Emerauder doing water bombing in the Seattle area smoke jumper squadron a few years ago before he started this "retirement" venture; Rich hopes to fly it periodically when he's not out in his Emeraude!



  9. Fritz also has expanded his "advertising for extra income" program to the new high-tech restroom facilities.

    He has added a "one-big-pay, drink all day" frequent buyers incentive program to the clubhouse bar; membership gives access to the new Elmer's #5 tap installed on the new tiled vanity counter in the private "elite flyer" sanitary pedestal restroom extension.




  10. Hi All:

    Just down loaded Emma Field 2004 and it's great to be back.

    I really missed Emma Field. That approach to 36 is

    pretty close on the left side (Trees). Wish someone

    at Emma's would cut a few of of them down so I could

    get a straight shot into 36! ;-) it's close but I can make it

    ...Just barely! :-)


    Hello, and welcome back! :D

    It's good to see some familiar names show up here from time to time. Here's hoping to see more of your posts to keep Emma alive and kicking! :wink:

    Simon has been kind enough to re-furbish his archive of things Emma-related if you want to load up a fully-dressed Emma Field

    (see: http://www.stansco.co.uk/Flight_Sim/index.html ) :roll:


  11. Hi All:

    Well, Fritz finally got another entrepreneurial idea to deal with guys who weren't paying their "bar" bill when they "tanked up".

    Now he's got this new-fangled "pay at the pump" thing attached to the "E-Ration dispenser", and we'll have to pay with plastic when we "top off our tank".

    He liked the idea so much he's now making Uncle Elmer's #5 available in limited edition refillable "pump dispensers" for the package goods carry out sales.

    Also, Barbie has now started working at the clubhouse on weekends as a waitress/server for extra money to go to Hollywood for another screen test!

    Enjoy! :mrgreen:





  12. Does this mean they pump the "Goods" straight from the keg into you and you "Pay" once you had your "Fill"?


    Is there some sort of Employment/Job creation scheme at work here paying some *Quote* Yooper *Un-Quote* $4.15 and hour to serve you in your Motor Vehical..

    Hi Madaz:

    Either method sure would make it easier to get "tanked-up" wouldn't it? :lol:

    I'm thinking this curbside hooch service right in one's vehicle might be a new venue for Fritz like the old drive-ins, except that you have a tap right at each parking space's ordering console!

    But, being over served by tray-carrying roller skating babes in miniskirts or Jessica Simpson "Dukes of Hazzard" 'short-shorts' would certainly make things more interesting too! ('Tray-Bien', eh, Francois?)

    Hmmm... I think there might be a story line here!

    If it'll help to keep things on a roll, I may just temporarily lapse away from my usual stoic, serious-minded self and act a wee bit silly or perhaps even a tiny bit childish. That'll be hard for me to do because I'm such a serious person and rarely, if ever, do I post silly messages.

    But I suppose I can make the effort and engage in a bit of frivolity and nonsense.

    Hi Pups:

    After all, bathroom and locker room humor is a very serious subject (when properly interposed with Quantum Mechanics!) :twisted:

    But, I do hope you get some time in between your academics to post, as we try to find ways for invoking greater active participation by additional forum registrants. :roll:

    PS: Hope your headache is better :D


  13. Hi Cecil:

    Glad you're back! :D

    Hope the Wabbit didn't give too much of a hard time :wink:

    It sounds like a great trip I'll have to make to San Francisco myself sometime soon; haven't been there since the 1970's. :roll:

    We will all be looking forward to any stories and pictures you can share with us as soon as you catch your breath (I needed to recuperate after my mere 4 days away to the U.P!). 8)

    I'll have to tell you about my colleague's family business converting the A-36 Beechcraft Bonanza into a propjet Bonanza sometime. :idea:


  14. James Pups
    Hi Pups:

    Since you're into "Bondage", and since you have previously said regarding George W. Bush:

    "Umm... I like him! (Puppy is now running for cover in a desperate (but probably failed) attempt to hid from the ensuing wrath that's about to befall him.)"
    may I present for your viewing pleasure... the WRATH! :lol:

    PS: Don't get your hopes up for the role of 007 since Pierce Brosnan vacated the position, it looks like they already found a replacement and have the posters made up! :?

    Enjoy! :twisted:



  15. But then Pups' smile changed - as he realised it was an iron bar :wink:

    Hah! I almost forgot about the Laws of Cartoon Physics, and the importance of physical comedy whenever the opportunity presents itself. :oops:

    Well, I guess I'll just have to "raise the bar" with my writing style when addressing events at Emma. :P

    Now if I can just pay better attention when I'm down on the floor overserved and incoherent at the clubhouse ordering my "powerhouse" E-rations I might find a spot to insert a prybar to get some leverage... :lol:


  16. I was drinking a glass of juice and almost spit it at my monitor from laughter when I started to read your post! pukeface.gif

    James Pups

    Hee Hee Hee! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Well, glad to know ya' got a kick out of it, Pups! :D

    Your Eructatious Icon reminds me of how I order Orange juice when I'm out having breakfast with my oldest high school and college chum who is an over the top joker like myself. Whereas he likes to (inadviseably) banter with the waitress using mock sarcasm, I like to test their aptitude for double entendre and trivia at the same time. 8)

    I like to watch the face of the waitress when I order a small O.J. "without the knife this time" to see if she'll get the connection with the infamous O.J. Simpson trial from a few years back. If that doesn't work, my friend will ask if they have breakfast entrees featuring Spam, and we then both start to consider outloud whether we will have the Spam, Egg, Bacon and Spam, or the multitude of other various combinations so famous from the Monty Python breakfast restaurant sketch! :!:

    We haven't gotten thrown out of anyplace yet, but I fear sometime we will end up running out under our own power as the cook comes out of the kitchen with a meat cleaver in his hand like John Cleese's "enraged cook" character did in another Monty Python restaurant sketch. :twisted:


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