von Posted July 18, 2020 Report Posted July 18, 2020 I want to download makerunways 4.91: But when I click on the zip it just refreshes the additional programs page.
aua668 Posted July 18, 2020 Report Posted July 18, 2020 Hi, I think, you clicked on the tag instead of going into the subsection of the useful programs and download the latest ZIP from there. I have just tested it and it works as planned. Rgds Reinhard
von Posted July 18, 2020 Author Report Posted July 18, 2020 John, I was in this section: Flight plan converter, FxmlToFLT, FxmlToFlt.zip This utility, written and copyrighted by John Nunez in 2014, converts the new format "FXML" flight files into the older format "FLT" for use by unmaintained programs such as RCV4 (Radar Contact version 4). RCV4 provides restart options from saved flights but can only read the old FLT format. Make Runways utility version 4.91 MakeRwys.zip -- For P3D3, P3D4 and P3D5 , this version uses a Lorbi-SI's AddonOrganizer derivative called "LorbySceneryExport", (included with MakeRunways) to create a scenery.cfg fil it can use even when the scenery add-ons are distributed according to various XML file. Please see the document included in the MakeRunways ZIP! On 7/18/2020 at 10:07 AM, John Dowson said: Try: MakeRwys 4.91 Expand John, I just clicked on the zip you provided and the same thing, the page refreshed? Note : I I go to download this FSUIPC6 zip it works: FOR Prepar3D 4 & 5 (64-bit) Install complete FSUIPC version 6.0.9: Install FSUIPC6 This is the 64-bit version and is valid for Prepar3D version 4 from 4.3, and version 5.
Pete Dowson Posted July 18, 2020 Report Posted July 18, 2020 On 7/18/2020 at 5:02 PM, von said: I just clicked on the zip you provided and the same thing, the page refreshed? Expand I clicked on it and MakeRwys.zip downloaded okay. What do you mean by "the page refreshed"? The link most certainly refers to the ZIP file in which we supply MakeRwys. And it is the same as the one you quoted (from "Useful additional Programs") and the same as the one on FSUIPC.com. In fact it is the only MakeRwys ZIP there is. So I've no idea what your system is doing. Maybe it would be quite useful to understand what you actually mean by a page "refreshing". Pete
von Posted July 18, 2020 Author Report Posted July 18, 2020 Hello Pete, Short video to show what I see. https://youtu.be/SPHfpUf7m5M
Pete Dowson Posted July 18, 2020 Report Posted July 18, 2020 On 7/18/2020 at 7:15 PM, von said: Short video to show what I see. Expand It looks to me like it was downloaded quite quickly (it's a small package). Have you looked in your Downloads folder or wherever you have things set to download to? Note the notification which appears briefly at the bottom left of the screen. Maybe you are not used to seeing such fast downloads because you normally download somewhat larger files? I suggest you search your system for "MakeRwys.zip" as I expect you've actually downloaded it several times already. I didn't notice which browser you were using, so i don't know if it applies to yours, but in Chrome (the browser I use) one of the options it provides is to display a window called "Downloads" which displays a history of the downloads you've done (and any underway or pending). Check yours. Pete
noels7 Posted July 19, 2020 Report Posted July 19, 2020 I have been using MakeRwys .exe Version date modified in zip file 4/11/2020 7.48AM. Downloaded after reading this post (apologies to OP for hi-jacking his post) Version date modified in zip file 1/9/2019 2.11AM. Strange? noels7
Thomas Richter Posted July 19, 2020 Report Posted July 19, 2020 @noels7 There is nothing wrong with 4.91, where ever you get that date from. Thomas
von Posted July 19, 2020 Author Report Posted July 19, 2020 On 7/18/2020 at 9:32 PM, Pete Dowson said: It looks to me like it was downloaded quite quickly (it's a small package). Have you looked in your Downloads folder or wherever you have things set to download to? Note the notification which appears briefly at the bottom left of the screen. Maybe you are not used to seeing such fast downloads because you normally download somewhat larger files? I suggest you search your system for "MakeRwys.zip" as I expect you've actually downloaded it several times already. I didn't notice which browser you were using, so i don't know if it applies to yours, but in Chrome (the browser I use) one of the options it provides is to display a window called "Downloads" which displays a history of the downloads you've done (and any underway or pending). Check yours. Pete Expand Hello Pete, I searched but did not find the zip file on my PC. I use FireFox. I also use Free Download Manager. I recently updated to WIN10 2004 You mentioned it was a very small file so maybe that is why Free Download Manager did not handle it and I got a screen refresh instead. I got the download by: right mouse click on the FSUIPC Makerwys.zip file then I selected Save file as. This brought up a screen to name, save and download the file (screenshot). Thank you for your help.
