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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. [edit] we'll need something better than slender, narrow, tight or thin...

    They don't quite express the "skinniness" of skinny...

    Hi Chris:

    Yeah, I think you're right, we'll need something a bit more specific...

    How about:

    Canis Minoris Emaciatus

    ( see: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/skinny )

    ( see: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/emaciated )

    ( see: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/meager )

    Canis Minoris Tenuis

    ( see: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/thin )

    Canis Minoris Cachexis

    ( see: http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/cachexia ) I wouldn't wish this one on him, though! :roll:


  2. Ok... the third option should have been "Do not use the Internet"


    As for canis minoris - how about "Anorexia Canis Minoris"?

    Hi Chris:

    Wasn't sure what was meant by the Internet reference, haven't run across that one before (probably because it's inconceivable to not use the 'net!). :?:

    But as for the Pups reference... darn close! :P

    I believe it might be: Canis Minoris Augustipupis :lol:

    ( see: http://www.wordinfo.info/words/index/in=A&spage=9 )

    or more properly: Canis Minoris Graciliformis

    ( see: http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/glossarycgi?page=g )


  3. Hi Shamir:

    I agree with Don Smith, that the key to useability is the smoothness rather the concern over getting higher framerates.

    However, if you can get higher framerates after maxing out your sliders on a very high performance system like CBris has, then that's a dream come true!

    Standard TV is only 30 frames per second using interlaced scans onto the long persistence phosphors glowing inside your TV screen.

    Movies shown on theater screens are only 24 frames per second, and the human brain blends the images together to create some measure of continuity.

    So, if one's means are more modest right now, one can be reasonably happy with a 'smooth running' sim even at 15 frames per second.

    Do a search on Google, Yahoo, SimFlight and AVSIM for FS hardware and cfg. file tweaks on NVidia cards, and use 'Powerstrip' at http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/ps.shtm to set the PCI latency on AGP card buses (only) and optimize your video appearance on any monitor.

    Have Fun!


  4. No - I don't want to know who said it - everyone knows it was Bamber Gasket.

    No, let's really streeeeetcccchhhhhhhh your memories.


    You need age or an aged relative with an updated memory chip :wink:

    Hi Chris:

    I wasn't sure I fully comprehended your post sans emoticons, but would I be correct that you were pleased rather than irate?

    As for the Brit-centric references, do these links correlate at all?

    Zoonie: http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/GA/fireball-xl5.html

    Bamber Gasket: http://arts.guardian.co.uk/critic/featu01,00.html

    I hope I'm following your posts OK... :roll:

    PS: The "S. Canis Minoris" reference elsewhere to Skinny Puppy was outstanding! :lol:

    Yours In Mischief,


  5. Have I missed something?

    All I see is a picture of grass.

    Hi Chris:

    Are you using Norton Internet Security (NIS) 2006's Ad Blocking feature? It will freeze all your gif animations after the first frame.

    It's possible that the Adblock extension for FireFox may do the same; I haven't tried it again after my ability to run Flash on my system got screwed up by that, Flashblock, and NoScript FireFox extensions on top of NIS Ad Blocking and Script Blocking features. Apparently that was why I couldn't load your "EagleSkinner" site, and had problems with FSD's installation and upgrade features which use Flash (I wish web sites would declare clearly in 'text' on their front pages when they require Flash, and offer non-Flash page versions too). It is possible that other security apps such as MacAfee and Zone Alarm etc. may have a similar graphic freezing feature too, as they try to minimize the impact of web page graphics ans banner ads on one's browsing experience.

    (I just installed and Live Updated NIS 2006 during a rebuild of one of our office machines last night; boy they did a great job 'hiding' that Ad Blocking control in their "New & Improved GUI Interface"; I run NIS2003 on my other machines) :?

    Here's how I fixed this in NIS 2006:

    1.) Bring up the NIS 2006 main GUI

    2.) Select: Privacy Control > Configure > Advanced

    3.) On the Web Contents Options tab, click the Add Site button

    4.) In the address box which pops up type in: forums.simflight.com, and click OK.

    5.) Click on 'forums.simflight.com' in the address list you just added it to

    6.) On the Global User settings tab, 'Permit' Animated images

    7.) On the Ad Blocking tab click the Add button, and type in: forums.simflight.com/viewforum.php?f=19 (EFFC's forum number)

    8.) Tick the 'Permit' radio button, and click OK

    Your ability to view animations should be restored (unless there are other things going on in Windows somewhere like the browser security extensions mentioned above).

