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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Sorry, but I'm not going to give details on specific functionality for the time being. Please see the provided documentation when released (later today). As this will be a beta release, we would like feedback to determine the actual status of a lot of functionality.
  2. This has already been updated. John
  3. You can zip it - it should compress pretty well.
  4. Hi Vic, Most settings should be compatible, so you can rename an existing FSUIPC4/5/6.ini to FSUIPC7.ini to preserve your settings. However, this does not mean that everything will work, as many of the events/controls currently have no affect (and there is still not that much documentation on what is and isn't working in this area), and some offset functionality has been removed. For example, if you have a hat switch to control view panning and/or slewing, this will not work and would have to be assigned in MSFS. Also, masking of keys/events isn't working, so if you have these assigned in FSUIPC7 then you will need to ensure that these are not also assigned in MSFS. As for profiles, they should also work in the same way. You may need to re-assign your profiles to the MSFS aircraft though, if the strings/substrings you use don't match the MSFS aircraft names. John
  5. No, it will be specific to MSFS. offset 3308: I'll set this to 13 offset 3124: 110 John
  6. Sounds like a good work-around to me!
  7. Initially it will be available from Download Links - Updated Modules section here, and also over on www.fsuipc.com. At some point it will also be available over on SimMarket, but not sure yet if this will be ready for the 18th.
  8. This is still on my to-do list. Unfortunately, with the release of P3Dv5 and the upcoming MSFS release, I haven't had time to look at this yet, and don't expect to get around to this until the problems with MSFS/FSUIPC7 have been resolved. I will get around to this at some point though...!
  9. You need access to the MSFS SDK to use FSUIPC7 (for the time being at least), so unless you have 'third party dev' privileges you won't be able to use FSUIPC7 until the 18th I'm afraid. Probably not worth requesting this at such a late stage. At some point, there will be an SDK update so that the dll is no longer required. John
  10. As FSUIPC7 will initially be released as a beta version (with a free time-limited license), it won't include full documentation on what is and is not working. I'm currently looking at providing some documentation, based upon the current MSFS SDK documentation. For offsets, this will include what is the current read/write status (according to the MSFS SDK documentation of the related sim variable) of each offset, together with the previous status of that offset (from FSUIPC6), so that users can see what has changed. For events/controls its more complicated, as even though the latest SDK documentation includes a list of accepted events (which is what the event/controls list in FSUIPC7 will be based upon), many of these events currently have no affect. For example, so far I have not found any events for controlling views (including panning) that have any affect. There are various SDK updates planned for MSFS in August/September, after the official release on the 18th. Hopefully these will address some of the issues we have with the current state of the SimConnect API. However, I don't think I'll be able to release anything before the 18th. John
  11. You can also change the behaviour of FSUIPC6 to not use Dialog Mode by adding the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC6.ini file, although this is not recommended: UseDialogMode=No John
  12. This is normal behaviour - looks like P3Dv4 blacks out the screen when in dialog mode. This looks like a recent(ish) change (in P3Dv4). This is not the case as you define the mouse macro once you have closed the FSUIPC UI. I can't think of any functionality (in FSUIPC) that this prevents you from using.... Its also the same behaviour as P3Dv5. John
  13. I've no idea. The developers would need to test this with FSUIPC7. If they are not on the MSFS third-party developer list (i.e. they have access to the MSFS SDK), then they can't test until they get access to the SDK, which will be included with an MSFS license. John
  14. Yes. I will release a beta version of FSUIPC7 for MSFS on the 18th. I'll post more details in the Announcements section before the 18th. John
  15. You should update to 6.0.10. Can you take a look in the 'Event Viewer' (a standard Microsoft utility, should be installed)). Look under Windows Logs -> Applications, and see if there is an error report there for WideClient. If so, please post the details. Thanks, John
  16. No - for FSX, you need FSUIPC4, not FSUIPC3 (again, assuming by FSU you mean FSUIPC). As Pete advised, you will need to try this to see if works (with FSUIPC4).
  17. Hi Stefan, I don't know! FSUIPC doesn't really support force feedback directly - from the user manual: However, it is possible that some FFB systems are driven by the FSUIPC offsets. You need to check with the software provider if this is the case. If it does use FSUIPC offsets, then whether it works or not in MSFS would depend on which offsets are used and whether they are populated in FSUIPC7/MSFS. John
  18. Hi Joe, no, sorry - there is no offset for GPU memory. You could also try the "game bar" performance meter - windows key + G (Widget menu -> Performance) John
  19. It's a bit more involved than that. I can't really say anymore due to the NDA. I'll post an announcement on MSFS/FSUIPC on the 18th, and try and include information on what we know isn't currently working, either due to facilities now working or currently not available in MSFS, or due to not yet being implemented in FSUIPC7. John
  20. The increment and decrement controls for aileron/rudder trim are still available, its just the axes controls that are (currently) not available for assignment. What makes you think this? Saitek device compatibility for MSFS/FSUIPC7 is the same as for FSUIPC6/5/4, i.e. yoke and throttle should be recognised and assignable but you would need SPAD or SPAD.next (or maybe lua) for radio panels, multi-switch boxes, etc. John
  21. The reason for this is that there are currently no facilities to access lvars in the MSFS SDK (i.e. no panels access). We have requested such facilities, and if/when provided, the relevant lvar functions will be re-instated.
  22. The LUA interface will be available. Some functions will no longer work and will be removed (e.g. lvar access) , but the majority should be ok. I don't know about LINDA. John
  23. Its currently only available to MSFS third party developers due to restrictions on SDK access.If you are an MSFS third party developer, check the MSFS forum for details on how to access.
  24. Your registration details work here, although I have not tried to register via the installer. I've PM'ed you a key file. Please try that. If you have a WideFS license that you wish to add (using the same name/email), then you can add another line with your WideFS key as follows: WideFS=your 12 digit WideFS key John
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