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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. PUPS YOU DOG!!!

    your entire Trip Down Memory Lane titled:

    "In the Search For FU"

    Needs public health warnings..

    Not only did I succesfully manage to spill a tub of Yogurt onto, and subsequently into, my Keyboard..

    I just about had a Heart Attack stemming from the Coughing Fit caused by laughing so much.

    I also have Yogurt to clean off my 21" CRT

    Hey Madaz:

    I think I have come up with some more must-have's for the Emma Emporium to help EFFC Forum readers maintain satisfactory 'elevation of mood', cleanliness, and safety while at or near their computer systems! :mrgreen:







  2. Hee Hee Hee :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Ya' got me there, Chris... I stand corrected; bait taken! :P

    I always forget about the British alternative spellings, and in this case, that you are a Brit! :oops:

    I'll bet there are a few pilots who fly heavies in the real world that have experienced flying a smaller plane controlled by a stick, and wish they could convert the big plane to a stick control system. In my limited experience, a stick seems more fun, but I guess the engineers must have had a reason for implementing a yoke in some types of aircraft. Maybe the guys at Airbus would have some insight on this? :wink:


  3. Yoke?! Only cissies fly with yokes...

    (Argument fuse lit, One-Eye retreats hastily to watch the ensuing harangue...)

    Hi Chris:

    Looks like the "yoke's" on you, 'cause "cissies" is properly spelled "sissies"

    ( see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sissy )! :lol:

    Actually, I prefer a joystick myself as well, but I would still like to see a reasonably priced, cool looking Saitek alternative for those who use yokes. :roll:

    They are fun though, with certain types of games (NOT referring to FS as a game here!). :wink:

    PS: Madaz: Force feedback would be very cool in a yoke! :shock: :P


  4. Good idea, Madaz :D

    I'd love to have an alternative to the CH yokes and their USB Control Manager software, which in only one vital area has a problem for me in that it doesn't get along with the serial HID "joy-mouse" embedded in the "AirBoard" wireless IR keyboard my colleague and I both use. :?

    How cool it would be to have a slick looking yoke with better spring resistance, as well as the Saitek styling and little LEDs! 8)


  5. As for the new PC - desk is standing - and cluttered already. I have come to the conclusion that scientists should investigate the various theories about the propagation of inanimate material. Just think of it - we'd finally discover the cause for CD and DVD multiplication. There just HAS to be a reason behind the fact that an empty bookshelf will fill to overflowing with CDs, DVDs, PC cables of all breeds, mains adaptors for unknown low voltage DC appliances

    Hey Pups:

    I think we need your cosmological expertise on this topic; it does seem that there is something afoot here involving spontaneous generation and Murphy's Law when it comes to CDs, DVDs, cables, AC adapters, coat hangers, twist ties, computer and grocery store plastic bags etc. :shock:

    Also, we should probably follow up on the computations pertaining to the disclaimer on the labels for Uncle Elmer's #5 declaring the potential number of new expandable universes contained in the average 1 liter bottle! :idea:

    ( see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=15 )


  6. Hey Madaz:

    You might be able to assign those function to the 3 front base switches on the X-52 Throttle in their SST programming software! :idea:

    I haven't had the time to try it on my system yet, but I think it is possible to do using keypress repeat settings in Saitek's SST and/or FS's own controller assignments interface so that each press of the switch in a given direction causes a precise amount of control deflection. :roll:

    Besides, I think the Saitek rudders will be capable of functioning as a standalone device whether or not you chose to also use the CH Products controllers on their respective axes, as FS can map and respond to several devices independent of each other, and regardless of whether they are USB and/or legacy gameport in their connections to the computer! :wink:


  7. PUPS YOU DOG!!!

    your entire Trip Down Memory Lane titled:

    "In the Search For FU"

    Needs public health warnings..

    Not only did I succesfully manage to spill a tub of Yogurt onto, and subsequently into, my Keyboard..

    I just about had a Heart Attack stemming from the Coughing Fit caused by laughing so much.

