Ron Buchwald Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 Hi Paul. your answer did the trick,however here's the problem I now face. I am reading the digi pot, or encoder from the arduino maga 2560. I can send it to VB.NET 2010 and display it in a textbox. For your answer to work it needs to have the decimal point.(121.55) the data I can send from the encoder read is (12155) no (.) I don't know how to change the (12155) to include a (.) if I send from arduino (121.55) I am fine, but the read from arduino does not include a (.) I not asking you to tell me how to change the arduino code if you don't have one you would not know, rather how to convert the VB NET 2010 serial read data to include the (.) IE 12155 to 121.55 and then send it as your answer states.Yes I know this question is confusing. So.... How can I convert a number such as 12155 to 121.55 in VB NET 2010.?? Thanks so much, Ron.
Paul Henty Posted January 26, 2012 Author Report Posted January 26, 2012 On 1/26/2012 at 4:44 AM, Ron Buchwald said: Hi Paul. your answer did the trick,however here's the problem I now face. I am reading the digi pot, or encoder from the arduino maga 2560. I can send it to VB.NET 2010 and display it in a textbox. For your answer to work it needs to have the decimal point.(121.55) the data I can send from the encoder read is (12155) no (.) Hi Ron, My snippit of code assumes there is a . in the frequency string because that's how it normally is. However, if your string doesn't have a . in it then you can just change it to fit what you have. FSUIPC requires 121.55 to be in the format 2155. In my example the second line of code transforms 121.55 into 2155 buy concatenating the second, third, fith and sixth together: Dim com2FS As String = newCom2Frequency.Substring(1, 2) & newCom2Frequency.Substring(4, 2) So if you are starting with 12155 all you need to do is take the second digit onwards: Dim com2FS As String = newCom2Frequency.Substring(1) So the whole example would be: Dim newCom2Frequency As String = "11945" ' 119.45 as read from arduino ' get the freqeuncy into FS format (no leading 1 = 1945) Dim com2FS As String = newCom2Frequency.Substring(1) ' set the value to the com2 offset after converting to a short as a hex string com2Offset.Value = Short.Parse(com2FS, Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier) Quote How can I convert a number such as 12155 to 121.55 in VB NET 2010.?? Thanks so much, Ron. If you use the code above you don't need to. But incase you need it for display purposes just use the Substring() method: Dim stringFromArduino as String = "12155" Dim stringWithDecimal as String = stringFromArduino.Substring(0,3) & "." & stringFromArduino.Substring(3) Paul
Ron Buchwald Posted January 26, 2012 Report Posted January 26, 2012 Thank you Paul. That's what I needed. If your wondering, I have build NEW radio comm panels for my simm. I am replacing my 12yr old EPIC hardware which has pretty much given up. The analogs stoped working some time ago so I built the Arduino UNO for throttles,flaps,elev.trim and spoilers, all working better than EPIC ever did. Now the radios work again. Next will be the MCP. I do use the Interface IT board for the overhead and CDU,but I wanted to keep the price tag down so going with Arduino. So far so good,thanks to you and Mr Dawson's hard work. I am very pleased., Thanks. Ron. :razz:
lordofwings Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 On 10/3/2007 at 7:31 AM, EW321 said: You use the Offset BEB ?? The Gear positions are read in 0BEC 4 Gear position (nose): 0=full up, 16383=full down 0BF0 4 Gear position (right): 0=full up, 16383=full down 0BF4 4 Gear position (left): 0=full up, 16383=full down The value for Gear down is 16383. According to the documentation the offset address is 0xBE8 (Bravo Echo Eight) and not 0x0BEB (Bravo Echo Bravo). Also could you confirm whether writing to the 0x0BEC, 0x0BF0 and 0x0BF4 (each offset is 4 bytes long) actually works, or are they read-only?