noels7 Posted July 20, 2020 Report Posted July 20, 2020 Thomas I downloaded yesterday from Peter's/John's site yesterday after noticing mention of version above. Have just re downloaded it and this is what is shown again.
Pete Dowson Posted July 20, 2020 Report Posted July 20, 2020 On 7/19/2020 at 11:46 AM, von said: I searched but did not find the zip file on my PC. Expand Maybe the search does not search everywhere. I use a freeware program called "Everything", and run it 'as administrator' so it can access all folders. Otherwise, if you did search everywhere, I think you must have some anti-virus checker which for some reason takes exception to the file. Perhaps try after temporarily disabling it. Pete
greevard Posted August 24, 2020 Report Posted August 24, 2020 hi pete, I just downloaded makeRunway 4.9 into my p3dv4, when I click over exe file , a lot of windows open, how can i fix it? . thank's a lot, Demian
Pete Dowson Posted August 25, 2020 Report Posted August 25, 2020 On 8/24/2020 at 11:32 PM, greevard said: I just downloaded makeRunway 4.9 into my p3dv4, when I click over exe file , a lot of windows open, how can i fix it? Expand The program only ever creates one window. for some reason you seem to have executed it several times instead of just once. Select the EXE file, right-click on it, select "Run as Administrator". Pete
greevard Posted August 25, 2020 Report Posted August 25, 2020 Hi pete, I found the bug, in my P3dv4 folder "LorbySceneryExport.exe" was copied, when i Delete this file MKRW works fine, thanks a lot
Pete Dowson Posted August 25, 2020 Report Posted August 25, 2020 On 8/25/2020 at 11:45 AM, greevard said: I found the bug, in my P3dv4 folder "LorbySceneryExport.exe" was copied, when i Delete this file MKRW works fine, Expand But you need LorbySceneryExport next to MakeRwys, otherwise the data generated won't include any sceneries added by the "Add-On.xml" method! Pete
Michael Fairburn Posted February 8, 2021 Report Posted February 8, 2021 Hi Pete, I'm trying to use the makerunways file and I get an error that says 'Failed to make all the data files!' (and other messages on the same screen). I have both the Lorby file and your makerunways file installed in the Prepar3D v4 root folder, and am using the latest versions of both files (MRv5.11, Lorby v1.50.0.0). Any ideas what's happening? Thanks in advance. Mike
Pete Dowson Posted February 8, 2021 Report Posted February 8, 2021 On 2/8/2021 at 12:31 AM, Michael Fairburn said: I'm trying to use the makerunways file and I get an error that says 'Failed to make all the data files!' (and other messages on the same screen). Expand The currently supported version is 5.11, not 4.91 What are the "other messages"? What does the log ("runways.txt") show? You can't really expect much help with such little information. Also, make sure you run it with elevated privileges (run... as administrator). [LATER] John pointed out that your "MRv5.11" was intended to mean "MakeRunways 5.11". But you posted in a thread entitled "MakeRunways 4.91" which is what I went by. However, I still need more information to help. "other mssages" tells me nothing. And I also need to see at least the first few lines of "Runways.txt". Pete
Michael Fairburn Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 On 2/8/2021 at 9:29 AM, Pete Dowson said: The currently supported version is 5.11, not 4.91 What are the "other messages"? What does the log ("runways.txt") show? You can't really expect much help with such little information. Also, make sure you run it with elevated privileges (run... as administrator). [LATER] John pointed out that your "MRv5.11" was intended to mean "MakeRunways 5.11". But you posted in a thread entitled "MakeRunways 4.91" which is what I went by. However, I still need more information to help. "other mssages" tells me nothing. And I also need to see at least the first few lines of "Runways.txt". Pete Expand Hi Pete, thanks for your response, and sorry for not providing sufficient information and posting this in the incorrect thread. I have attached the full error message I get when I run MakeRunways v5.11 as administrator. Both MakeRunways and the Lorby file are both set to run as admin. Both files are located in the root of the Prepar3D folder (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4) Mike