    I also have Yogurt to clean of my 21" CRT

    Hey Madaz:

    When browsing the EFFC forum, not only should one "always, always listen to the DAWG", but one should also practice safe computing by using appropriate protection for one's "most prized posession"! :wink:

    ( see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p3&start=45 )


  8. It’s now half-time and we take a cautious look at the scores.

    Puppy is the favorite and expects to cross the finish line first and should/may receive adulations and praises from all.

    The judges soon return and Pups loses a point. They feel that Chris’ spacebar was the culprit. Pups takes it like a man.Tantrum.gif

    The score now stands at PUPPY 1 ___ CHRIS 1

    The battle continues…


    Hee Hee Hee! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Pups, yer' killin' me here! I can just hear the "Da-Da-Da Daaaaa" tune of the popular USA TV sports program, and the sound of the sportscasters' play by play! :P

    I hope Chris is OK with the repartee on this one! :D


  9. Hi Pups:

    It has been suggested that at a higher level we amend our own earthly misdeeds through a sychronistic, multilevel Karmic rendering engine which dynamically traces our actions like a bugcatcher in pre-release Beta software. Supposedly, we are presented with feedback shortly after our transgressions, often by our own actions, in order to gain new insights and allow informed decision making in the future. :roll:

    Hmmm... proactive Karmic error checking! Looks like your bugcatcher is working faster than I can pick up on your own goofs and then razz ya' about them! :lol:

    Either that, or I learned during some prior lifetime to minimize razzing others except when razzed first... 8)

    Or did I? Nah! ...too much fun razzing one another! :twisted:


  10. As for the new PC - desk is standing - and cluttered already. I have come to the conclusion that scientists should investigate the various theories about the propagation of inanimate material. Just think of it - we'd finally discover the cause for CD and DVD multiplication. There just HAS to be a reason behind the fact that an empty bookshelf will fill to overflowing with CDs, DVDs, PC cables of all breeds, mains adaptors for unknown low voltage DC appliances (You always seem to have hundreds of these things, but when you want to use your scanner, you can never find the right adaptor)...

    I must have hundreds of pounds weight of cables, leads, software, mags... I even threw out 300 CDs (old - very old, dating back to win 95 and 98) that came with the magazines. Incidentally, PC magazine freebie CDs are a sub-species all on their own! You always seem to have more discs than magazines.

    Sigh... back to the mop-scrub-rub-dust

    Hey Chris:

    I know what you mean! I just did some belated spring cleaning and could not believe some of the stuff I found! I have a massive collection of old PC magazine and FS magazine CDs I have to sort through and make decisions on. I've finally been successful in parting with nearly all of the magazines themselves (keeping all the FS mags so far!), after acknowledging that most of the techie references I'll ever need can now be found in digital form on the internet stored on someone else's servers! All I've got to do now is browse and "Save Page As" into My Documents with a mnemonic title using long filenames. What a relief to have all this stuff available online now; before, one had to keep one's own reference archives in the days of BBS systems!

    I'll also be able to read most of the newer stuff with less need for purchases during the course of my extended visits to the bookstores, while killing time as my girlfriend and I spend quality time "together" when she does her "shop 'til ya' drop" marathons on weekends.

    That is not to mention the boxes of cables, AC adapters, old game controllers, ancient I/O cards, monitors, keyboards, mice and peripherals for the old computer museum pieces I had accumulated over the years. Amazing how far I've come since the Compaq luggable with the 600x400 hi-scan 4x6 green monographics screen, which was probably a major contributor (besides age) to my gradual decline in vision to the point of actually needing reading glasses for most computer work!

    And then there's the computer games I had begun buying after I took that fateful first plunge into actually loading a game onto my colleague's computer (his CPU was the guinea pig back then) from one of the many CDs I got with the many magazines I had been buying to learn more about PC troubleshooting/tweaking for the business.

    I had read a Boot magazine (later to become Maximum PC) review on Microsoft Motocross Madness 2 which had a demo on the CD suggesting it was a great game for fun. My colleague and I were taking a breather from flight planning in FS on his 36 inch Sony HDTV with full-size home Hi-Fi speakers on a 7.1 surround system, so I decided to surprise us both as he left "The Pilot's Lounge" he created in one of the extra rooms of his home, and went to the kitchen to get some more ice for the wet bar in the Pilot's Lounge.