Alex White Posted February 10, 2012 Report Posted February 10, 2012 Hello :) I have a question.. How can i write a textstrip into FS. Code: When programm connected = true then Write("XXX has connected with your FSX") i hope you understand what i mein
Paul Henty Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Posted February 10, 2012 On 2/10/2012 at 3:37 AM, Alex White said: Hello :) I have a question.. How can i write a textstrip into FS. You need to use offsets 3380 and 32FA. Details of these can be found in the FSUIPC documentation. Here is some example code: Declaration of the required offsets: Public messageText As Offset(Of String) = New Offset(Of String)("textstrip", &H3380, 128, True) Public messageControl As Offset(Of Short) = New Offset(Of Short)("textstrip", &H32FA, True)[/CODE]Note that 3380 requires the offset length (128) as it's a string type. Also they are both declared as WriteOnly because there is no point reading what's in these offsets.I have also put them in thier own offset group called "textstrip". This is so we can send messages without processing all the other offsets.The code to write the message:[CODE] messageText.Value = "XXX has connected with your FSX" messageControl.Value = 5 FSUIPCConnection.Process("textstrip")[/CODE]Note that here we only process the "textstrip" group.This will make the message appear on the screen for 5 seconds. See the FSUIPC documentation for the different options avilable for the control offset (32FA).Paul
Alex White Posted February 10, 2012 Report Posted February 10, 2012 Thank you for the effort, Paul Henty
klm1509 Posted March 3, 2012 Report Posted March 3, 2012 (edited) Hello all, My name is melvin, and i'm learning to programm for about 4 weeks now in I'm using fsuipc and fsuipc client dll 2.0 and VS2010. I'm am able to build a PFD wich is working perfect:) i'm also able to read the offset for the autopilot heading value/selector. Now have have encountert a problem, I want to read the heading and display it in a string in GDI+. here is what i have tried, Offset<int> headingview = new Offset<int>(0x05D0); Offset<short> varmag = new Offset<short>(0x2A0); double degree =(double)headingview.Value *360d/(65536d*65536d); double degreetrue =(double) degree-(varmag.Value *360d/65536d); A.DrawString(degreetrue.ToString("000"), new Font("Verdana", 13, FontStyle.Bold), new SolidBrush(Color.LawnGreen), new Point(200, 310)); it works, only it displays the heading from 000 to 340, the the last 20 degrees are showen from -1 to -20 :s I have tried every option, uint/int/double but i just cant get it to work like it should :S Maybe someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong? Sorry for my english, but it isnt my native language ;) greetings, Melvin. Edited March 3, 2012 by klm1509
Graham Pollitt Posted March 3, 2012 Report Posted March 3, 2012 On 3/3/2012 at 2:13 PM, klm1509 said: greetings, Melvin. Melvin, The following snippets are cut/pasted from parts of my aircraft class in Vb.Net for you to look at so it should be simple to convert to c# The norm360 function is possibly the part you should be interested in. Why are you reading offset 05D0 View Direction when you mention autopilot heading which is offset 7CC? Private fsAPHeadingValue As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)("autopilot", &H7CC) Public APHeadingValue As Short 'autopilot' Public Sub getAutopilot() FSUIPCConnection.Process("autopilot") Me.APEnabled = Me.fsAPEnabled.Value Me.APAltitudeValue = fsAPAltitudeValue.Value * 3.28084 / 65536 Me.APHeadingValue = fsAPHeadingValue.Value * 360 / 65536 Me.APVSValue = fsAPVSValue.Value * 3.28084 / 65536 End Sub[/CODE][CODE] Private fsCurrentHeading As Offset(Of UInt32) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UInt32)("heading", &H580) Public CurrentHeading As UInt32 'magnetic variation' Private fsMagneticVariation As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("magneticvariation", &H2A0) 'this is the heading of the aircraft' Private MagneticVariation As Short 'gyrodrift' Private fsGyroDrift As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)("gyrodrift", &HC3E) Private GyroDrift As Short Public Sub getCurrentHeading() 'return aircraft heading' FSUIPCConnection.Process("heading") FSUIPCConnection.Process("magneticvariation") FSUIPCConnection.Process("gyrodrift") Me.CurrentHeading = fsCurrentHeading.Value * 360D / (65536D * 65536D) MagneticVariation = fsMagneticVariation.Value * 360D / 65536D GyroDrift = fsGyroDrift.Value * 360D / 65536D Me.CurrentHeading = norm360((CurrentHeading + GyroDrift) - MagneticVariation) End Sub Function Norm360(ByVal h As Short) As Long 'this function returns correct heading within 360 degrees' If h > 360 Then Norm360 = h - 360 ElseIf h = 0 Then Norm360 = 0 'originally 360' ElseIf h < 0 Then Norm360 = h + 360 Else Norm360 = h End If Return Norm360 End Function[/CODE]
klm1509 Posted March 3, 2012 Report Posted March 3, 2012 (edited) gjpollitt, first of all, thank u for the reply. maybe i had to be more specific..... I tried to and succeeded to get the value from 07CC to show wich heading i have set in the autopilot. What i now want to to is reading and showing , is my current heading the plane is flying. this is why I tryed 0ffset 05d0. Thanks again for an example i ll try it, and let u now if it solves my problem. greetings, Melvin Edited March 3, 2012 by klm1509
