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Everything posted by 737-SimGuy

  1. This indeed works! Great idea John! James
  2. Thank you John. They do indeed exist, so I will give the Lua script solution a try! James
  3. Does this work in P3D as well? James
  4. It does not need to be sysboards. The "SysBoard Controller" also handles joysticks, several of the Phidgets boards, and some Pololu boards. As well as an interface to FSUIPC. It also has direct plug n play support for the FDS CDUs, both USB and ethernet versions. There is even a "plugin" API if you are so inclined to program your own hardware interface. I wrote a plugin for Sim-A in Visual Basic to talk to my ancient EPIC hardware system! Your parking brake switch and fuel lever issues would be a very simple fix in the controller as you can assign both the open AND closed switch states individually. You can also run an instance of the SysBoard Controller on client computers for any interface boards or joysticks connected to other computers. One huge advantage of using the SysBoard controller is you then get the Sim-Avionics system logic, which is what you are paying for 😉 Sim-Avionics communicates to FSUIPC. Latest Sim-Avionics version is 2.102 (as of last week). Just a suggestion of course. I'm just trying to help. Sim-Avionics is very powerful. Good luck on your build! James (in Northern California)
  5. My737Sim, May I ask why you are not simply assigning all these in Sim-Avionics Sysboard Controller???? James
  6. This is a very cool plugin sir! Thank you! James
  7. Hi John, Sometimes the Mode C in vPilot works when triggered via FSUIPC, sometimes it takes a toggle or two to get the correct state. But not a big deal, wouldn't waste your time on it. James
  8. Wow great work. May I ask did this problem propagate to FSUIPC 6+ ? May explain some unreliable behavior there as well. James
  9. Just a bit of input in case it helps. vPilot uses an area in SimConnect that deals with SquawkBox. I don't have the specifics with me but I do know that vPilot does not use FSUIPC in any fashion. Just FYI. James
  10. Ahh, ok thank you Paul. Great stuff... James
  11. Hi, is there something special I need to do to get/show a proper 8.33hz frequency using FsFrequencyCOM? Mine always appear truncated to two digits after the decimal point. Thank you, James P3D 5.1
  12. This IS on a client sir, via WideFS... James
  13. Gentlemen, I have done several tests using both default 100ms and also 50ms. With 50ms I get my current behavior of missing the "Do you wish to request pushback" message and also missing the menu clear messages occasionally. With 100ms everything appears to work correctly. I receive all messages and do not miss the clear messages. I will continue to monitor it at 100ms in my coming flights and let you know if anything changes. So far it appears to have worked! I think 100ms is a good default for now. My 2c. Thanks! James
  14. Wilco. I finally have a few flights planned for Monday. Thanks Pete.I will report... James
  15. Well, I'm not certain that this is the culprit because I have not made it a priority yet to investigate, but I do see some odd anomalies in my implementation such as a recurring albeit intermittent bit that for some reason the GSX menu where you select pushback direction does not clear. And now that I have thought about it a bit I don't recall ever getting the "Do you want to request pushback" notice in my redirect, it only shows on the P3D screen. I normally have the P3D text messages turned off since I redirect to my app. So I can't say for sure if it's all related, thus looking forward to seeing if your new implementation of buffering will help. If I can help in any way let me know... James
  16. I am anxiously awaiting the results of this 🙂
  17. To be clear, Sim Avionics DOES support this. vPilot and more importantly the system it is dependent on, VRC, does NOT support it. VHF2 *can* receive in vPilot, but you have to use the DOT command ".RECEIVE BOTH" or something similar as I recall. This will allow both radios to hear, albeit mixed to the same channel. VHF2 cannot transmit. It is a VRC limitation. And yes, they are aware of it. James
  18. OMG, I just can't help it, I have to laugh as loud as I can! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! SORRY ALL!!
  19. Curious, does this work on the menu bar?? James
  20. Hi guys, I have had this issue as well. I am not certain because I have not tested much, but I believe this is a problem when P3D is full screen. Also, it seems when doing multiple keypress combinations there has to be a built in delay between keypresses or P3D will not see them after the first key. In windowed mode in order to get the P3D menu to respond to FSUIPC keypresses I have to insert at least a two second delay. E.G. "ALT", delay 2 seconds, "S". I sure wish there was another way to control the menus... James
  21. Wow, just WOW. I can envision several uses for this. Awesome stuff sir. James
  22. Ahhh! Very good information! Thank you! James
  23. Hi Pete, From what I have read in Paul's docs the former is false, and the latter is what I have always done using Paul's DLL and it works here. Now I simply use his method for sending control numbers instead, which I realize doesn't apply here. Just my 2c James
  24. Awesome thank you sir! James
  25. You guys rock!!!!
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