    I loaded up the Motocross Madness 2 demo and we started playing the game, astounded at the physics and hilarious effects and sounds as we crashed the biker repeatedly. Finally we managed to get the bike up the hills which ultimately appear as one rides the terrain, and began proceeding away from the top of the precipice into the high plateau. Then suddenly... BAM!!!, the biker's engine explodes through the surround sound system already on high volume, sending a flailing "rag doll" biker and his bike spinning for nearly a half mile back over the hilltop into the land below with the requisite outcrys of dismay and discomfort from the biker as the bike crashes to earth around him nearby before he was re-spawned intact on the bike ready for more fun! My colleague and I looked at each other in disbelief and proceeded to laugh so hard we had tears running down our faces, gasping for breath, and then recreating the stunt repeatedly with more laughter until we lost count. Incredible, having that much fun on a PC!!!

    Needless to say, from then on we were hooked on PC games. Well, that of course led to trying out demos of Microsoft Midtown Madness 1&2, the Need For Speed series, EA's SuperBike series, various snowboarding, wakeboarding and snowmobiling games, Barrage, Microprose's Gunship!, MS Combat Sim 2 with the Abacus PBY Catalina add-on and countless others as we discovered a whole world of fun we never realized existed on the PC. The rest is history; my free time will never be the same! :twisted:


  11. A website dedicated to Jerkers? :shock:

    @ Gary... the pedals... oooh... I can't wait till August - I may well succumb!

    Are they going to be in the Shop, Francois?

    BTW - the shop still hasn't managed to get the chip to me. Looking in the net, they are deliverable overnight. Guess who's losing a customer...

    Chris: I thought you were referring to the availability of the Saitek rudder system, and figured it would be a cool addition to the simMarket store. :D

    Francois: Certainly CPU chips wouldn't be an item for the store, but would simMarket even have an interest in selling Saitek flight controllers by August? :roll:


  12. Place a small pocket mirror on the 'cross' (do one pic at a time) with the mirror part facing to the left. You can place the mirror on your monitor's glass. Keep it perpendicular.

    Now, look at the right picture with your right eye and look with your left eye at the reflection in the mirror (which is a reflection of the left image).

    You'll now see the picture in 3-D. Lighten.gif


    Hi Pups:

    I was reading your EFFC forum post above via the new Emma Field HD Component Video (YPrPb: aka RGB) component video output adapter which connects from new computerized cash register at the bar to the clubhouse 60 inch plasma screen HDTV.

    Officer Barbie walks over and says: "What's a pocket mirror?".

    Naturally, I just had to say: "Its a flat, rectangular 2 x 3-1/2 inch thing with your picture on it; sort of like a compact mirror"

    (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p8&start=15 )

    Officer Barbie says: "Oh, yeah, I saw one of those once; Mindy has one, and it looks like it never needs to be renewed with the DMV 'cause there's no expiration date on it. ...Must be one of those new holographic ones. What exactly is a hologram, anyway?"

    I 'upchuckled' a bit as I reached for my #5 E-Ration and said: "Well, that's a deep subject... I think that's best explained by my good buddy Pups."

    Barbie replied: "I haven't seen Pups here in a while; what's he been up to?"

    I said: "You might not believe this, but he posted recently that he had dyed his hair blonde, he was into punk rock, and he was wrecking rooms with his Dad!"

    Barbie looked startled and said: "Gee, he seemed like such a conservative guy; sounds like he's starting to loosen up more."

    I said: "Yeah, he said to me the other day that he was getting so loose lately, now all he needed was a 'good stiff drink and a loose woman' to keep him balanced and to 'straighten out his paradigm'."

    Barbie smirked and said: "That reminds me of a joke I heard at work in the locker room at the police station; I though it was pretty funny."

    "Lets hear it, then" I said, and Barbie then told her joke:

    "A drunk man who smelled like booze sat down outside a bar on the street curb.

    A police officer watched him closely. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.

    After a few minutes the man turned to the police and asked, 'Hey, Mr. Policeman, what causes arthritis?'

    The policeman responded, 'It's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol and a contempt for your fellow man.'

    'Well, I'll be darned,' the drunk said, returning to his paper.

    The police officer, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man with his night stick and apologized.

    'I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?'

    'I don't have it, Mr. Policeman. I was just reading here that the chief of police does!'