    Good Luck! :roll:


  6. Hi Chris:

    This should make your day too: an ATI-AMD merger (it made mine yesterday!) :D

    ( See: http://www.ati.com/companyinfo/about/amd-ati.html )

    ...And considering NVidia's decision to "enforce" mobo manufacturers' commitments to enable full access to control features will probably set a new standard that other videocard manufacturers (read: ATI!) must match:

    ( See: http://guru3d.com/article/mainboard/348/12/

    "BIOS Features:

    Welcome to the new Walhalla of BIOS features, I'm not discussing all of them but this is a tweakers wet dream. I think DFI is the only manufacturer that ever came close to what we see in this BIOS in terms of tweakability. With ANY 590 series mainboard you'll receive a custom BIOS that exposes and allows settings as displayed today. Manufacturers will not be certified if they dumb down the BIOS. With the 590series you get choices my friend."

    ...And last but not least, let us not forget that yet another precedent was set with NVidia's pricing for its newest XFX 7950 GX2 XXX tandem (twin) SLI card: a 2 GPU video card for the price of 1, which hopefully everyone must match!!!

    ( See: http://www.bjorn3d.com/read_pf.php?cID=925 )

    The competition is heating up to the benefit of the consumer; looks like a great future for "multi-GPU" PC graphics! :twisted:

    PS: Even though ATI's ads are boring by comparison, I'm thus far an ATI guy; but NVidia sure has some eye-catching promotional tactics! :wink:




  7. And I thought it was a picture of Gary browsing Multiple Threads at one time on the Emma Field Forum

    Hi Madaz:

    Yep, I like to "keep tabs" on things using the multi-tabbed features of FireFox; I'm still not fast enough to beat Chris's speed on some things though! :D


  8. OMG - Gary a fan too! :lol: Just love the "long nose"

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Well, being of French descent, I guess I'll consider that a compliment! :oops: (Just kidding, everyone!) :twisted:

    PS: The Porter certainly does have to make room in its nose for that Turboprop, doesn't it? :roll:


  9. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Question is, Pups: When he turns around, will we see that his 'geek session' eyeglasses have a strip of adhesive tape around the nosepiece? :roll:

    I can't wait to see what he sets up next; very cool having a new machine like that one! :shock:


  10. Hi Pups:

    As you are the proprietor-designate of the Emma Emporium, I would like to propose that with all the outstanding "quantum consciousness raising" going on here lately, we should release a commemorative 'Powerhouse' edition of Uncle Elmers #5 packaged in a "Klein Bottle"!. :idea:

    Also, the Emporium can now offer a compatible "Einstein's Klein Stein" too!

    ( see: http://www.kleinbottle.com/drinking_mugbottle.htm ) 8)




  11. Hi Chris:

    Sounds about how I do after a few Black Russians (Kahlua Coffee Liquor and Vodka on the rocks) or White Russians (Kahlua Coffee Liquor and Vodka on the rocks with cream to coat the stomach against the corrosive effects); the caffeine keeps one awake to enjoy the ethanol-induced delirium! :lol:

    And the next day: 'the shakes', and a non-specific feeling of 'dread' if one did not use a better brand of vodka (minimum 3 to 5 times distilled to remove impurities that cause the worst part of hangovers); but lots of fond remembrances of the buzz from the night before, because one doesn't sleep too deeply if at all! :twisted:

    Reminds me of the college days with "Rum & Jolt"; Jolt cola had loads of caffeine, and their motto was "All the sugar, and twice the caffeine of a regular cola."

    ( see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolt_Cola )

    And we all thought Uncle Elmers #5 was the original energy drink; fact of the matter is that Coca Cola was originally made using coca leaf extract... thats right: cocaine!

    ( see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola )

    But regardless of 'what's Shaws', sounds like a fun setup. The most fun was probably getting the system to tolerate 2 TCP/IP addresses from 2 different NICs at the same time; not always an easy task, and usually enough to compel the average geek to use a switch or router. And tripping over the faster Cat5e cable is usually worth the inconvenience compared to wireless in my opinion (unless of course you've "gone Gig" with Gigabit ethernet!); Chris is definitely among the "Elite Cadre"! 8)

    I have used ATI video cards offering vivo features for years, but I have only had time to tinker with the vidcap features once years ago when I captured the S-video and stereo audio feed from a Sony Hi-8 camera into MP2 files under Win98 on a 300 MHz(!) AMD CPU machine with a Radeon (original recipe 7000) powered ATI All-In-Wonder card, and it worked great; no apparent dropped frames and good playable DVD quality 640x480 size video clips (limited then to 4 GB files due to FAT32).

    I would really like to see what the abilities of the ATI X1900 PCI Express Series are when doing vidcap to the hard drive from memory. Certainly I have seen how good even the earliest Radeon did on an old system using the external connectors, but I've never tried direct capture within the system.

    I'll bet it's fabulous; and what better selected short subject to see as a demo than "CBris The EagleSkinner" doing some stunts over Emma Field! :wink:

    Hows' about some footage, Chris? May I suggest doing a "Lomcovak" for all the viewers at home? :roll:

    ( see: http://www.charlesriverrc.org/articles/mcovak.htm )


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