Pete Dowson Posted March 4, 2012 Report Posted March 4, 2012 On 3/3/2012 at 9:06 PM, klm1509 said: What i now want to to is reading and showing , is my current heading the plane is flying. this is why I tryed 0ffset 05d0. But as is documented, 05D0 is the current viewpoint direction, not the aircraft heading. your view direction could be anything. Also as documented, that offset doesn't work in FSX. The aircraft heading is provided in offset 0580, for all versions of FS, along with the rest of the aircraft position and orientation data (LLAPBH == Lat, Long, Alt, Pitch, Bank, Heading). Regards Pete
klm1509 Posted March 4, 2012 Report Posted March 4, 2012 Pete, after trying (in my oppinnion) everything to get this to work, i somehow thought that 0580 wasnt the one i needed. thanks for the extra info. greetings, melvin
Pete Dowson Posted March 4, 2012 Report Posted March 4, 2012 On 3/4/2012 at 10:17 AM, klm1509 said: after trying (in my oppinnion) everything to get this to work, i somehow thought that 0580 wasnt the one i needed. Well, it IS the heading, but it is TRUE. For the MAG heading as more generally used (except above lat 60) you'll need to subtract the Mag Var (02A0). Regards Pete
klm1509 Posted March 5, 2012 Report Posted March 5, 2012 (edited) Hello everyone, I have tryed to covert the example that gjpollitt gave me, I have tried it and ....... IT WORKS, thanks everyone for helping :) Greetings, Melvin. Edited March 5, 2012 by klm1509
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 27, 2012 Report Posted March 27, 2012 Hi Paul, How can I get the lat and lon of aitraffic as numbers without the letters and symbols? The only option seems to be the location for AITrafficServices which gives the complete lat and lon with symbols. Is there any option to get the lat and lon without the symbols you add? And even better as and location.lon Regards, Achilles
Paul Henty Posted March 27, 2012 Author Report Posted March 27, 2012 On 3/27/2012 at 10:27 AM, AchillesP said: Hi Paul, How can I get the lat and lon of aitraffic as numbers without the letters and symbols? The only option seems to be the location for AITrafficServices which gives the complete lat and lon with symbols. Is there any option to get the lat and lon without the symbols you add? And even better as and location.lon Regards, Achilles Hi Achilles, All the locations used in my DLL are an instance of the FsLatLonPoint class. This has properties for the Longitude and the Latitude which are instances of FsLongitude and FsLatitude. These classes have various properties for obtaining the lon/lat in various ways. It's all explained on the Intellisense and in the user guide. If you're not seeing the intellisense then make sure you have the FSUIPCClient.XML file in the folder as the FSUIPCClient.DLL. To answer your specific question about the lon/lat of AI traffic you can use the following to get the lon and lat as a numeric value of degrees: Dim aiPlaneLat As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Latitude.DecimalDegrees Dim aiPlaneLon As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Longitude.DecimalDegrees[/CODE]Paul
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 27, 2012 Report Posted March 27, 2012 On 3/27/2012 at 10:56 AM, Paul Henty said: Hi Achilles, All the locations used in my DLL are an instance of the FsLatLonPoint class. This has properties for the Longitude and the Latitude which are instances of FsLongitude and FsLatitude. These classes have various properties for obtaining the lon/lat in various ways. It's all explained on the Intellisense and in the user guide. If you're not seeing the intellisense then make sure you have the FSUIPCClient.XML file in the folder as the FSUIPCClient.DLL. To answer your specific question about the lon/lat of AI traffic you can use the following to get the lon and lat as a numeric value of degrees: Dim aiPlaneLat As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Latitude.DecimalDegrees Dim aiPlaneLon As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Longitude.DecimalDegrees[/CODE]PaulHi,Thats my fault. The xml was missing. Thanks Paul
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 Hi Paul, Is there any way to find out which ai plane has priority (in row) when a runway is assinged for it?
Paul Henty Posted March 29, 2012 Author Report Posted March 29, 2012 On 3/29/2012 at 12:44 PM, AchillesP said: Is there any way to find out which ai plane has priority (in row) when a runway is assinged for it? I don't know of any, sorry. Certainly my DLL isn't supplying such information and I don't remember reading anything about that in the FSUIPC documentation. Maybe Pete or someone else might be able to help you if you post in the main support forum. Paul
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 On 3/29/2012 at 3:12 PM, Paul Henty said: I don't know of any, sorry. Certainly my DLL isn't supplying such information and I don't remember reading anything about that in the FSUIPC documentation. Maybe Pete or someone else might be able to help you if you post in the main support forum. Paul I will make some tests to see if the ID has to do anything and there is any relative to the prioriry.
