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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. If there is no control being sent, you may want to look into mouse macros, or if there is a hot key for the action you could assign that to the button press instead (e.g. ctrl+s maybe for 'Seat Arm'?).
  2. Hi Yves, I've now added the 'TextFileForDisplay' functionality into FSUIPC5. Could you please try the following build: FSUIPC5150i.zip It uses the same ini parameters as WideClient but in the '[General]' section (not '[User]'). Note that the 'wnd' and 'display' libraries are still WideClient only, so you cannot use these to display the file. If you want to do this, you could always run a WideClient on your sim PC (setting ClassInstance=1). I still need to discuss a few issues that arose from implementing this with Pete, but it would be useful if you could test and let me know if it works for your requirements. Cheers, John
  3. Hi Andrew, can you please try the following version: FSUIPC5150h.zip To activate, (i.e. disable CMDRST calls) add a new flag to the [General] section of your ini file: VRIDisableCMDRST=Yes This should disable all sending of CMDRST. I haven't tested this as I don't have any VRI devices (but the fix was pretty simple!). Cheers, John
  4. You need to purchase a new key for FSUIPC5, available from SimMarket. Cheers, John
  5. Could you also post your simconnect log file, which should show an error loading the dll. You will need to activate this by editing your SimConnect.ini file (C:\Users\Tommy\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files\SimConnect.ini) to contain: [SimConnect] level=normal console=no file=D:\SimConnect.log Then start and then stop the sim and post the generated log file. Hopefully this will tell us why the dll is not being loaded. We could also try starting FSUIPC with the xml add-on method rather than using the dll.xml. I can post instructions on how to do this if/when needed. Cheers, John
  6. You still have this error: Attempt to set the ACL entries for Modules access permissions failed, error = 1332 Can you check the permissions on the modules folder again please. As previously mentioned, you need to correct this first and then re-install. John
  7. Did you re-run the installer (as administrator)? If so, please post the install log and maybe the DLL.XML(has the FSUIPC section been created in this file?). If a FSUIPC5.log file is created when you start P3D, please also post this file. Thanks, John
  8. Try activating event logging (from the logging tab) and then use the button/switch to see what control is being sent.
  9. Hi Afurtado, an upgrade from FSUIPC4 to FSUIPC5 will require a new license for FSUIPC5 (see SimMarket). No new license is required for WideFS. To preserve your configuration, simply copy your FSUIPC4.ini file to the new Modules folder location (for P3Dv4) and rename to FSUIPC5.ini. Cheers, John P.S. You posted in the FAQ section - I have moved to the correct location.
  10. Do you mean the 3 switches in the thumb positions (one on left, two on right)? If so, and these are also not picked-up by windows, then I would suspect faulty buttons (esp. if you have one direction but not the other...). I have a saitek yoke and these are seen as buttons 3 & 4 (for left switch), 4&5 (for right vertical), and 6&7 (for right horizontal). Anyway, first try setting-up as indicated by Pete above. Cheers, John
  11. If you are using aircraft specific calibration tools then you will need to post on the support forum for that aircraft. Sorry, but I don't have the VRS F/A-18E. This old post may be useful (although it relates to FSUIPC4, it should still be mainly valid): https://forums.vrsimulations.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=17073 One thing it discusses is that, if you do use FSUIPC for your axis then use 'Send to FS as Normal Axis' and not 'Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration'. Cheers, John P.S. Also some suggestions (use in conjunction with SuperScript?) here: https://forums.vrsimulations.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=17846
  12. Hi Paul, I had a look at this as I was experiencing the same problem about 80% of the time. However, I noticed that if I hit the button twice, the first will flash the icon and then the second press will set show and give focus to the main P3D window. I've therefore made a small update, removing the SetFocus call (not really needed with 'SetForegroundWindow') and calling 'SetForegroundWindow' twice with a short delay in between. A bit of a hack but seems to work. I've also added a call to 'ShowWindow' which will un-minimize the window if it is minimized. The update is in the dll attached (zipped): FSUIPC5150g.zip Cheers, John