    I laughed at that one, and said: "Barbie, you could help Pups straighten out his Paradigm anytime with your sense of humor".

    Barbie replied: "Maybe sometime, but right now I've got to go work out downtown at the gym, so I'll see you later..."

    I waved as she headed for the door, and I opened up a new browser window on Google to look for more jokes about booze. Being the geek I am, I got a kick out of the web page which had a comical treatise on:

    Beers For Geeks

    DOS Beer:

    Requires you to use your own can opener, and requires you to read the directions carefully before opening the can. Originally only came in an 8-oz can, but now comes in a 16-oz can. However, the can is divided into 8 compartments of 2-oz each, which have to be accessed separately. Soon to be discontinued, although a lot of people are going to keep drinking it after it's no longer available.

    MAC Beer:

    At first, came only in a 16-oz can, but now comes in a 32-oz can. Considered by many to be a "light" beer. All the cans look identical. When you take one from the fridge, it opens itself. The ingredients list is not on the can. If you call to ask about the ingredients, you are told that "you don't need to know." A notice on the side reminds you to drag your empties to the wastebin.

    Windows 95 Beer:

    The world's most popular beer. Comes in a 16-oz can that looks a lot like Mac Beer's. Requires that you already own a DOS Beer. Claims that it allows you to drink several DOS Beers simultaneously, but in reality you can only drink a few of them, very slowly, especially slowly if you are drinking the Windows Beer at the same time. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, a can of Windows Beer will explode when you open it.

    Windows 98 Beer:

    See Windows 95 beer above. About the same but Windows 98 beer creates less gas and makes you crash less.

    Windows 2000 Beer:

    A new beer on the market. A lot of people have taste tested it and claim it's wonderful. The can looks like Mac and OS/2 Beer's can, but tastes like Windows 95/98 Beer. It comes in 32-oz cans, but when you look inside, the cans only have 16-oz of beer in them. Most people will probably keep drinking Windows 95/98 Beer until their friends try Windows 2000 Beer and say they like it. The ingredients list, when you look at the small print, has some of the same ingredients that come in DOS and Mac Beer, even though the manufacturer claims that this is an entirely new brew.

    Windows NT Beer:

    Comes in 32-oz cans, but you can only buy it by the truckload. This causes most people to go out and buy bigger refrigerators. The can looks just like Windows 95 Beer's, but the company promises to change the can to look like Windows 2000 Beer's, after Windows 2000 Beer starts shipping well. Touted as an "industrial strength" beer, and suggested only for use in bars.

    Unix Beer:

    Comes in several different brands, in cans ranging from 8-oz to 64-oz. Drinkers on Unix Beer display fierce brand loyalty, even though they claim that all the different brands taste almost identical. Sometimes the pop-tops break off when you try to open them, so you have to have your own can opener around for these occasions, in which case you either need a complete set of instructions, or a friend who has been drinking Unix Beer for several years...

    AmigaOS Beer:

    The company has gone out of business, but their recipe has been picked up by some weird German company, so now this beer will be an import. This beer never really sold very well, because the original manufacturer didn't understand marketing. Like Unix Beer, AmigaDOS Beer fans are an extremely loyal and loud group. it originally came in a 16-oz can, but now comes in 32-oz cans too. When this can was originally introduced, it appeared flashy and colourful, but the design hasn't changed much over the years, so it appears dated now. Critics of this beer claim that it is only meant for watching TV anyway. :mrgreen:


  13. Whoa, is that one awesome looking keyboard! Beats mine hands down!

    Sorry, my monitor is a bit dusty, what type of *envy* was that again? :roll:

    Pups (Keyless in Seattle)

    Hi Pups:

    When my hands are down, they beat on my awesome Saitek PC Gaming Keyboard! :lol:

    ( See: http://www.saitekusa.com/usa/prod/gamerskey.htm )

    It has 9 extra buttons on an included, but detached keypad programmable in 3 tiers for a total of 27 custom buttons! I must admit at first I bought it primarily 'cause it looked cool and compatibly styled for my Saitek X52 HOTAS, but I came to further appreciate it for the smaller footprint and the programable buttons too (both wrist rests are removeable). :wink:

    Looks like the new Saitek Eclipse II series ( http://www.saitekusa.com/usa/info/e3.htm ) with the fully illuminated key markings (mine doesn't illuminate the key markings) now offers a silver and black version compatibly styled with the X-52 HOTAS. :P

    Oh, and I think it's called: "*key-ness envy*" :twisted:


  14. Which Shop would that be???

    Chris: Would I be correct that you are referring to the simMarket Hardware Shop?