Michael Fairburn Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 On 2/8/2021 at 9:29 AM, Pete Dowson said: The currently supported version is 5.11, not 4.91 What are the "other messages"? What does the log ("runways.txt") show? You can't really expect much help with such little information. Also, make sure you run it with elevated privileges (run... as administrator). [LATER] John pointed out that your "MRv5.11" was intended to mean "MakeRunways 5.11". But you posted in a thread entitled "MakeRunways 4.91" which is what I went by. However, I still need more information to help. "other mssages" tells me nothing. And I also need to see at least the first few lines of "Runways.txt". Pete Expand Hi Pete, thanks for your response, and sorry for not providing sufficient information and posting this in the incorrect thread. I have attached the full error message I get when I run MakeRunways v5.11 as administrator. Both MakeRunways and the Lorby file are both set to run as admin. Both files are located in the root of the Prepar3D folder (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4). The MakeRUnways.txt is below in its entirity: Make Runways File: Version 5.11 by Pete Dowson Using "LorbySceneryExport.exe MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg" LorbySceneryExport executed: Checking for "MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg" Reading Prepar3D v4 scenery: The CFG file being used is: "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg" ============================================================================= Mike
Pete Dowson Posted February 13, 2021 Report Posted February 13, 2021 On 2/12/2021 at 9:46 PM, Michael Fairburn said: Hi Pete, thanks for your response, and sorry for not providing sufficient information and posting this in the incorrect thread. I have attached the full error message I get when I run MakeRunways v5.11 as administrator. Both MakeRunways and the Lorby file are both set to run as admin. Both files are located in the root of the Prepar3D folder (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4) Expand You didn't need to post a picture of the error message -- I wrote the program and I know what the window looks like. It was your "other messages" which implied some sort of windows crash report. On 2/12/2021 at 11:17 PM, Michael Fairburn said: The CFG file being used is: "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg" Expand So, the MakeRwys_Scenery.cfg file, which is produced by the Lorby program, has some error in it. Please show me that. Please attach it as a file (Zipped if it is too big). It would help also if you attached your actual P3D scenery.cfg file, which you will find in your username AppData folder for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, as I suspect it is that which is bad. I also strongly recommend that you run Lorby-Si's freeware AddOnOrganizer program and check the output from that. It provides a neat display of your scenery layers and allows easy corrections and adjustments. Pete
Michael Fairburn Posted February 19, 2021 Report Posted February 19, 2021 Hi Pete, files attached as requested Mike MakeRwys_Scenery.cfgFetching info... scenery.zipFetching info...
Pete Dowson Posted February 20, 2021 Report Posted February 20, 2021 On 2/19/2021 at 9:21 PM, Michael Fairburn said: files attached as requested Expand Your scenery.cfg file is corrupt. The [General] section is missing at the start. It is normally: [General] Title=Prepar3D Scenery Description=Prepar3D Scenery Areas Data Clean_on_Exit=TRUE I think that, without that, the Lorby program treats it as invalid and so you get no entries at all in the one generated by it for MakeRwys. Pete
CaptainGB1 Posted March 2, 2021 Report Posted March 2, 2021 Hi Pete. Well I have the same error with MakeRwys not running as administrator and getting the same failed to make data files message. However it does run when 'not run as admin' if that makes sense. My Scenery.cfg has those 3 lines at the top, Lorby and MR are the current versions and both placed in P3Dv5 main folder. What files would you need to see please to assist me?
CaptainGB1 Posted March 2, 2021 Report Posted March 2, 2021 Hi Pete I have found an answer on another post. I removed Lorby exe out and MR ran okay as admin, I then put Lorby exe back in the main root folder and it all worked fine. Computers eh? Mind of their own
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