  13. Have you looked into using profiles to configure your hardware for different aircraft? Many add-on aircraft also use specific controls, and you may have to investigate the use of local variables (LVARS) or maybe mouse-macros or even the Lua interface. There is extensive documentation provided (look in the 'FSUIPC Documents' in the FSUIPC installation directory 'Modules' folder) with FSUIPC to help you in these areas, and if you have any specific problems we are here to support. There are also extensive user contributions for add-on aircraft (especially PMDG). Please take a look at the FAQ and user contributions. Cheers, John
  14. Are you using a USB hub, and if so, is it powered (it should be)? Do your controls start working at some point, or do you have to restart P3D (or load a new flight/scenario)? Could you send a log file when it disconnects while actually being used, rather than after a long pause. Also, please attach your ini file to check your assignments (are you assigning/calibrating in FSUIPC?). Thanks, John
  15. Hi Tommy, it should be fine to have FSUIPC4 installed for P3Dv3 and FSUIPC5 for P3Dv4. Have you tried starting P3Dv4? If not, please do so and let me know if you can see the 'FSUIPC...' option in the 'Add-ons' menu. Your ini and log files should be generated when you start P3D. Your key file will be generated when you register. Cheers, John
  16. Hi, Please see this FAQ entry: Regards, John
  17. Hi BR Lars, if you delete (or maybe just rename!) your FSUIPC5.ini file (with P3D not running) and then start P3D, it will automatically generate a new default ini file for you with no assignments, etc. And yes, you can install without uninstalling without a problem. You can select 'Not Now' when prompted to register and your existing key file will be used. Cheers, John
  18. You can have WideClient running on your sim PC for this. Set the ClassInstance to non-zero in WideClient.INI (you can have as many WideClients as you like running with different ClassInstances). Any FSUIPC applications will only connect to the ClassInstance 0 program though (which is usually FSUIPC on the sim PC).
  19. event.textmenu() is not currently implemented in FSUIPC4 - only WideClient and FSUIPC5 (added in version 5.15). It may be implemented in FSUIPC4 in a future release.
  20. Hi Ray, the '[LuaFiles] section will contain all *.lua files in your modules directory. Your [Auto] sction is empty, so no luas are being auto-started (hence no mention in ini file). If you want to auto-start the AIFreezer lua script, add the following line to you [Auto] section: 1=Lua AIfreezer e.g. [Auto] 1=Lua AIfreezer [LuaFiles]1=Aifreezer Cheers, John
  21. Rather than entering an 'object name', click the 'Advanced' button, and in the display dialog box just click the 'Find Now' button. You should see an 'Everyone' in the search results - select that and then 'Ok'. John
  22. Sounds like you have some problems with your system... Have you actually tried to start P3D? If not please do so and then report issues and maybe the log file. Thanks, John
  23. Hi Tommy, What other files did you expect? Did you try running P3d - this should create your ini and log files. This may be a problem: Attempt to set the ACL entries for Modules access permissions failed, error = 1332 This is a problem which only exists since Windows 10, and only when you let P3D install in Windows\Program Files. That folder is protected unless you run "as administrator". Now, for most installations, this isn't a problem because provided you run the Installer "as administrator" it is able to change the permissions (just on the Modules folder) automatically. But on just a few systems it is prevented and gets that Error 1332. So, first, if you didn't run the Installer by right-clicking and selecting "run as administrator", please do that now. If there still is no FSUIPC5.LOG or INI after you run P3D, I can only suggest that you edit the permissions on the Modules folder yourself: Allow full access by right clicking on the folder properties: Security-->add Everyone as a user name, then check 'Full Control' access below. You should also register your FSUIPC version when you install for the first time. Regards, John
  24. Hi Skip, can you try the following dll please - unzip and use to replace the one in you Modules folder: FSUIPC5150e.zip Cheers, John
  25. BTW, what version of FSUIPC5 are you using? The latest (supported) version is 5.15.
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