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 29, 2012 Report Posted March 29, 2012 Hi Paul, I am trying to read an offset dymamically Dim Newoffset="&H" & textbox1.text Dim readoffset As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(Newoffset) fsuipcconnection.process() label1.text=readoffset.value But always returns zero? What I miss? Have you ever done this? Regards, Achilles
Paul Henty Posted March 29, 2012 Author Report Posted March 29, 2012 On 3/29/2012 at 7:52 PM, AchillesP said: I am trying to read an offset dymamically But always returns zero? Hi, There's nothing wrong with the code that I can see. I've tried it here using "02BC" (Airspeed) in the textbox and it worked fine. It would depend on what you're typing into the textbox and what kind of data is stored at that offset. You can obviously only use offsets of 4 bytes that are integers with the code you posted. This is not related to your problem, but you need to be careful when creating offsets when the program is running. When you 'Dim' a new offset it's registered with the FSUIPCConnection class which holds a reference to that Offset instance it. If that offset then goes out of scope in your program it will still be registered with the FSUIPCConnection class. Therefore it is still taking up memory and will still be read every time you do Process(). As your program is at the moment, if you use this dynamic feature 50 times you will have all 50 offsets still in memory and all 50 being read each Process(). To clean up offsets you don't want any more you must either: 1. Disconnect them by calling MyOffset.Disconnect() or 2. Delete the group they are in (If you put them in a group). e.g. FSUIPCConnection.DeleteGroup("MyTemporaryOffsets") Here is your code again (works here for a few offsets I tried - e.g. 02BC (Airspeed)) but with the disconnect in: Dim Newoffset = "&H" & TextBox1.Text Dim readoffset As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(Newoffset) FSUIPCConnection.Process() MsgBox(readoffset.Value) readoffset.Disconnect()[/CODE]If you still have problems let me know what offsets don't work.Paul
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted March 30, 2012 Report Posted March 30, 2012 On 3/29/2012 at 9:53 PM, Paul Henty said: Hi, There's nothing wrong with the code that I can see. I've tried it here using "02BC" (Airspeed) in the textbox and it worked fine. It would depend on what you're typing into the textbox and what kind of data is stored at that offset. You can obviously only use offsets of 4 bytes that are integers with the code you posted. This is not related to your problem, but you need to be careful when creating offsets when the program is running. When you 'Dim' a new offset it's registered with the FSUIPCConnection class which holds a reference to that Offset instance it. If that offset then goes out of scope in your program it will still be registered with the FSUIPCConnection class. Therefore it is still taking up memory and will still be read every time you do Process(). As your program is at the moment, if you use this dynamic feature 50 times you will have all 50 offsets still in memory and all 50 being read each Process(). To clean up offsets you don't want any more you must either: 1. Disconnect them by calling MyOffset.Disconnect() or 2. Delete the group they are in (If you put them in a group). e.g. FSUIPCConnection.DeleteGroup("MyTemporaryOffsets") Here is your code again (works here for a few offsets I tried - e.g. 02BC (Airspeed)) but with the disconnect in: Dim Newoffset = "&H" & TextBox1.Text Dim readoffset As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(Newoffset) FSUIPCConnection.Process() MsgBox(readoffset.Value) readoffset.Disconnect()[/CODE]If you still have problems let me know what offsets don't work.PaulAfter pc restart it worked. Do not know what happend. It must be related to VS2010 bug. At VS2008 it worked fineThanks Paul for your timeRegards,Achilles
Achilles Philippopoulos Posted April 4, 2012 Report Posted April 4, 2012 Hi Paul, Using the below code FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.RefreshAITrafficInformation() FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideGroundTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber,True, 0, 0) FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideAirborneTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber, RangeInNM:=0) all the airborn traffic ATCIdentifier returns the AirlineAndFlightNumber all the ground traffic ATCIdentifier returns only the Airline Can you check it please? Regards, Achilles
Paul Henty Posted April 4, 2012 Author Report Posted April 4, 2012 On 4/4/2012 at 11:25 AM, AchillesP said: all the airborn traffic ATCIdentifier returns the AirlineAndFlightNumber all the ground traffic ATCIdentifier returns only the Airline Hi Achilles, That's probably because the ground planes are 'sleeping'. They only have flight numbers assigned when they are in an active state like 'Taxiing out' or 'ready for takeoff'. I've tried it here with FSUIPC4 and the active ground planes do have flight numbers. The sleeping ones (most of them) do not. Incidentally, it's probably better to set the INI options before refreshing the AI data: FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideGroundTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber,True, 0, 0)FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideAirborneTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber, RangeInNM:=0)FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.RefreshAITrafficInformation()[/CODE]If you still think there's a problem (e.g. you can't see flight numbers on active ground AI) let me know and I'll look into it some more.Paul
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