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hello , i have a logitech x-56 with P3D v4.5 , and there are some key assignments that is not in p3d by default like taxi lights , so iam using macros to assign keys in the controller. i assigned for A320 , A330 , B777 and B747 , but when i tried to add B737 or A321 it can't be added just 2 or 3 assignments , then it removes all what i did + the old assignments of the other planes !  

so is macros has a limit number of assignments , or i did something wrong ?

thank you  

  On 3/13/2020 at 8:22 PM, dragunov2020 said:

hello , i have a logitech x-56 with P3D v4.5 , and there are some key assignments that is not in p3d by default like taxi lights , so iam using macros to assign keys in the controller. i assigned for A320 , A330 , B777 and B747 , but when i tried to add B737 or A321 it can't be added just 2 or 3 assignments , then it removes all what i did + the old assignments of the other planes !  

so is macros has a limit number of assignments , or i did something wrong ?


No there are no limits. 

You need to explain exactly what you are doing. Do you have a separate profile for each of those aircraft, or are you assigning to different keys or button (and are you using keys or buttins?). Are you talking about mouse macros or some other macros you've obtained from somewhere?

And which exact version (by number please) of FSUIPC5?




ya , i have a separate profile for each aircraft A320 , A330 , B777 and B747 as in the pics and i made them using mouse macros ( buttons and switches ) , the issue is when iam trying to add an additional profile for another aircraft like B737 i start to assign buttons for it using mouse macros (like the other aircrafts) by the following steps :

1) open create mouse macro then i write the name of the button (example: taxi on ) , then ok 

2) in the simulator i turn the taxi light on then a message appears in the top left and i write the name of the button in the line then enter

3) back to fsuipc  buttons and switches menu , i press cancel create mouse macro then ckeck the box of profile specific for the current aircraft 

4) press the button or the switch in the controller 

5) check the box of (select for fs control )

6) from the drop down list of (control sent when button pressed ) i choose the button assigned then ok 

however after assigning 2 or 3 switches using the previous steps , suddenly there no  buttons assigned in the drop down list of (control sent when button pressed) as it should be 

also some old assignments for the other aircrafts gone 

FSUIPC5, Version 5.154 (13th March 2020)  , Build 18363

thank you 





FSUIPC5.iniFetching info... FSUIPC5.logFetching info...

  On 3/13/2020 at 11:30 PM, dragunov2020 said:

open create mouse macro then i write the name of the button (example: taxi on ) , then ok 


Ouch. If you've been doing that all the time then you create a new Macro file for every assignment! You should name the Macro file for the profile or collection of functions you are assigning. THEN create all the macros, only going back and ending mouse macro mode when you've done. Each named file can contain many named macros!

When I said no limit I had assumed you were following that documented method. You've probably created over the limit for FILES. Each macro file can have many macros. I don't recall the precise limits at present, but no one can really get anywhere near the limits with normal use.

Please review the explanation in the User Guide, page 31 and following. On page 32, starting with "Okay, on with the example ..." you'll see that we name the file THEN proceed to createall the macros for that file ("King" in this case).  A bit later (last paragraph on page 32) please note that it says "Keep doing this for all the functions you want", and only after that you see this paragraph:


When you’ve finished adding macros, go back to the FSUIPC Keys or Buttons options, and click that End Macro
Making button. The file will be written, and then loaded into FSUIPC’s keys and buttons drop-downs ready for use.

I'm really not sure how to advise you going about rectifying what you've done. Macro files are text files so you can edit them and put all the macros for each profile into one file, with each line numbered in sequence, but then your assignments to keys or buttons will all need re-doing.

As an example, looking at your INI file, I see all these files just for the B777:

1=B777 land1
2=B777 land2
3=B777 land3
4=B777 taxi1
5=B777 taxi2
6=B777 taxi3
7=B777 storb
8=B777 nav
9=B777 logo
10=B777 beacon
11=B777 wing
12=B777 apu
13=B777 eng1
14=B777 eng2
15=B777 ext pow
16=B777 batt
17=B777 apu2
18=B777 emr light
19=B777 aider
20=B777 tcas on
21=B777 tcas off
22=B777 start1
23=B777 start2
24=B777 seat
25=B777 seat off

All those should be in a single file called "B777", containing macros named "land1", "land2", .... "seat off".

You'll notice in your [Buttons.B777] section annotations made like 

-{Macro B777 land1: land1}-

Meaning file B777 land1, and the macro called land1 within. That is actually encoded in this part::


C means "Control"
M means "Macro"
the first 1 refers to [MacroFile] number 1 (see list above, it refers to "B777 land1")
then the :1, 0 means the macro on line 1 in that file (denoted by starting with 1=), with parameter 0.

Armed with this information (which I think may also be in the Advanced User's guide), you could conceivable put all the macros into proper files with sequenced line numbers, AND edit the assignment lines to match.

But you might find it easier to start again. If you wish to do that you'd need to delete all of the files of type .mcro and also delete your FSUIPC5.INI  (or just delete all the [Buttons...] sections. Do this before loading P3D.




ok , i got that , its clear that i miss understand using mouse macro 

i will read the user guide again 

another last question. if there is a new version of fsuipc and i have an old version already installed , i have to delete the old version before installing the new one or just install the new one over the old version ?

thank you for explanation  

  On 3/14/2020 at 11:18 AM, dragunov2020 said:

another last question. if there is a new version of fsuipc and i have an old version already installed , i have to delete the old version before installing the new one or just install the new one over the old version ?


Just install again. It won't overwrite a newer version, but will replace an older version with the new one. The documentation may also be updated. Your settings, macro files and any Lua plugins aren't touched.



  • 3 years later...

I seem to be making exactly the same mistake. 

In addition to making the on screen macros I want to be able to action 2 macros with one button box press.

This is primarily for IFE typhoon.

Eg. If I click Rad1 then the second box in. I then get to enter com freq as numeric.

Same if I click Rad2 then it's the same button for com2 frequency.

Multiple macro executions to one button click will solve my issue.

Any ideas.



You can have multiple assignments to the same button or key press. Make the first assignment, then open your FSUIPC ini file in an editor. Also open fsuipc and go the button assignment tab. Then comment out the first assignment in your ini by placing a semi-colon (;) after the equals sign (=) on the assignment line and save. Then click the Reload all buttons button in FSUIPC to reload your updated ini. You can now assign the second action to the same button and click Ok. Now reload the ini file in the editor and also open FSUIPC's button assignment window again. In the editor, remove the semi-colon you previously added (to comment-out the assignment) and save the changes, and then click the Reload all buttons button again to reload the ini file. You should now have multiple assignments to the same button. Note that you will only see one assignment in the FSUIPC assignments panel, and it will be grayed-out there. The only way to update/change such assignments is by manually editing the ini file.


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