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Boeing designations, schedule & Real Color


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This applies to Boeing aircraft only

Reading lots of  topics on real color and the various Boeing sub model designation, I am suggesting that the sub models be dropped from the schedule.txt files.

Each A/C type has basic models with variants for winglets, non winglets, long range, ER etc. i.e 772,77L, 737M, etc, They are all basic models on the same airframe.

I notice that ATC Joe usually uses the basic models in his schedules. I have been using this method on all my home made schedules since Tower 2011.

It would make it simpler for Gabon (sorry if spelt wrong)  to make the RT aircraft file & the RC file & take away the problem with 77L v 772 as per the BA A/C in another topic.

It would mean that if using a downloaded FlightAware file you would need to convert 73L etc. to 738 or as required. This is really a fairly simple search & replace operation.

Think how much smaller the aircraft.txt file would be & the RC file would not have the problems with the BA livery or others.

For information, Airbus has a similar designation for its models. the designation is 3 numbers designating model, engine, weight ie. A330-313. These are not shown in the Tower files.

Please don't throw this suggestion out & for Craig, Wayne, Vic, Joe, & all the others that have valuable contributions to this site regularly, have a bit of a think about it.

There I have had my rant for the week

Kev M

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G'day Kev M,

I don't know if Nyerges Design (ND) is a one-man show by Gabor or if he is part of a bigger team, but either way a bit of cross checking of liveries & models versus the schedule before publishing would prevent the sorts of errors that you mention.  For example, why include a BAW 77L in the KSFO schedule without that model being included in the texpack resulting in albino aircraft? A simple cross check would have revealed that discrepancy.  

Now on to your suggestion which does have some merit, however ........ (here it comes!) if there is a visual difference between variants of one aircraft type I for one would like it included in RT & RC add-ons.  Continuing with the example above, if there is an external difference between the B77L (777-200LR) and the B772 (777-200/200ER) let's have it in RT/RC.  One of the best things about Tower 3D is, well, the 3D. That's one of the features that places it well above other ATC simulations, so why not take advantage of it?  However, if there are no external differences then ND could have copied the BAW 772 model and renamed it BAW 77L and we would probably not be having this discussion.

I hope that didn't come out as a rant (I do have those on this forum occasionally!!) but rather as an appeal for realism and better quality control by ND.

Cheers Kev!


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There are some differences between sub models that has an effect on landing and takeoff distance where there is not a visual difference.  

Edit:  Maybe if there is no visual difference a way where multiple submodels could use the same physical model and livery to increase the number of planes available.  It is nice to have the variants on the radar and strips to make it more realistic.  Right now I don't think the program is implemented this way.  It would allow for the different stats for each model.  It would add a bonus of reducing the amount of assets needed to load and possibly improve performance.

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I have had a weekend away from Tower with my other interest (model railways). I can see Wayne & Craig's point though. For visual correctness, the various sub categories do make the visuals more realistic. I really don't think performance between various sub models is a big thing because in the real world the variance in T/O & landing distances are dependent on many factors, weight, temp, derate etc. even where the terminal is located. Here in Brisbane, if it is low traffic most of the international arrivals on 19 roll right through to the end, because that's where the terminal is located, even 737's roll though. QF & VA domestics tend to stop as quick as they can because thats where their terminals are.

99% of the 737's here are -800's with winglets, so I guess I am biased. 

One last one, why don't we depict the airbus A320's & A330's with P&W, RR,  CFM & IAE V2500 engines fitted. They are all sub categories and have slightly different visual identities, also A320's non NEO, with the small winglets & those with the sharklet later winglets fitted.


Kev M



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