    ( http://secure.simmarket.com/default.php?cPath=68 )

    Francois: if PC-Aviator sells the CH Products flight sim controllers, how's about simMarket selling the way cool Saitek stuff? :idea:

    PS: Chris - I hope your old geek ordered you the ATI Crossfire chipset mobo (see my PM), and your new geek gets his a$$ in gear for your AMD AM2 FX-62 CPU, 'cause I'm dyin' to hear how your new rig works with FS! :wink:


  15. Hi All:

    Even though I've been using PC's since 1984, until a few years ago, my computer use was all strictly business in an attempt to simplify my workload.

    I had tinkered a few times with MSFS for DOS and tried to fly the Sopwith Camel between the buildings along the course of the Chicago River near Meigs, but was discouraged by the limited computer power I had and the low resolution graphics back then. But I did make a mental note that someday this would become something really cool, and I should check back in a few years.

    A few years later in 1999 my colleague decided to get his Lake Amphibian LA4-200 EP real world plane. When he was still in training, telling the world about it, and showing everyone the picture of this rather unique bird with the engine on top, a client said her son had a PC flight simulator with a flyable version of that plane in it, but she couldn't remember the name.

    We set ourselves to searching the web for it and finally found out that the simulator was Flight Unlimited III (FU3), featuring among others the Lake Amphibian Renegade 270 and photorealistic scenery of the Seattle area. It had been preceded by Flight Unlimited II (FU2), featuring photorealistic scenery of the San Francisco area which could be co-installed along with FU3 to create a large west coast flying area with interposed lower resolution hybrid graphic/photorealistic tiles in between and in surrounding areas of the 2 cities; this was all draped over an apparently high detail terrain mesh which didn't seem to kill frame rates. We finally got FU3 with FU2 installed after 45 long minutes and juggling 5 CD's while listening to the excellent AI ATC sounds it played to get us pumped up; when we took off from SeaTac in the Lake Amphibian, we were hooked!

    Within 2 years, MSFS2002 launched, we both got the Pro version, and discovered an even more fantastic world to keep us flying even when we couldn't fly in the real world due to the often unrelenting Chicagoland winters. It was a while until John Woodward released his Lake Renegade for FS2002, and then for MSFS2004, but I saw the future when I started flying FS with its architecture relatively open to development and tweaking. It has been a fabulous hobby and learning tool ever since! :D

    We still have a healthy respect for our first love, FU3, which in some ways MSFS is only now surpassing, and we dabbled very briefly with Fly! and X-Plane just to be open-minded; but to us, FS is the wave of the foreseeable future in flight sims! 8)

    And since the release of Emma Field and the inception of EFFC, this has been my spiritual home in the virtual world; the comeraderie and fun we have here is a very special part of my week, and I am grateful to have had this forum to frequent with all of you out there throughout my past few years... :roll:


  16. Apple juice - serious!

    And yes, the Saitek does take up real estate, although the new desk has more

    Hi Chris:

    Looks more like a Tanqeray Gin'N'Tonic to me! :lol:

    PS: NEWS FLASH!!! :shock:

    Saitek is now going to make "Pro Flight Rudder Pedals" featuring self-centering pivot movement, toe brakes, separately adjustable damping and tension, and yes... the little blue LED in the center of the pivot!!! :D

    see: http://www.saitekusa.com/usa/info/e3.htm

    and: http://saitekusa.stores.yahoo.net/proflrupe.html)


  17. Hi Pups:

    Ain't that how it always goes? :lol:

    My girlfriend has all her closets, half of her garage, and a lot of my closet space and dresser filled with her clothes, shoes and purses! :shock:

    ...But I've got all the rest of my place just the way I want it! :twisted:

    (OOPS, sounds kinda' like: "I've got her right where she wants me!") doesn't it? :oops:


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